...B.U.G. Inc. Paper LAW/421 May 9, 2013 B.U.G. Inc. Paper BUG Inc. is one of the largest manufacturers within confines of the United States that produces and sells electronic recording devices that are heavily used by law enforcement agencies, i.e., police, FBI, etc. to intercept and record sounds and voices. These products that are manufactured by BUG are highly dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands. These electronic devices have the ability to tap into telephone wires, cell phone transmissions, and even intercept sound waves and voices through the walls of any room in any house or open areas. BUG wants to expand its product internationally, but is hesitant to pursue because of possible detriments that it may have in regards to the different types of legal protections, civil liabilities, torts, and down to its privacy, security, infringement issues, and email contract validity. BUG Inc. hired a group of specialists to define these problem areas and discuss the importance of why it should be taken care of. Bug, Inc. should have several protections for its intellectual property. The protections include trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, and patents. The Uniform Trade Secret act and common law protect the secret processes, formulas, methods, procedures, and lists that provide Bug, Inc. with economic advantage. This protection lasts for the life of the entity or owner. For example, customer lists with contact information, buying patterns, and credit histories involving...
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...Abstract This paper will identify the various degrees of legal protection BUG must acquire for its intellectual property. Explanation of intentional conflict of law that may affect potential civil liability of Steve and WIRETAP will be discussed along with additional legal issues that may also affect BUG. The six different issues will reveal several torts violated and damages that may be awarded from BUG. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to explain specific, hypothetical scenarios dealing with several legal issues. Bug Inc. electronic products are assembled in foreign countries, currently the products are only distributed in U.S. mainly for the use in surveillance. BUG Inc. is planning to expand the electronic device distribution to international markets. Team C has provided detailed answers and feedback to the six scenarios and different types of legal protections BUG must have for its intellectual property, employment laws, international laws, imprisonment rights, internet law, responsibilities, and manufacturing problems associated with the company’s business dealing in domestic and international courts. These protections are elemental strategic plans allowing the organization to minimize any risks in the international distribution. The Trade Secrets Act has been adopted by many states to protect company’s trade secrets or intellectual property. BUG’s company as designer and manufacturer of electronic devices and own software is protected under the law...
Words: 1980 - Pages: 8
...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory JoinSearchBrowseSaved Papers Home Page » Social Issues A Bug’s Life Through the Lens of Karl Marx In: Social Issues A Bug’s Life Through the Lens of Karl Marx A Bug’s Life through the lens of Karl Marx Disney’s Pixar film, A Bug’s Life, is much more than meets the eye. The film is not only an animated comedy; it holds deep sociological theory within its plot. Many of the major themes and concepts of the movie can be viewed through the lens of the famous theorist Karl Marx. Marx’s theory is famous for focusing on how society functions. In particular he concerns himself with how capitalism, the working class, and the revolutions create problems in our society. My paper will analyze how Marxian theory and concepts fit into major climactic scenes of the film. The film revolves around the protagonist Filk, a worker ant. The colony is being oppressed by a group of grasshoppers and their leader Hopper. The grasshoppers claim they will provide protection as long as the ants provide the food supply. When the ants cannot supply the food for the grasshoppers, Hopper demands the ants to produce twice as much food as they did before. As a result, the ants will not have enough food to store up for themselves. Filk then travels to recruit warrior bugs to help the ants fight off the grasshoppers. According to Marx, this would free the colony from the constant oppression of...
