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Broadband Access


Submitted By chasity96707
Words 400
Pages 2
* * * * * * * * * * * Introduction to Internet Broadband Access * NTC/362 * April 3, 2013 * Professor Steven * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Introduction to Broadband Internet Access * Broadband Internet access is an important structure for involvement in today's economy and main driver for evolution and modernization. Broadband Internet access indeed is the most used system of access to the Internet due to its fast access speeds. The two trends this paper discusses is mobile broadband and cable connection. Mobile broadband and cable broadband services both allow Internet users to get their Internet-ready devices online. While both cable broadband and mobile broadband connect to the Internet, there are differences in the way these two services work. The type of service that is best for one person may not be the best choice for another, particularly if a user travels a lot. Cable Internet services guarantees some restriction in regards to where a subscriber is able to connect to the Internet. Mobile broadband services allow individuals to access Internet anywhere at any time. Both mobile broadband and cable broadband services allow a user to create a network that connects other Internet users nearby. With a wireless router, cable broadband users can connect any Internet ready device within the home or office. The same can be said for mobile broadband users.
The local cable TV issuer supplies the broadband cable access. Here the cable Internet connection speed differs with the amount of users on the service at an unambiguous point in time. Given a particular area, users of the broadband cable Internet share the connection, which makes the speed sluggish the more users are on the system. This will happen during peak times, for example late in the evenings after work or school is finished when a majority of people accesses the Internet.
Anyone who has had the pleasure of using high speed Internet service at work, at home, at a hotel, at a Campus, or anywhere else knows how superior broadband Internet speeds can be. I believe that some advantages for broadband access are what drive these trends. Some of these advantages include: Rapid loading of web pages and email, fast file/program downloads, quick computer updates, and the ability to easily stream video and music. Another advantage for broadband Internet access is that it enables some businesses to allow employees to work from home—something I wish my job would accept and find effective in the near future. *

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