...Would you like it if someone came into your homeland and started to take over? Well that is what happened here. There were many things that changed due to imperialism in Africa and in the Middle East. Some of these things helped the empires grow and expand and some of these things caused some problems within the empires. Many tried to resist imperialism but did not get very far from doing so. Some places did resist imperialism, but even then they had to make great changes and sacrifices. Imperialism had great effect on Africa and the Middle East. Africa was under the rule of the declining Ottoman Empire. This made Africa a place that Europe saw as a good place to divide up to make it into European Colonies. It all started when European explorers...
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...Treaty of Paris (The, 7)(Sarah, 1). Britain was then able to create the British East India Company to make profit from all the resources India had to offer. The company ruled over India, and they even had their own army of Indian soldiers called sepoys. British rule helped India get new, advanced technology and improved daily life, although, it also disrupted the people’s traditions and caused many problems (Beck, 357-358). India was affected by imperialism in a negative way politically and economically, but also in a both positive and negative way socially. Imperialism made a negative impact on India politically. Britain controlled the entire government, and the...
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...Globalization and Cultural Studies Mr. Looi van Kessel, M.A. The English language in Turkey – A case study of linguistic imperialism English is considered to be the world’s lingua franca. It is the most extended language in all kinds of international interactions, including trade, culture, and academia. This is considered to be a factual statement and not a normative one. Certain scholars have considered the rise of English as a positive process in normative terms, while others have critiqued it as a form of imperialism. However, both sides of the argument agree on the principle that English is indeed the global language (Lin and Martin 116). The effects of English linguistic imperialism can be found in a plethora of countries, but they are mostly evident in countries that adopt official language policies to encourage the use of English in order to position themselves closer to the Western world. That is the case of Turkey which has favored English teaching and usage since the late 19th century (Doğançay-Aktuna and Kiziltepe 254-257). Furthermore, this official language policy and its consequences are most noticeable in academia, an environment where English has become an essential tool for participating in the international scientific community. This essay will discuss the case of Turkey as a country that has been directly impacted by English linguistic imperialism, resulting in a struggle between the economic benefits of expanding English usage, and the existence of a nationalist...
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...Compare and Contrast Japanese and Western Imperialism in Asia and the Pacific 23 October 2013 at 18:10 The Japanese pursuit for an empire in South East Asia helped changed the balance of world power away from Europe, by taking their most lucrative colonies. Soon after the Japanese defeat in World War II, most of the colonies won their independence from their European masters. This essay will be arguing that despite the vast geographical distance and cultural, racial differences, as well as the different time periods involved, Japanese and European intentions were very similar, and that these similarities contributed to the weakening of Imperialism as a doctrine. To do so, this essay will be examining the reasons for the Japanese conducting policies of imperialism, when they expanded, what methods they use to expand and the systems of government. Japanese Imperialism will be compared to those of a well known European power active in the region, Britain. J.A Hobson’s seminal work Imperialism: A Study puts forward the idea of the ‘Economic Taproot of Imperialism’. A taproot is the largest root in some plants and is the plant’s primary source of nourishment. Military aggression is simply capitalist expansion. He described it as “As one nation after another enters the machine economy and adopts advanced industrial methods, it becomes more difficult for its manufacturers, merchants and finaciers to dispose profitably of their economic resources and they are tempted more and more to...
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...To Baghdad 1917 to 2003 – Why is knowledge of the British Empire particularly relevant to the study of US relations and American Imperialism especially in the last twenty years? Emy Ibrahim Washington D.C. Public Policy Seminar-Research Paper April 17th, 2007 Our armies do not come into your cities and lands as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators. ... It is [not] the wish of [our] government to impose upon you alien institutions. ... [It is our wish] that you should prosper even as in the past, when your lands were fertile, when your ancestors gave to the world literature, science, and art, and when Baghdad city was one of the wonders of the world. ... It is [our] hope that the aspirations of your philosophers and writers shall be realized and that once again the people of Baghdad shall flourish, enjoying their wealth and substance under institutions which are in consonance with their sacred laws and their racial ideals.[1] The government of Iraq, and the future of your country, will soon belong to you. ... We will end a brutal regime ... so that Iraqis can live in security. We will respect your great religious traditions, whose principles of equality and compassion are essential to Iraq's future. We will help you build a peaceful and representative government that protects the rights of all citizens. And then our military forces will leave. Iraq will go forward as a unified, independent, and sovereign nation that has regained a respected place in the world. You...