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...HEAD: Apple, Inc. SWOT Analysis Apple, Inc. SWOT Analysis AIU – MGT680 Abstract As a senior manager of a computer company, this paper will discuss the company’s competitor, Apple, Inc. This paper will include five factors of strengthens, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for Apple, Inc. It will explain why those factors are important for this company to know. The paper will also propose a strategy and product that will take advantage of Apple, Inc. vulnerabilities which will increase this company’s market share. Apple, Inc. SWOT Analysis Introduction Apple, Inc. is a major competitor for our company and by doing a SWOT analysis of Apple, Inc. means we can help our own strategies. A SWOT analysis looks at strengthens, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats factors of Apple, Inc. By knowing these factors about Apple, Inc. will be important to our company because it takes a look at our competitor. A strategy and product will also be proposed that will take advantage of Apple, Inc. vulnerabilities which will increase this company’s market share. SWOT Analysis Strengths Apple, Inc. has five great strengths that include innovation, brand, customer loyalty, retail stores and marketing, and cash flow abundance. Apple, Inc. innovation includes being the leader in technological innovation with the release of products such as the iPods, iPhone and more. The 2012 Global Innovation 1000 ranked Apple, Inc. number 1 for the 3rd year in a row. Apple, Inc.’s idea of...
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...Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations Paper BUS/415 Business Entities, Laws, and Regulations Paper Businesses can range from the small mom and pop shops to worldwide corporations. Either way when establishing a business a decision will need to be made regarding the type of entity to use; sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company (LLC), limited liability partnership (LLP), franchise, or corporation. Fortunately, there is guidance, tools, tax accountants, and lawyers to help make the right decision. To understand the different options available to entrepreneurs’, a review of two entirely different businesses should add insight. Mei-Lin is a manager for Surebuild, Inc. a construction company. Mei-Lin is trying to fill an open position for a jackhammer operator. Frank owns Bug Be Gone, Inc. and would like to open up franchises across the United States. Each business will be governed by some of the same laws, but there will be difference between the two businesses. Surebuild, Incorporated Surebuild, Inc. needs to hire a jackhammer operator, which requires a high school diploma. Three of the applicants being considerate have jackhammer experience but not all of them have high school diplomas. Applicant A is a 35 year old female, who appears to be pregnant, has jackhammer experience, and is a high school graduate. Applicant B is 55 year old male, has experience operating a jackhammer, but does not have a high...
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...is an interdisciplinary approach to design, implementation and evaluation and helps to successfully develop complex systems. This paper provides a brief overview of the current gaps existing in today’s SE approaches exercised by the company Apple Inc. which is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California. They design, develop and sell online services, consumer electronics, computer software and personal computers (Apple Inc., 2014).This papers discusses the right/wrongdoings of Apple Inc. in the Systems Engineering domain, the changes they should be making and how they can implement these changes. Introduction and background Apple is the world's second-largest information technology company by revenue and the world's third-largest mobile phone maker. It is also the largest publicly traded corporation in the world by market capitalization, with an estimated market capitalization of $446 billion by January 2014. The Mac line of computers are its best-known hardware products, the iPod media player, the iPhone smartphone, and the iPad tablet computer. Its online services include iCloud, iTunes Store, and App Store. Apple's consumer software includes the OS X and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media browser, the Safari web browser, and the iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suites. (Apple Inc., 2014) Apple Inc. was following the Waterfall Methodology for years and in 2013 it switched to Agile Methodology. The waterfall methodology is a sequential...
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...Rapid Software Testing Copyright © 1995-2014, Satisfice, Inc. Rapid Software Testing Copyright © 1995-2014, Satisfice, Inc. Although the value of the class is greater because of the people who helped us, the sole responsibility for the content of this class belongs to the authors, James Bach and Michael Bolton. This class is essentially a long editorial opinion about testing. We have no authority to say what is right. There are no authorities in our field. We don’t peddle best practices. We don’t believe in them. What we will do is share our experiences and challenge your mind. We hope you will challenge us back. You’ll find the class more rewarding, we think, if you assume that our purpose is to make you stronger, smarter and more confident as a tester. Our purpose is NOT to have you listen to what the instructor says and believe it, but to listen and then think for yourself. All good testers think for themselves. In a way, that’s what testing is about. We look at things differently than everyone else so that we can find problems no one else will find. Rapid Software Testing Copyright © 1995-2014, Satisfice, Inc. If any of these assumptions don’t fit, this class might not be for you. We don’t make any assumptions about how experienced you are. The class can work well for novices or experts. It’s the desire to be very good at software testing that compels you to want to take a class. Most of the people in the world who work in software testing have never...
