...One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. Everyone knows this. Each of us contributes his share. But we tend to take the situation for granted. Most people are rather confident of their ability to recognize bullshit and to avoid being taken in by it. So the phenomenon has not aroused much deliberate concern, or attracted much sustained inquiry. In consequence, we have no clear understanding of what bullshit is, why there is so much of it, or what functions it serves. And we lack a conscientiously developed appreciation of what it means to us. In other words, we have no theory. I propose to begin the development of a theoretical understanding of bullshit, mainly by providing some tentative and exploratory philosophical analysis. I shall not consider the rhetorical uses and misuses of bullshit. My aim is simply to give a rough account of what bullshit is and how it differs from what it is not, or (putting it somewhat differently) to articulate, more or less sketchily, the structure of its concept. Any suggestion about what conditions are logically both necessary and sufficient for the constitution of bullshit is bound to be somewhat arbitrary. For one thing, the expression bullshit is often employed quite loosely -- simply as a generic term of abuse, with no very specific literal meaning. For another, the phenomenon itself is so vast and amorphous that no crisp and perspicuous analysis of its...
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...where to start with this paper because it was such a short piece. However bullshit is used in everyday business practice and I felt the need to touch on it. I will be writing about Harry G. Frankfurt’s piece “On Bullshit.” Which after reading the piece I was not satisfied and did a little more research about it to give me a little more insight. The piece in the book compares lying and bluffing to bullshitting. He explains that lying is a falsehood and so is bluffing. The liar and bluffer are intentionally getting the facts wrong. Bullshit on the other hand is basically a counterfeit. Frankfurt uses an older Mr. Simpson from Eric Ambler’s novel “Dirty Story” and he said to his young son “Never tell a lie when you can bullshit your way through.” Frankfurt really never comes out and talks about his position on bullshit which is why I had to go and dig a little further. I found that he thinks that bullshit is worse than lying. I think ethically that he feels whether in business or in normal day life it should not be used. We are more tolerant of bullshit than lying which he leaves for us to figure out. Frankfurt explains, for a liar “Telling a lie is an act with a sharp focus” and for a bullshiter “His focus is panoramic rather than particular” (54). I do not completely agree with Frankfurt’s position on bullshit. I do not think that bullshit is worse than lying. With bullshit there is still truth. Bullshit I feel you can still see the truth it just takes the longer road to get...
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...In the reading On Bullshit, by Harry Frankfurt, the distinguishing factors between what is a lie and what is considered bullshit are expressed. Frankfurt explores the meaning and tries to come up with a definition of “bullshit” by using other outside sources and adding or critiquing what they have to say. He references the Oxford English Dictionary, Max Black (more specifically a quote in his essay, The Prevalence of Humbug), and St. Augustine, as well as some others. Frankfurt says that we do not have a clear understanding of the word, but that we use it commonly in our culture and way of life today. We use the word, but we do not contemplate its meaning. Wittgenstein’s “beef” with his friend Pascal’s comment was that it was done without...
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...Harry Frankfurt writes about the topic of bullshit. He wishes to give a rough philosophical breakdown on what bullshit actually means and how it differs from the perceived notion people have about it. Frankfurt emphasizes that he is not explaining bullshit’s uses or misuses; he only wants to establish a theory of what purpose bullshit serves since the world is oversaturated with it.1 There is no specific thesis in this piece, the author attempts to give an exploratory description of bullshit. However, a common theme is that a bullshitter is trying to get away with something. This phoniness is not like lying since it is not necessarily false. The core principle of bullshit is being unconcerned with correctness, which Frankfurt argues makes it...
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...[pic] SEGi COLLEGE DIPLOMA IN ACCOUNTING / BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION / HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT / MARKETING AUGUST 2012 EXAMINATION BUSINESS AND COMPANY LAW SUBJECT CODE : 4LAW0913 TIME ALLOWED : 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. Answer FIVE (5) out of EIGHT (8) questions. 2. All questions carry equal marks. 3. All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided. (Answer FIVE (5) out of EIGHT (8) questions) Question 1 Malaysian law comes from two sources, namely written and unwritten. Explain the meaning of the written source of the law and its components. (Total: 10 marks) Question 2 a) How can an offer be terminated? (5 marks) (b) Jackie went shopping at Men Men Accessories. He saw a bottle of DK Fragrance at the display shack and realised that it was under-priced. He took it to the counter immediately and wanted to pay for it. But the cashier at the counter told him that it was under-priced and did not want to accept the money from Jackie. Advise Jackie on whether he can have the perfume or not? (5 marks) (Total: 10 marks) Question 3 Mr and Mrs Leong have been married for many years. Recently, Mr Leong obtained an overseas assignment from his company. He told his wife that he will be away for a year and promised her that when he comes back, he will take her on a trip to Bali if she takes care of their children well. But when Mr...
