...AVR312: Using the USI module as a I2C slave Features • • • • C-code driver for TWI slave, with transmit and receive buffers Compatible with Philips' I2C protocol Interrupt driven, detection and transmission/reception Wake up from all sleep mode, including Power Down 8-bit Microcontrollers Application Note 1 Introduction The Two Wire serial Interface (TWI) is compatible with Philips' I2C protocol. The bus was developed to allow simple, robust and cost effective communication between integrated circuits in electronics. The strengths of the TWI bus includes the capability of addressing up to 128 devices on the same bus, arbitration, and the possibility to have multiple masters on the bus. The Universal Serial Interface (USI) module on devices such as ATmega169, ATtiny26 and ATtiny2313, has a dedicated Two-wire mode. The USI provides the basic hardware resources needed for synchronous serial communication. Combined with a minimum of control software, the USI allows higher transfer rates and uses less code space than solutions based on software only. Interrupts are included to minimize the processor load. This document describes how to use the USI for TWI slave communication. Source code for communication drivers for transmission and reception is provided. The code is complete with both data buffer handling and combined transmitter and receiver. Rev. 2560C-AVR-09/05 2 Theory This section gives a short description of the TWI and USI interfaces...
Words: 2980 - Pages: 12
...arbitrary number of users to produce rendered pixel streams, and 2) how to transfer those pixel streams out of the server’s frame buffers and into one or more encoders, for transmission to the user. We have implemented a new form of display virtualization that solves both of these problems in a low-level and transparent manner. Using our display virtualization (which we call the virtual cathode ray tube controller (VCRTC)), the cloud system can support an arbitrary number of pixel streams (bounded only by memory and bandwidth resources), and it can dynamically associate those streams with encoders. VCRTCs are completely transparent to the applications: No application needs to be modified, recompiled, or even relinked to use VCRTCs. Because they are low-level and transparent, VCRTCs are also a general mechanism with utility beyond cloud systems. © 2012 Alcatel-Lucent. Introduction Three-dimensional rendering is the process of transforming a model of a three-dimensional (3D) scene into a two-dimensional array of pixels. Pixels are typically displayed on a monitor but can also be stored for further rendering operations. Applications such as computer games and scientific visualization software continuously perform 3D rendering as part of their operation. Also, some windowing systems, such as Microsoft’s Desktop Window Manager [13] and the open source Compiz [4], use 3D...
Words: 7263 - Pages: 30
...Introduction to graphics and LCD technologies NXP Product Line Microcontrollers Business Line Standard ICs Agenda Passive and active LCD technologies – How LCDs work, STN and TFT differences – How data is converted to colors on the LCD LCD signal interface and timing parameters – LCD signals and timing – Controlling the backlight Introduction to frame buffers with the LPC32x0 MCU – How graphics data is stored in memory – Color depth and lookup tables System considerations for LCD based systems – Mapping LCD data signals to the LCD controller signals – LCD data bandwidth Examples Passive and active LCD technologies How an LCD works An array of Liquid Crystal segments – When not in an electrical field, crystals are organized in a random pattern – When an electric field is applied, the crystals align to the field – The crystals themselves do not emit light, but ‘gate’ the amount of light that can pass through them • Crystals aligned perpendicular to a light source will prevent light from passing through them Each LCD segment is aligned with an electric field A light source (backlight) is needed to drive light through the aligned crystal field Courtesy of Sharp Passive displays Passive LCD panels – Consists of a grid of row and columns electrical signals – Columns and rows connect perpendicularly to every segment in the LCD • Columns and rows are multiplexed to many different segments – An IC controls which column and row are selected...
Words: 2211 - Pages: 9
...life. Air pollutants include oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur, halogenated and non-halogenated hydrocarbons, suspended inorganic particulate matters, inorganic and organic acids, insecticides, bacteria, viruses, etc. Also read: Essay on Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solution Characteristics: Air pollution characteristics in a particular region are influenced by: * The type and amount of pollutant and their source of emission. * The topographical and meteorological conditions affecting dispersion, concentration and trans-boundary transport of pollutants. * The type of technology and various raw materials used in the manufacturing process and the type and quantum of emissions. * The extent of industrialization and population density. Sources of air pollutants Major sources of air pollution includes both natural sources and man-made source (anthropogenic). A. Natural sources: The natural sources of air pollutants includes volcanic eruptions, forest fires, deflation of sands and dusts, storms, etc. Pollutants from natural sources Volcanoes: Volcanic activity produces pollutants such as ashes, smokes, carbon dioxide, chlorine, sulfur, dust and other gases. Land surface: The dusts and soil particles from large ground surfaces, and salts from seas and ocean, etc. often get mixed with earth’s...
Words: 3530 - Pages: 15
...behavioural, etc. But that isn’t true, poverty is a system controlled by the government. Poverty is created. I’m going to be discussing Paul Kivel’s buffer zone theory. Paul Kivel is an educator, writer, and activist who describes the buffer zone as “a role that some people perform through their work that helps the system run smoothly and without change”. I can tell you from first hand account that social services, and government assistance are a means to control people and prevent unrest. There are 3 functions...
