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Brutality To The Convicts In Punishment

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Bryan Gronset
Australian History
Brutality to the Convicts in Punishment
To what extent were Australian convicts subjected to brutal punishment? In your answer you need to show awareness of the variations across the convict system for the 80 year period of convict transportation from 1788 to 1868 To understand the Australian convict system and the punishments the convicts had to endure from 1788-1868 taking a look at a collection of documents that created policies and hand written accounts from peoples journals, newspapers, books, and private records. After looking at the written documents it is important to understand the view points of some historians such as Robert Hughes who convicts sees the of the fatal shores as victims of …show more content…
The New South Wales Magazine talks about the profits and punishments of convicts during 1833. If a convict who is working for their master looks to run off or neglect to work he could be brought before the justice system and sentenced to a flogging, solitary cell, or work in a chain gang on a public road. If the servant or convict did as he was asked such as Mr. Macqueen did he would receive 7 pounds of beef, 9 pounds of flour, and sometimes on good behavior a quart of milk and 2 ounces of tobacco. After long hours of work from sun up to sundown 6 days a week he would be allowed to travel to see his wife/girlfriend upon the allowance of his master until his sentence is up and can do as he pleases as a free man. Hughes talks about the system swelling in the 1830’s where more criminals were caught and processed but moved away from the harsh punishment of death and moved more towards the floggings and less harsh punishments. So as the time went on from the beginning of the first settlement to the 1830’s where they had set up towns, farms, post offices, and other important buildings crime was happening but had set more ground rules down and rules such as death was only given to more of the serious crimes and petty crimes were handled as accordingly. With the data and other historical data tends to show a …show more content…
1788: The Brutal Truth of the First Fleet : The Biggest Single Overseas Migration the World Had Ever Seen. North Sydney, N.S.W.: William Heinemann, 2008. 1-375.
Clark, C. M. H. A History of Australia. Carlton, Victoria: Melbourne University Press;, 1962. 3-411.
Shaw, A. G. L. Convicts and the Colonies: A Study of Penal Transportation from Great Britain and Ireland to Australia and Other Parts of the British Empire. London: Faber, 1966. 13-391.
Fletcher, Brian H. Landed Enterprise and Penal Society: A History of Farming and Grazing in New South Wales before 1821. Sydney: Sydney University Press, 1976. 1-239.
Lawrence, Susan, and Peter Davies. An Archaeology of Australia Since 1788. New York, New York: Springer Science Business Media, LLC, 2011. 1-405.
Department of the Enviornment. "Heritage." Australian Database. September 13, 20133. Accessed March 6, 2015.;place_id=106209.
Australian Government. Australian Convict Sites: World Heritage Nomination. Canberra: Dept. of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2008. 5-247.

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