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...* Operating Analysis: * For the Fiscal year of 2012 Dell’s net revenue was $62.1 billion and their net income was $3.5 billion. The company’s cash flow in operating activities was $5.5 billion, with total assets of $29.4 billion. Dell has total number of 106,700 full time and part time employees. Products: * Dell provides a wide variety products such as computers, software, networking products, and other hardware components to complete a home or office needs. Dell’s main source of revenue comes from their selling of laptop and desktop’s and then the services offered by Dell comes in a close second. Competitors * Dell’s current competitors are Apple, Hewlett-Packard, Sony, Acer, IBM, and Asus. Each of these competitors has continued to improve their products and they provide a higher rated customer service to consumers. Dell spent $856 million on Research and Development the year of 2012, compared to the year prior of only spending $661 million. If Dell would like to keep up with established competitors and up coming competitors they must make a change in their innovative technology. Suppliers * Dell’s most recognizable suppliers are Samsung, Xerox, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Logitech, Sanyo, IBM, Texas Instruments, and Sunrise. Dell’s Business Approach * Dell market and distributes its products using the direct approach of taking orders from customers. Dell sends customers catalogs and they use direct marketing approach to sell their...
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...English 102 02 October 2011 Word Count: 500 The Short Happy Life of Francis MaComber Deep in Africa on a Safari, where man and beast roam as one, a husband Francis MaComber ventures on an unforeseen journey. He and his wife Margaret MaComber endure moments that were not foreseen, but the safari has a way of changing perspectives and opening up minds. Courage defined by the Merriam-Webster Website, is “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty”. The Safari will definitely change Francis MaComber. Come let’s go on an adventure that will leave you thinking. The African Safari where life, marriage, infidelity and courage is lost and regained, but by what means, accident or a plot to kill. Francis MaComber is in his 35 years old, very tall, very well built…and considerably handsome. He excels at court games and has quite a number of big game fishing records. One could say that he is very athletic and outgoing on the surface. He is a very wealthy married man of 11 years to Margaret MaComber. Mr. MaComber is easygoing, tolerable, patient, naïve, gullible and a coward. He has allowed his wife Margaret to control their marriage for years due to his lack of courage. Mr. MaComber is the story without his fears you would not have a story to tell. He overcomes his fears and starts to regain and take control over his fears, his life, and his marriage. Courage is the theme and Francis MaComber finds courage in the Safari of Africa while out...
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...this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this essay is bull. this...
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...Situations 1. The most important or the least useful scientific discoveries and technological inventions. 2. Agree or challenge: Technological inventions don’t make our lives better. They simply create more products we’re expected to buy. 3. Agree or challenge: My government should spend more money on scientific research and less on other things. 4. Agree or challenge: Science and technology can solve any problem. 5. Arguments for and against capital punishment. Is the death penalty justified? 6. Agree or challenge: Mothers should stay at home to look after their children until they’re old enough to start formal education. 7. A night out in my home town: places to go, sights to see, food to eat, music to dance/sing. 8. Do you often see dreams? Tell about the strangest dream you have ever had. 9. Agree or challenge: The partnership of marriage is more than just two individuals sharing a home. 10. The important role of sleep in our lives. Do you agree that consolidated sleep throughout a whole night is optimal for learning and memory? Why/ Why not? 11. What jobs would you prefer doing or never choose? 12. Why do people get married? Why is marriage important / unimportant? Give reasons for your answer. 13. What jobs are better done by women / men? Provide examples. 14. Pros and cons of working at night. Provide examples. 15. International organisations, their role and functions. 16. What do you think are more powerful, government...