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...What’s my Testing ROI? An mVerify White Paper mVerify Corporation A Million Users in a Box ® WHAT’S MY TESTING ROI? What’s My Testing ROI? Document Number 004-001. mVerify Corporation 350 N. Orleans St. Suite 950 Chicago, Illinois, 60654 www.mverify.com © 2005 mVerify Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic or machine-readable form in whole or in part without prior written permission from mVerify Corporation. mVerify, “A Million Users in a Box”, and the four hexagon logo are registered trademarks of mVerify Corporation. Microsoft, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows CE, Pocket PC, and Windows Mobile are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other products and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. mVerify Corporation ii WHAT’S MY TESTING ROI? Abstract An automated software testing system is a solution to a common business problem: how to produce high quality software with ever-more complex technology under increasing competitive pressure. Automated software testing provides a cost-effective solution to this problem. This white paper identifies the costs and benefits of software testing and explains the added value of automation. A case study shows how to estimate the return on investment (ROI) of automated testing for your company or department using the mVerify ROI model. The calculations are done in a companion Excel spreadsheet...
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...HR Service Request 08/07/2014 BSA/375 University of Phoenix Abstract This paper will identify and describe the integration of existing HR tools into a single application as well as provide background on the information gathering tools and techniques utilized in order to provide a more sophisticated, state-of-the-art information systems technology in the human resources department of Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. HR Service Request Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. has requested an enhancement to their current human resources system. The current system uses a variety of tools that are pieced together and appear to generate more disorganization and chaos than necessary, in order to successfully manage day to day HR tasks. Excel spreadsheets are employed by multiple users within the HR department, which make intercommunication within the department difficult. A single operation that encompasses all areas required of the application would provide a more efficient system, greater accuracy, and better time management by the employees, among other additional benefits for the agency as a whole. In order to comply with Riordan’s request, a thorough investigation into current practices as well as interviews with key stakeholders, as a start, is required. These individuals would have the appropriate knowledge of the current arrangement, as well as the insight of expectations for the proposed new system. The requirements will be gathered from these stakeholders, at a minimum: *...
Words: 2016 - Pages: 9
...|[pic] |COURSE SYLLABUS | | |School of Business | | |LAW/421 Version 1 | | |Contemporary Business Law | Copyright © 2011 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course reviews the U.S. legal system, common law and its development, organizational structures, and the regulatory environment pertinent to business. Students will learn to critically examine torts, crimes, and business ethics. They will also examine contracts; business associations including agencies, partnerships, and corporations; wills, estates, trusts, and other legal entities; securities regulations; and investor protections. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies...
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...RUNNING HEAD: Hotel Escargo Hotel Escargo AIU – MGT656 Abstract As a hired consultant to Hotel Escargo’s management team, this paper will discuss improving the hotel’s procedures and increasing the quality and customer satisfaction. It will be an evaluation report for the management team about the observations and recommendations for improvement for the overriding quality issue for the hotel. It will also discuss how quality management can make the business more successful. Hotel Escargo Quality is the degree of excellence which can be applied to a broad range of items. It is functional, action-orientated and can be best described with multiple characteristics. These characteristics are quantifiable, either objectively or subjectively. The conformance to requirements or specifications is a common definition of quality. Quality is aimed at the needs of the present and future consumer. Quality affects productivity, cost, delivery schedules, workplace environment, society, and quality of government (Wadsworth, 2002). The fundamental aspects of quality include governmental, human, environmental, conservational, operational, consumer / marketable, and measureable. The governmental aspects of quality are the quality of rule, law, justice, defense, rights and privileges. The human aspects of quality are the quality of life, health, education, freedom, ethical and moral values. The environmental aspects of quality are the quality of clean air, unpolluted waters, potable...
