Premium Essay



Submitted By matt2b1
Words 440
Pages 2
Group 1

American Express Brand


1. Do you know American Express?

o Yes o No

2. If « yes », do you own an AmEx card?

o Yes o No

3. If yes, which type of card?

o AmEx Blue Card o Gold Card o Platinium Card o Personal Card o Air-France KLM AmEx Silver Card o Air-France KLM AmEx Gold Card o Optima Card o Compliments Card o Other :

4. Are you satisfied with your card?

o Not satisfied o Rather satisfied o Satisfied o Very satisfied

5. If satisfied, why do you own such a card?

o International payment o Safe transactions o Fidelity programs o Customer Service Department o Loss or robbery warranties o Other :

6. According to you, what are the main advantages of AmEx?

o Service quality o Security o Rapidity in answer o Price o Other :…………………………………………………………..

7. You use AmEx services because you think the brand is : o unique o Innovative o prestigious o Dynamic o Vibrant o Entertaining o Distinctive

8. On a scale of 0 to 10 how could you mark the services provided by AmEx? ( 0 = lowest mark and 10 = highest mark)

9. If you had to attribute any drawback to AmEx what would they be?

10. How much do you currently pay for your AmEx card (per year)?

o Nothing o Below 50 euros o Between 50 and 150 euros o Between 150 and 300 euros o Between 300 and 500 euros o More than 500 euros

11. Do you consider this price :

o Not satisfying o Rather

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