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Congress Budget Process

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In the basic framework of the congress, the constitution grants the congress the rights to establish any budgetary legislation that contributes to the Federal budgetary process. The Budgetary and Accounting Act of 1921 has a statutory basis whereby the executive budget process demands that the President submits to the Congress a proposed budget for running the business of the Federal government annually (United States, 2017). This helps the president in doing his projects e.g. medical care and other responsibilities in the financial year. The General Accounting Office (agency in government accountability) is responsible for the budget allocation after approval by the Congress. The General Accounting Office is also responsible for provision …show more content…
A comprehensive monitoring of the Federal revenue and spending is necessary in the congress. This is made possible by selection of Congressional committees, which give their views and estimates on the revenue and spending in the different jurisdictions of the House and Senate Budget committees. The Budget Committees collect information and views in every budgetary decision and process in order to determine the budget priorities and economic projections (Lynch, 2011).
Budget resolution is key in the Congress Budget Process. In this case, a concurrent resolution is used to prove the agreement between the Senate and the House in order to formulate the appropriate bills that conform to the budget priorities. Implementation of fiscal policies and reconciliation process in the budget allocation is used to in the budget resolution (Radin, 2016). Other observation in the budgetary reconciliation include the implementation of policies that affect the public debt limit and the annual budget cycle in every financial year (Mowery, et. al., …show more content…
The Federal funds or the general funds is mainly about the taxing power as well as the general borrowing that is attached to any agency or even a program. Appropriation acts determine the use of Federal funds. The Trust Funds are usually set for specific purposes or programs for example the social security fund that is used for Social welfare and other purposes that affect the unified budget. The balances in the budgetary allocation usually offset a budget deficit that is in the federal debt and this raises the budgetary surplus in the monies that are paid for the operation of different government agencies (Lynch,

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