Words: 753 - Pages: 4
...Understanding Open Source Software Development Process Abstract: As the assignment requirement, we selected eclipse, Linux kernel and commercial software from the corporation of one member. It is the regret that we had not enough time to collect all statistics by ourselves, and instead of that, papers and blogs are the main resources for open source part in this document. The open source software is introduced before the commercial one. Keywords: development process, code ownership, defect density, bug lifetime Background: Linux Kernel In April 1991, Linus Torvalds, a 21-year-old student at the University of Helsinki, Finland started working on some simple ideas for an operating system. He started with a task switcher in Intel 80386 assembly language and a terminal driver. On 26 August 1991, Torvalds posted the following to comp.os.minix, a newsgroup on Usenet: I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing since April, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons) among other things). After that, many people contributed code to the project. Early on, the MINIX community contributed code and ideas to the Linux kernel. At the time, the GNU Project had created many of the components required for a free operating system, but its own kernel...
Words: 9369 - Pages: 38
...Semester Paper: Food, Inc. “The way we eat has changed more in the last 50 years, than in the previous 10,000.” - Michael Pollan, Food inc. This single statement paints a vivid picture in ones mind. Not only is the way we grow our food changing, but we are also changing our bodies. According to the documentary “Food, Inc” , in the 1950’s, it would take farmers about 68 days to fully grow a chicken. Now? It takes about 47 days to fully grow a chicken, and it is twice as big due to the fact that these chickens are injected with hormones. While this literally brings more food to the table, it might not be worth it in the long run. There are many advantages as well as disadvantages that come with the industrialization of food. Using the chicken as an example. In the documentary, they explained that everyone loves white meat, therefor they make the chicken breast incredibly large to produce more meat from one animal. This is good in a sense that more food is being produced, but the truth is, it is changing, physiologically. According to an article written on mericola.com, girls as early of the age of seven are beginning go through puberty changes, something that was not happening until the ages of 12-13. Another disadvantage about the industrialization of food is the stuff we use to grow our food. Example? Most of our fruits and vegetables are grown using pesticides, which are to keep insects off of them. You may say “yeah keeping bugs off is good, i don't want a worm in my apple”...
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...Good Things to Know about Worm Castings This is an overview of benefits known about worm castings. The overview is generated from information disseminated by such major Universities as Ohio State, Cornell University and UC Davis. This information also comes from other institutions and companies such as the California Vermiculture, LLC and the Australia SIRO. Their research goal was to establish the value of worm castings. Their test results have shown improved flower size, bloom quantity, quality, and color. Fruit and vegetable tests results have shown yield improvements from 15% to 57% as well as improvements in taste and appearance. The information you need to know and consider is presented below in a list format, which we believe is easier and quicker to reference and grasp. Some of the discoveries made will surprise you. Most people will be amazed by the following information if they have no prior exposure to the absolute beauty and completeness of the worm casting. Basic points to start: Worm Castings are the worm feces. The castings are made up of live biological organisms. The organisms include fungi, actinomycetes , beneficial bacteria, pseudomonads , plant growth regulators, yeasts, molds, trace elements and the famous N-P-K ratings used by fertilizers, to reference the Nitrogen, Phosphorus and K (which is the chemical symbol for Potassium) quantities promoted by the fertilizer industry (more on this below). Worm Castings are harmless to plants (in any dosage)...
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...2012 Waterfall vs. Agile Methodology Mike McCormick MPCS, Inc. Revised Edition 8/9/2012 Waterfall vs. Agile Methodology Contents Waterfall vs. Agile Model Comparison .........................................................................................3 Conceptual Difference.................................................................................................................3 Efficiency ....................................................................................................................................4 Suitability ....................................................................................................................................4 Waterfall Model Diagram .............................................................................................................5 Explanation of the Waterfall Model ..............................................................................................5 Phase I: Requirements................................................................................................................6 Phase II: Analysis .......................................................................................................................6 Phase III: Design.........................................................................................................................6 Phase IV: Coding ....................................................................................................
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