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...Dystopia Regrettably it is at this point that we find a gradual switchover from Utopia to Dystopia - societies whose planning is far from ideal, and which all too often come to grief. As a concept, Dystopia emerges at the end of the long Eighteenth Century, possibly as a result of social upheaval and the long wars. it comes to the fore towards the end of the Nineteenth Century with gloomy forebodings as to the impact of industrialisation. Some go for a mechanical paradise. Others foresee a world order where things have got beyond repair - and that's not just the machines. Jack London in The Iron Heel (1908)sees the collapse of the American republic between 1912 and 1932 with the rise of 'The Oligarchy' (though he also thinks that international worker solidarity will avert a world war in 1913). Dystopia is highly pessimistic in tone. It traces what happens when things go wrong, either in an ideal world which has gone into crisis or decline, or else is a portrayal of of a world where society has collapsed at some time in the past. It is form of writing with a moral - and a warning. The irony is that reality can be stranger than fiction. The finale of The Mission is a case in point. The humanitarian goals of the Jesuit Fathers ironically contained the seeds of destruction for the Missions. The presence not only of rational Indians, but Christianised ones who were highly skilled proved to be too much of a temptation for the bandeirantes, slavers who came across from Brazil and...
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...Every country has a degree of self-determination, however, with some countries controlling their own statehood is not good enough. Nationalism is defined as the advocacy for a particular country to be independent. Therefore, nationalist countries naturally want to increase their power out of pride, which in turn has some adverse effects. These countries feel that their country is so great that its influence should be expanded by taking over other countries. The country is then Imperialist. This also sets into place the paradox of Nationalism-Imperialism. The Nationalism- Imperialism paradox essentially shows that Nationalist countries will grow in power until it becomes Imperialist; it will then take over other countries which will eventually...
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...and the conclusion of the war resulted in the destruction of the empires, particularly the Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary Empire. The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire allowed many Middle East countries to be self-governed, while the West such as Great Britain and France had more interest in Europe than in the Middle East enabled the former to play a dominant role of colonization in the region. This seeded confrontation between two different civilizations, resulting in chaos later and to a large extent helping shape the Middle East in today's world. This paper attempts to examine this history arguing how the Ottoman Empire declined and eventually dissolved at the end of WWI. It shows that the internal problems of the Empire, such as its backward political and economic system, failed to compete with the increasing influence of the Western European countries, whose government was more efficient and more industrialized than the former, in the Middle East. The paper starts with a discussion of the contemporary situation in the Empire, and then deals with the problems that led to the conflicts between the Ottoman Empire and the European powers over the Middle East during WWI. It finally analyzes how the defeat of the Ottomans and the increasing British and French dominance in the Middle East laid the ground for today's conflicts in the region between the Arabic states and the Jewish nation, which is supported by the West. Since 1600s the Ottoman Empire had controlled a large...
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...The intervention of British in Iran took a toll on Iran. Like all other imperialism in the Middle East, British interest in Iran was due to its resources, especially after the oil was discovered in Iran in 1905. When the oil was discovered, Britain private companies immediately took control of the oil. They built pipelines to drill the oil, and 40% of the profit was given to the government. The oil was very important resource for British for it empowered their navy, and as result helped them win the WWI, which took place from Jul 28, 1914 to Nov 11, 1918. Moreover, WWI caused great destruction for both countries; Britain was bankrupt, and Iran was completely destroyed. Therefore, Britain established an agreement with Iran, stating that they...
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...Imperialism in Egypt first began in 1805, when Muhammad Ali took over. Muhammad Ali was an Ottoman Sultan who gained power after a long three way civil war between the Ottoman Turks, Egyptian Mamluks, and Albanian mercenaries. The war lasted from 1803-1807, when the Albanian Leader took control in 1805. After he took this position, he strengthened the army, the trade with Europe improved drastically, and he sent officials to Britain to be educated. This lasted until 1849, when Ali died. A few years later in 1863 Ismail was named the new ruler, and he aimed to make Egypt under the rule of the British. He transformed Cairo into a European city, and on September 13, 1882 the British took control of Egypt. Britain’s aim was to stay in Egypt only...