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...GREEN COMPUTING Phase-I What is Green computing? Green computing includes the implementation of best practices, such as energy efficiency central processing units (CPUs), peripherals and servers. In addition green technology aims to reduce resource consumption and improve the disposal of electronic waste (e-waste). Energy star: Energy Star (trademarked ENERGY STAR) is an international standard for energy efficient consumer products originated in the United States. It was created in 1992 by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy. Since then, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan and the European Union have adopted the program. Devices carrying the Energy Star service mark, such as computer products and peripherals, kitchen appliances, buildings and other products, generally use 20–30% less energy than required by federal standards. In the United States, the Energy Star label is also shown on Energy Guide appliance label of qualifying products. Phase-II Main Modules of Green Computing Emerging Memory: Emerging technologies are those technical innovations which represent progressive developments within a field for competitive advantage converging technologies represent previously distinct fields which are in some way moving towards stronger inter connections and similar goals. Bamboo: It is becoming increasingly popular for making casings for computers...
Words: 2219 - Pages: 9
..."M" laboratory film was used and obtained from Neenah, WI. Gel Seal ¼ oz tube was used and had the ID number 80642143. A corks metric ruler was used. A black plastic wedge was used. A 60-cc and 10-cc syringe was used. Sample treatment buffer (STB) was used (prepared by adding 3.0 mL of glycerol, 0.1 g of ultrapure SDS, 6.0 mL of stacking gel buffer, 1.0 mL of -mercaptoethanol to a 15-mL conical centrifuge test tube and mixing by vortex action, and a pinch of Bromophenol blue dye). Three 10-mL and a 25-mL macropipette was used. Two 100-mL beakers were used. A 500-mL beaker was used. Stock slab acrylamide (30% = 29.2 g acrylamide/0.8 g bis-acrylamide per 100 mL of deionized water) made on 10/19/2015 was used. Upper tank buffer (prepared by dissolving 58.38 g of glycine, 12.0 g Triza base, and 4.0 g of...
Words: 1556 - Pages: 7
...intense controversy about potential risks associated with this technology. The use of genetic engineering to “phytomanufacture” protein pharmaceuticals holds many real and potential benefits. Though they have worked to come up with acceptable protocols, such as buffer zones around its plots, transporting rice in covered trucks, and using dedicated processing equipment, strong opposition still exists. Four advocacy organizations. Friends of the Earth, the Center for Food Safety, Consumers Union, and Environment California produced and submitted a detailed report for a moratorium...
Words: 1126 - Pages: 5
...cable plant, network, system or link is installed, it needs to be tested for four reasons: to insure the fiber optic cable plant was properly installed to specified industry standards. to insure the equipment intended for use on the cable plant will operate properly on the cabling to insure the communications equipment is working to specifications to document the cable plant and network for reference in case of future problems Tools and Test Equipment Needed The following tools are needed to test and troubleshoot the fiber optic cable plant, system or link properly. Optical Loss Test Set or power meter and test source with optical ratings matching the specifications of the installed system and proper connector adapters. An OLTS that merely tests cable plant loss may not include a calibrated power meter needed for testing transmitter and receiver power, so a calibrated power meter and source are a better choice for link or system testing. Reference test cables with proper sized fiber and connectors and compatible mating adapters of known good quality. These do not generally need to be “reference quality” but only in good condition, generally defined as having connector losses of less than 0.5 dB. Visual fiber tracer and/or visual fault locator Connector inspection microscope with magnification of 100-200X and fixturing for proper connectors. Video microscopes are recommended. e. Cleaning supplies intended specifically for the cleaning of fiber optic connectors, The Optional: OTDR...
Words: 592 - Pages: 3
...40 grams of agarose and fifty ml of response cushion. The agarose was allotted utilizing a scale and the response cushion was apportioned in a graduated chamber for precision. The blend then in a flagon was then warmed in a microwave for sixty seconds until the agarose was completely broken up. At that point Parafilm was set over the carafe safely. Once the agarose was removed from the microwave and cooled for around twenty minutes, more than two microliters of ethidium bromide (EtBr) was included. The agarose/EtBr blend was then filled the gel plate of the electrophoresis mechanical assembly and was left to stand so it would harden. Once the gel was strong, we inserted the samples in the gel. The plate was then turned and connected to a power charge in order for the samples to move accross the gel Results After contrasting every path with another so as to perceive on the off chance that they coordinate. Contrasting presume DNA versus crime scene test with compound...
