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Budgets and Funds


Submitted By jiaojie
Words 1528
Pages 7
Budgets and Funds
— The City of Portland

Introduction In each government organization’s management systems, the budget plays a significant role which reflects its policy, goals, and priorities. To understand better, it is necessary to know the purpose and function of budget. This paper will talk about why and how to use budgets and funds in governmental accounting by analyzing the budget of the city of Portland. First of all, I will introduce the fund system of accounting and compare the different budgets for funds. Second, I will analyze the budget of Portland to give an idea that how they use funds according to their purpose and restrictions, and how this can be conveyed to the voters so they can ask the right questions to make a good choice in the election. Last, I will give my opinion on how government can explain the budgets used more effectively for the public to understand.
Fund System and Budget To understand how budget be used, it is necessary to know the fund system of accounting first. Overall in governmental accounting there are three broad categories of fund types: governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds. First, the governmental funds, which are taxed based, receive sales tax, property tax, vehicle tax, and other state and federal taxes as their main source of revenues. There are five types of funds in this category: general fund, special revenue funds, capital projects funds, debt service funds, and permanent funds. Second, proprietary funds, which are business-like funds, do not include any taxes in revenues. All revenues come from charges for service to outsides or other government departments. There are two funds in this category: enterprise fund and permanent funds. Third, fiduciary funds hold all revenues in trust, endowment or as bequeath, which must be used for only purpose designated. In this category, there are four types of funds: pension trust funds, investment trust funds, agency funds, and private purpose trust funds. This fund system of accounting in government, which distinguishes different funds in details, makes the budgetary more specific.
Chart 1: Fund System of Accounting in Government Categories | Governmental Funds | Proprietary Funds | Fiduciary Funds | Main Revenue | Taxes, Revenues, Fees | Charges for Service | Trust | Types of Funds | General FundSpecial Revenue FundCIP FundDebts Service FundPermanent Fund | Enterprise FundInternal Service Fund | pension trust fundinvestment trust fundagency fundprivate purpose trust fund |

Government organizations need a budget mainly because a government must live with the limits of revenues earned for their accounting period. There are different types of budgets. One is operating budgets, which is legally adopted annual appropriations. These budgets are used by the general fund and special revenue funds. The other one is flexible budgets, which include project to date budget and financial planning budget. Project to date budget is used by CIP fund and financial planning budget is commonly used for proprietary funds. In addition, there is no budget for fiduciary funds and permanent fund. To make this accounting system structure easier to understand, it is necessary to understand the purpose of funds, budget for fund, the recognition of revenue, expenditure, debt, liability, asset, and depreciation in fund statements.

Analysis of budget of Portland For the city of Portland, the budget serves as an operation guide for the government and its activities. It implements the city’s long-range strategic and financial plans, and also informs residents of the short-term and long-term issues and challenges confronting the city. The budget of Portland focus on general fund, and the following charts summarize the city’s general fund budget for fiscal year 2011-2012. From these two charts, we can find that property taxes are the largest revenue for general funds and public safety is the main part in service area. As talked in city’s budget, one of key goals in building the budget is to protect public safety services. Therefore, according to this purpose, government makes budget focus on public safety as the chief part in general fund. Resource | Budget | Percent | Property Taxes | $ 198,009,386 | 39.6% | Utility License Fees | 70,813,350 | 14.2% | Business Licenses | 67,386,974 | 13.5% | Transfers from Other Funds | 58,741,237 | 11.8% | Beginning Fund Balance | 39,382,981 | 7.9% | Service Charges & Other | 25,537,604 | 5.1% | Intergovernmental | 24,705,316 | 4.9% | Lodging Taxes | 15,248,600 | 3.1% | Total General Fund Budget | $499,825,448 | 100.0% |

Chart 2: General Fund—Resources by Major Category

Chart 3: General Fund—Requirements by Service Area Service Area | Budget | Percent | Public Safety | $274,766,508 | 55.0% | Parks, Recreation, & Culture | 69,524,856 | 13.9% | City Support Services | 60,938,543 | 12.2% | Community Development | 41,239,887 | 8.3% | Reserves and Other Transfers | 26,150,055 | 5.2% | Elected Officials | 17,501,341 | 3.5% | Transportation & Parking | 9,704,258 | 1.9% | Total General Fund Budget | $499,825,448 | 100.0% |

Besides, when in the election, voters need these financial budgets to determine which part they should emphasize and how much change they need to make for funds so they can ask right questions to make a good choice. In Portland, the City Council, sitting as the Budget Committee, holds one or more public hearings before the budget is approved. The public may testify on any budget topic during these hearings or submit online testimony. The teams of Commissioners and Community Budget Advisors also took public comments at their meetings, and the City held two budget forums, where participants' comments were transcribed and forwarded to Council. At the first Budget Committee meeting, the budget message will be delivered to explain the Proposed Budget and significant changes in the City's financial position. After the initial meeting, the Budget Committee may meet as many times as needed to revise and approve the budget. All meetings are open to the public. After that, City Council will vote to officially adopt the budget before the start of the new fiscal year. Changes that are allowed between the time the budget is approved and final adoption are defined by Local Budget Law. The budget schedule is shown as followed:
Chart 4: FY 2011–12 Budget Schedule
Budget kickoff November 17
Presentation of General Fund financial forecast to Council December 8
Bureaus submit Requested Budgets, capital improvement plans,
and if required, five-year financial plans January 31
Financial Planning analysis of five-year plans, CIPs, and Requested Budget due March 7
Bureaus present Requested Budgets to City Council Mar 14-Apr 12
Mayor releases Proposed Budget decisions April 29
Proposed Budget document available May 17
Budget Committee meetings on the Proposed Budget May 18-19
Utility Rate Review (two hearings) May 18 & 25
Budget Committee action to approve budget May 25
Tax Supervising & Conservation Commission hearing on Approved Budget June 15
Council action to adopt budget June 16
Public Involvement in Budget The budget is a communication tool which informs citizens of the short-term and long-term issues and challenges confronting the city. It is a little complicated to understand for the public. In order to ensure that all stakeholders were involved in the budget development process, the government has utilized a variety of methods to solicit budget input, including telephone and mass mailed surveys, community forums, as well as community budget web site. I think the government should use more comparisons and graphics to interpret why make these budgets, and also make the explanation which is much closer to residents’ real life, by not only numbers, but also some specific matters. For example, in Portland’s budget, there is a slightly lower property tax forecast. So the government should explain to the public why it happens. The interpretation could be that as conditions in the housing market have worsened since December, and because of the voter-approved Measure 5 and 50 to insulate general fund property tax from market conditions, changes to the real market values of properties will have an impact at the margins. The result is lower near-term growth in property tax collections. Moreover, the feedback of the public helped Council prioritize services and focus on specific areas for improvement as well as areas that could be cut. Government should attract more residents’ interests and suggestions in the budget for own city, then the budget will be more effective and accurate.
Based on the introduction of fund system of accounting and the analysis of Portland’s budget, it is clear that why and how to use the budgets for funds in government. After understanding the accounting structure, it is necessary to know how to use the funds according to the purpose and how this can be conveyed to the voters to make a good budget. Last but not least, it is important to make budgets more effectively for the public to understand. All in all, the budget is a very crucial process in governmental accounting.

Reference 1. Freeman, Shoulders, Allison, Patton, Smith (2011). Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting: Theory and Practice. 2. CAFR of Portland (2010). Retrieved October 30, 2011, from 3. Adopted Budget in Brief – City of Portland, Oregon, Fiscal Year 2011-12

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