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PTSD In The Military

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Throughout history, dating back to 1775, when the first branch of the military was established, servicemen and veterans have been struggling with the denial of benefits for PTSD. The government needs to make serious changes because the lack of help they are receiving is leading to things such as depression and suicide throughout all of the branches of the military.
PTSD is short for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder which is an anxiety disorder that results from a scary experience, such as a very intense military or combat experience. In many situations soldiers are deployed for various reasons and end up active duty in the field. They witness things most of us can’t even bare to imagine.. They go through things that are unimaginable.. They deal with the stress of being away from their loved ones just to protect the citizens of the U.S. Then they come back from deployment and are immediately put back into the civilian world. The stress, effects, and trauma add up overtime because they don’t know how to process their emotions correctly.
Soldiers and veterans deserve to have the help they need regardless of things such as misconduct. During intense research an article was …show more content…
Between 20 percent and 50 percent walk away before completion according to the article Stars And Stripes (Union of Concerned Scientists). An Army analysis concludes that most service members have at least one experience during the whole deployment that could potentially lead to PTSD. Despite the research, few service members seek help. “Soldiers in an all-volunteer force want to be selected for a combat mission and they are afraid that psychological testing will prevent them from deploying,” Johnson said. Regardless of the reasons, Wynn said it’s important that troops get the help they truly need. They are just terrified of what they’ll be

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