Words: 1528 - Pages: 7
...living things – with air, water, food and safe places to live. If we don't act now, climate change will rapidly alter the lands and waters we all depend upon for survival, leaving our children and grandchildren with a very different world. Along with the alteration of our land and many other negative transformations, climate change comes with numerous other threatening consequences. Examples of these include endangerment of wildlife, increase of heat related diseases and illnesses, stronger storms and increased storm damage, and economic losses. Each and every one of these effects can cause numerous intense impacts to the way we live today, and as mentioned, for our descendents in the future. Gases emitted by power plants, automobiles, deforestation and other sources are warming up the planet, and contributing to rising temperatures. In fact, according to scientific records and meteorologists, the five hottest years on record have all occurred since 1997 and the 10 hottest since 1990, including the warmest years on record – 2005 and 2010. High temperatures are the primary culprit to blame for an increase in heat-related deaths and illness, rising seas, increased storm intensity, and many of the other dangerous consequences of climate change. These same facts have been mentioned in the controversial Al Gore movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”. In fact, if the globe continues to...
Words: 1079 - Pages: 5
...EMT 212/4 ANALOG ELECTRONIC II Chapter 2 – Op-amp Application Content 1. 2. Op-amp Application Introduction Inverting Amplifier Non-inverting Amplifier Voltage Follower / Buffer Amplifier Summing Amplifier Differencing Amplifier Integrator Differentiator Comparator Summary Frequency Response Op-amp Application Introduction Op-amps are used in many different applications. We will discuss the operation of the fundamental op-amp applications. Keep in mind that the basic operation and characteristics of the op-amps do not change — the only thing that changes is how we use them Inverting Amplifier Circuit consists of an op-amp and three resistors The positive (+) input to the op-amp is grounded through R2 The negative (-) input is connected to the input signal (via R1) and also to the feedback signal from the output (via RF) Inverting Amplifier V V+ Assume that amplifier operates in its linearly amplifying region. For an ideal op-amp, the difference between the input voltages V+ and V to the op-amp is very small, essentially zero; V V 0 V V Inverting Amplifier V V+ Hence; Vin V Vin iin R1 R1 Inverting Amplifier The op-amp input resistance is large, so the current into the +ve and –ve op-amp inputs terminal will be small, essentially zero V Vout iin RF Vin V V Vout RF R1 V 0 Vin Vout ...
Words: 2577 - Pages: 11
...who is hacking for ethical reasons. B. Someone who is using his/her skills for ethical reasons. C. Someone who is using his/her skills for defensive purposes. D. Someone who is using his/her skills for offensive purposes. Answer: C Explanation: Ethical hacking is only about defending your self or your employer against malicious persons by using the same techniques and skills. QUESTION 3: Who is an Ethical Hacker? A. A person whohacksfor ethical reasons B. A person whohacksfor an ethical cause C. A person whohacksfor defensive purposes D. A person whohacksfor offensive purposes Answer: C Explanation: The Ethical hacker is a security professional who applies his hacking skills for defensive purposes. Actualtests.com - The Power of Knowing 312-50 QUESTION 4: What is "Hacktivism"? A. Hacking for a cause B. Hacking ruthlessly C. An association which groups activists D. None of the above Answer: A Explanation: The term was coined by author/critic Jason Logan...
Words: 34575 - Pages: 139
.................. 5 14.3.1. SI Analysis in the Design Flow................................................................................................... 5 14.3.2. Principles of SI Analysis............................................................................................................. 7 14.4. SI Issues in Design.............................................................................................................................. 9 14.4.1. Rise Time and SI......................................................................................................................... 9 14.4.2. Transmission Lines, Reflection, Crosstalk.................................................................................. 9 14.4.3. Power/Ground Noise................................................................................................................. 10 14.5. Modeling and...
Words: 8259 - Pages: 34
...Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits Solutions to Exercises and Problems Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey H. Lang Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology c 1998 Anant Agarwal and Jeffrey H. Lang July 3, 2005 Chapter 1 The Circuit Abstraction Exercises Exercise 1.1 Quartz heaters are rated according to the average power drawn from a 120 volt AC 60 Hz voltage source. Estimate the resistance (when operating) a 1200 watt quartz heater. NOTE: The voltage waveform for a 120 volt AC 60 Hz waveform is The factor of in the peak amplitude cancels when the average power is computed. One result is that the peak amplitude of the voltage from a 120 volt wall outlet is about 170 volts. Solution: Power watts ; where is average value of sinusoidal voltage, Average value of a sinusoidally oscillating signal is the peak value divided by Therefore Therefore 1 © ¥£ $ ¡ ! 3 © § ¥£¡ ¦QPIHG00F E¨¦¤¢ ¥£ & $ ¡ ! ¦%('%#" ¨¦¤¢ © § ¥£¡ (0 7 0 T § 02@ CA § @ 3 71 § 3 1 ¦D B29865)42§ § S@ § 0)R © (0)§ C D B(0 A § . 2 ANS:: CHAPTER 1. THE CIRCUIT ABSTRACTION Exercise 1.2 a) The battery on your car has a rating stated in ampere-hours which permits you to estimate the length of time a fully charged battery could deliver any particular current before discharge. Approximately how much energy is stored...
Words: 68284 - Pages: 274