Words: 514 - Pages: 3
...1. Introduction In the developed countries Enron Xerox, WorldCom etc. had been caught of getting involved in accounting scandals since 2001, which leads to the credibility of corporate financial reports under suspicion, furthermore, shocking investors’ confidence. Consequently, corporate governance mechanism has been a crucial issue discussed again. Sarbanes-Oxley Act was enacted in 2002 to enhance corporate government mechanism which is viewed as the priority of financial revolution, in the expectation that governance mechanism may be reinforced, public confidence retrieved, accuracy and reliability of financial information assured. In Bangladesh a massive stock market meltdown hit the market in the middle of 2010. The DGEN Index was cut by two third and a lot of investor lost all of their money. Then very recently major financial institutions like Sonali Bank, Basic Bank etc. were caught in financial scam which again shook the confidence of the market to such industries. These events renewed and reinforced people’s interest in study of corporate governance and how it could have prevented such mishaps. Corporate governance describes the structure of rights and responsibilities among the parties that have a stake in a firm. System of corporate governance could be defined as a set of processes and structures used to direct a corporation's business. Once implemented, an effective corporate governance system can help to ensure an appropriate division of power among shareholders...
Words: 9456 - Pages: 38
...International Accounting Session 9 – Cost Allocations and Activity-Based Costing Dr. Othman Cole othman.cole@faculty.hult.edu 1 Absorption Costing In absorption costing, all manufacturing costs, both fixed and variable, are assigned to units of product. Units are said to fully absorb manufacturing costs. Most countries require some form of absorption costing for both external financial reports and for tax reports. Also, most companies across the world use absorption costing in their management reports. It is the most common approach to product costing throughout the world. It is also known as Job-Order Costing. 2 Absorption Costing – Components • Direct Materials – can be easily traced to a particular unit • Direct Labour – can be easily traced to a particular unit • Manufacturing Overhead – CANNOT be easily traced to a particular unit As we recall, the total of the above 3 components is known as Product Cost, also known as Cost of Goods Sold (COGS). 3 Absorption Costing – Manufacturing Overhead 1. Select an appropriate allocation base – the most widely used allocation bases in manufacturing are direct labour-hours, direct labour cost, machine hours, and units of product (when there is only a single product). 2. Calculate a predetermined overhead rate – this is given as: Predetermined overhead rate = Estimated total manufacturing overhead cost / Estimated total amount of the allocation base 3. Apply overhead cost using predetermined overhead...
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...and Youtube channel MBAbullshit.com with 1 MILLION+ FREE tutorial video views worldwide on YouTube (as of May 2012) Beat The Bullshit This book aims to explain some the most "seemingly complicated" topics in these fields in a conceptual way, rather than explaining the common "how to calculate" way, which is much, much better explained and more easily understood in my step-by-step easy and quick tutorial videos (basic videos are FREE!) on my website www.MBAbullshit.com. *Please see Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions on the last page. Hey wadup! What do they TRY to teach you in business school but HARDLY explain well? Whenever we read our textbooks in business school, we often get very confused about all these different concepts which look scary and complicated. More often than not, these scary concepts are found in the fields of Accounting, Financial Management, and Quantitative Analysis. Here you will learn to lose that fear, and realize that the “scaryness” was only in the way it was presented to you in the past; and that there’s really nothing to be afraid of! David 2 Beat The Bullshit After you understand these concepts, you'll be surprised at how much easier the calculation part will become, whether you learn it from your professor or from my many FREE and easy tutorial videos on MBAbullshit.com. 3 Beat The Bullshit My Promise I promise that this book will explain more about concepts, and as little as possible on calculation… so it will...
Words: 4609 - Pages: 19
...History of Egypt From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Recentism.svg This article or section may be slanted towards recent events. Please try to keep recent events in historical perspective. (April 2014) Part of a series on the History of Egypt All Gizah Pyramids.jpg Prehistoric Egypt pre–3100 BC Ancient Egypt Early Dynastic Period 3100–2686 BC Old Kingdom 2686–2181 BC 1st Intermediate Period 2181–2055 BC Middle Kingdom 2055–1650 BC 2nd Intermediate Period 1650–1550 BC New Kingdom 1550–1069 BC 3rd Intermediate Period 1069–664 BC Late Period 664–332 BC Achaemenid Egypt 525–332 BC Classical Antiquity Ptolemaic Egypt 332–30 BC Roman and Byzantine Egypt 30 BC–641 AD Sassanid Egypt 621–629 Middle Ages Arab Egypt 641–969 Fatimid Egypt 969–1171 Ayyubid Egypt 1171–1250 Mamluk Egypt 1250–1517 Early Modern Ottoman Egypt 1517–1867 French occupation 1798–1801 Egypt under Muhammad Ali 1805–1882 Khedivate of Egypt 1867–1914 Modern Egypt British occupation 1882–1922 Sultanate of Egypt 1914–1922 Kingdom of Egypt 1922–1953 Republic 1953–present Portal icon Egypt portal v t e The history of Egypt has been long and rich, due to the flow of the Nile river, with its fertile banks and delta. Its rich history also comes from its native inhabitants and outside influence. Much of Egypt's ancient history was a mystery until the secrets of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs were deciphered with the discovery and help of the Rosetta Stone. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the...