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...the theory that persons, groups, and races are subject to the same laws of natural selection as Charles Darwin had perceived in plants and animals in nature. According to the theory, which was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the weak were diminished and their cultures delimited, while the strong grew in power and in cultural influence over the weak. Social Darwinists held that the life of humans in society was a struggle for existence ruled by “survival of the fittest,” a phrase proposed by the British philosopher and scientist Herbert Spencer. The social Darwinists—notably Spencer and Walter Bagehot in England and William Graham Sumner in the United States—believed that the process of natural selection acting on variations in the population would result in the survival of the best competitors and in continuing improvement in the population. Societies, like individuals, were viewed as organisms that evolve in this manner. The theory was used to support laissez-faire capitalism and political conservatism. Class stratification was justified on the basis of “natural” inequalities among individuals, for the control of property was said to be a correlate of superior and inherent moral attributes such as industriousness, temperance, and frugality. Attempts to reform society through state intervention or other means would, therefore, interfere with natural processes; unrestricted competition and defense of the status quo were in accord with biological selection....
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...Understanding the Modern Middle East What have I learned this semester about the modern Middle East? First I must start with the conflict between Israeli and Palestinian conflict as well as my understanding of what a modern nationalism is and the advocacy toward the Middle Eastern region. In order to truly understand the nation states one must have knowledge about modernity. Modernity which seeks accuracy and representation is a hybrid of nature and culture differences. (Lecture 1/26) History assists us with defining modernity because history is the hybridization of current, past and future, which is the “unknown known”. We can tell the future because of the past, history has its way of repeating itself. The past is what we study, historiography. Modernity also goes hand in hand with control the surround regions, relationships and objects tell which regions have the control over the nation-states. Modernity aids economics and provides the particulars of the evolution of history. (Lecture 2/1) Politics are central to history. Geography matters, it is important to the evolution of history. A religion is traditional and provides prologue. The role of ideology plays a huge part in my understanding of the modern Middle East. Saddam Hussain wanted a secularized government. The issue with his ideology is that secularism is modern, however religion is traditional. Palenstine historically a struggled with existed between secular and theocratic values. Secularism clashes orthodox...
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...The Arab Revolt and the British Response Introduction At the emergence of World War I, the Ottoman Empire had shrunk in population and dominance as a result of formerly colonized territory being lost to European control. It was once an extensive empire consisting of multiple racial and ethnic groups, situated in what is now Istanbul. In spite of being only a fragment of what it once was, the Ottoman Empire still had power over Arab lands south of Turkey by 1914. The Arabs occupying areas in the Middle East had negatively feelings towards the Ottoman rule over what was meant to be Arab land and to reclaim the regions south of Turkey, a revolt against the Ottoman Empire was formulated and the British wished to assist the Arabs in succeeding in their intentions. The governor of Mecca, Sharif...
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...A. Discuss the rise of imperialism or colonialism in one area of the world from the following list: • South America • North America • Central America • India • Southeast Asia • Africa 1. Explain how the indigenous people of the area discussed in part A reacted (via protest, rebellion, accommodation, etc.) to imperialism or colonialism. The rise of imperialism and colonization in India was met with ambivalence by the people. By the 1750's, Britain had established viable relations with India through the East India Trading Company. (Soomo, India and the Indepedence movement, 2013). Items traded were cotton, teas, pepper, and indigo. India was important to Britain for, at that time, it was Britain's only foothold into the East due to growing competition from the Dutch. The EITC governed large areas of India, using private armies and British troops. (Soomo, India and the Indepedence movement, 2013). India was a popular "conquer" for England and held a certain mysticism and romantic allure due to its beautiful adornments, culture, and language. It became known as the "Jewel of the Crown". (Soomo, Bridging World History episode 121: Compexities of Colonialism: Refashioning Colonial Identities, 2013). Trading posts were established with approval from the Indian people. In fact, due to outside conflicts, lack of communication between their own Indian rulers, and inconsistencies within their government, the EITC quickly moved into India's administration without...
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...Mohamed Sarhan 900050146 The British Occupation of Egypt in “1882” European countries have always tried to strengthen themselves by occupying less powerful countries in different places all over the world, so as to ensure that none of these countries would reach a stage of economic and political stability that might be in someway threatening to these European countries. Some of these situations where a European country occupies another country might turn beneficial to the occupied country but in the majority of cases the problems this country starts to accumulate as the occupying country takes everything it can to benefit itself leaving the other country with accumulating problems that might lead to riots, civil wars and even revolutions as in the case of Egypt. By turning the focus to Egypt one can find that it was mainly a centre of attention for many European countries, due to its location in the centre of Africa, its strong image among neighbouring countries and its location on the trade map where its found between the Mediterranean and the red sea, and so its really controls the path of all passing ships. The history of Egypt being occupied dates back to along time ago from the Greeks to the huge ottoman empire from 1517 till the British occupation in 1882, with some minor interruptions by Napoleon’s France in the French expedition...
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