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Ocean Sequestration Research Paper

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Ocean Sequestration:
Carbon concentration in atmosphere is growing every day, the ocean acts as a largest sink for the human emitted CO2, also discharging CO2 directly to the ocean would accelerate the ongoing, but slow, natural processes by which over 90% of present-day emissions are currently entering the ocean indirectly and would reduce both peak atmospheric CO2 concentrations and their rate of increase.(Howard J. Herzog Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Energy Laboratory).
Layers of Ocean:
The ocean contains 40000 billion tones of carbon, whereas only 750 billion tones of carbon was in atmosphere,and 2200 billion tones of carbon in terrestrial biosphere. So the amount that doubles the carbon content in atmosphere will cause only 2% increase in carbon content in ocean.
The temperature and density profiles of ocean vary with season and location, in broad ocean can be categorized into three strata, they are upper mixed layer about 100m depth, thermocline region extending upto 1000 meter, and the third is the deep region. Upper mixed layer has near constant density, temperature profiles over the depth and gaseous concentration levels in equilibrium with the atmosphere. The …show more content…
Every year they exchange about 90 billion tones of carbon, with a net ocean uptake currently about 2billion tones. So how effective will be this sequestration.Is sequestration permanent or how fast does it changes. Because there has been no long-term CO2 direct-injection experiment in the ocean, the long-term effectiveness of direct CO2 injection must be predicted based on observations of other oceanic tracers (e.g., radiocarbon) and on computer models of ocean circulation and chemistry. It is proved that about 80% of the CO2 will be sequestered permanently, with the rest taking several hundred years to return to the atmosphere. (CARBON SEQUESTRATION VIA DIRECT INJECTION Howard J. Herzog, Ken Caldeira, and Eric

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