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...~L\r..9rzG~ ~ <3Re.~...:)l3-A\ ,0:;J.2><:;' \--\~T~ ..... ) 1 h:~ ~.; ~< - \~~4- ;:::. :~ t.f; ~:J :i~ gJ ,;(' t \j' ~}~ '_ I Levels of culture 11th juror: (rising) 'I beg pardon, in discussing ... 10th juror: (inlerrupting and mimicking) 'I beg pardon. What are you so goddam polite about?' 11th juror: (looking s- raight at the 10th juror) 'For the same reason you're not. t It's the way I was brought up.' From Reginald Rose, Twelve Angry Men .;."" ' , ' , ·· ~.t,:' . '~ ,r ' ?,./ ......~ ~ i "·~:,>~i ;¥ '. .' I.' '=..,. :I....... Cl'~ .~ ';-;X•. .; ~ ::;~·r : ';f1 ~i-.:~ ;,;-" "~fS'::, ':~i , ~ " ;;: ~:~~ ~.~-~ : f ( f' 1-' : ::;'._, :: ::~!'~' • ~. ") "'{.~,:,~fr~;.f~- :: JHfffl t:;t~t~: ie-lD .ti'l~r~~" .~·~': ~ ~, :~··~ ·; ~.':l ;>~~~~ '<}{~ID:.) ~l4) JLu} r;: .bg,((! \ .,; ,:.. · ..·;~\~i':};,' ::ij 1:;-h .f.;t!£ .,i-:::;"} ~.) :i/;.~-:\: .• ~ ':rJ~) ~)>1~J lt tJ( . :-.r~r~~ ',:" " "--.Lt.~·"·1qI)O:· . bl1t~IJi-~b ;;_: ,:, ,"'"'" :'n:,~:.:n;~;:i~' ,. ~. If }.- i~~]~:·::-'nin:~.:' ,iWitl, !ic'q re, ,'1.Q_it;,n~rwv) ;j;,/ , 'ho.qqii2 <5/~jh:::,~,,: ; - ,;'l;jl)(: - , ,?:;-'; . n:J:Ai~r<, ;;':",' Twelve Angry Men is an American theatre piece which became a famous motion picture, starring Henry Fonda. The play was written in 1955'. The -scene consists of the jury room of a 'New York court of law. Twelve jury members. who have never met before have to decide ~,.manimously on the guilt or innocence of a boy from a slum area, accused of murder...
Words: 8895 - Pages: 36
...Dov Charney is the CEO and founder of American Apparel. He is responsible for opening the company’s first retail store in 2003. There are about 280 stores in about 20 countries. Charney owns 57% of the company and is responsible for the double-digit loss American Apparel experienced this year (Wall Street Journal). Dov Charney has loss representation from Deloitte & Touche LLC. from flawed financial statements and lost 1,500 factory workers who were illegal immigrants (The Gazette). Dov Charney has designed an organizational culture that may not be appealing to its shareholders. He argues that American Apparel is a “freewheeling creative environment; it’s not inappropriate to use foul language” (Dateline). This may be described to some as a ‘hostile work environment.’ Although the law in California states that it is permissible to use inappropriate language in a creative work environment, American Apparel employees have reported to be offended. Charney says he uses the “language of the street” at work and “it can get pretty salty” (BusinessWeek). Other company policies include drinks on the job for those who are working late and promoting a “highly sexual atmosphere”. He promotes dating within the organization and actively participates in relationships with his subordinates. He claims they have been consensual. Employees have noticed bonuses and incentives for those who have been in a relationship with him (Dateline). These actions can cause employees to feel as...
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