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Submitted By Joybella
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Pages 3
Sequestration is a term used to describe the practice of using mandatory spending cuts in the federal budget. It was first the Budget Control Act of 2011 this was the bill that would have set a limit on what needs to be done and cut to make the economy better, but they fell to get this bill into play because there was a divide in the congress wants. The sequester came about because congress was required to vote on December 23, 2011 about cutting spending, but did not do so. Republicans and Democrats needed to agree to balanced spending reduction for the bill to be passed. If failed, which they did, the enforcement mechanism will began spending cuts starting in 2013 on March 1. It would split 50/50 between domestic and defense spending. The law protects some Social Security and Medicare benefits.
Democrats wanted a mix of spending cuts and tax increases. House Democrats suggested trading the $85 billion in 2013 sequester cuts with a combination of tax increases, and the Senate Democrats also introduced the American Family Economic Protection Act which would have replaced the 2013 sequester with $110 billion in spending cuts and tax increases and both spread plans would spread out over the progression of a decade rather than hitting so hard in a year.
Republicans insist that only spending cuts need to be made. House Republicans suggested the Spending Reduction Act of 2012 Budget would have replaced the 2013 defense sequester with a variety of spending cuts, including cuts to food stamps, the Affordable Care Act, and would have challenged the main promises of Medicare to our seniors, It could have minimum the size of the domestic sequester in proportion to the $19 billion.
The President did not even stand for suggestions that would have placed the sole burden of budget cuts on lower-income and middle-class families. He wanted to see the 2013 sequester replaced with tax increases and spending cuts.
All in all cuts should be made, but the drastic drop of the economy is a bit ridiculous. The sequester should have never been in place. The government should have taken the time to sort out their differences than letting the Sequestration catch them. There were ideas from both sides that could have worked to make this spending low all around. Spreading the cut over years would have made less of a major impact then hitting full blown in the year of 2013. Many government workers may possibly lose their jobs, our military veterans will be affected and the ones serving now in a little ways. To fix this there should be some tax increase but more spending that is not needed to survive, such as, certain TV shows. We need all of the programs that is here for the survival of humans. There needs to be things like food stamps, and disaster control these things are what help human kind survive. Taxing those who make more than the set average a year is a good idea, it won’t directly affect those whom don’t have much income. If the government doesn’t fix this soon we may hit a bottom that will take a while to rise up from. Not saying that it will be impossible just will take longer than if the cut where to be made over time. They should just cut the spending cost over a decade’s time and leave the taxes alone, everyone will be happy.

AKABAS, SHAI. "THE SEQUESTER: MECHANICS AND IMPACT." Http:// Bipartisan Policy Center, n.d. Web. 3 Mar. 2013.
Ferraro, Thomas. "Sequestration News Spurs Calls To Congress From Irate Constituents." The Huffington Post., 02 Mar. 2013. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.
Jan, Tracey. "Republicans Stand Firm against Tax Hikes as Sequester Continues, Look to Broad Budget Discussion." the New York Times, 03 Mar. 2013. Web. 04 Mar. 2013.
Matthews, Dylan. "The Sequester: Absolutely Everything You Could Possibly Need to Know, in One FAQ." Http:// The Washington Post, 1 Mar. 2013.
Emily Chow, Kat Downs, Katie Park, Kenneth W. Smith Jr. and Tim Richardson - The Washington Post. Published Feb. 24, 2013. Updated Feb. 25, 2013.
United States. Cong. Bill. N.p.: n.p., n.d.

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