...that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. ("Depression (major Depressive Disorder)"). Those who suffer from depression often experience suicidal thoughts. Suicide is the act of purposely ending one's own life. The way societies around the world view suicide varies by culture,...
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...them they found his body in his car. He had committed suicide and he left a note to explain why he did it. The note tells the story of how he was bullied and couldn’t cope with it anymore. The number of at risk teens is steadily increasing. Suicide is now the number three cause of death in teens and half of those deaths are considered to be because of bullying. Not only does bullying increase the risk of suicide, but it has also increased the amount of students in fear of going to school at all. Bullying is extremely prevalent in today's schools and it is affecting students’ ability to learn. In a 2010 study, one in seven students have admitted to being a bully, or being bullied sometime in school. That only includes at school though. If you were...
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...The purpose of this paper is to identify and understand the cause and effects of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is a new form of bullying that has harmful psychological side effects on youth such as depression and anxiety. Although I am no longer in high school a friend of mines cousin has recently committed suicide because she was maliciously bullied online. Her story is one of many and the number of teens committing suicide because of cyber bullying seems to only be getting bigger. My goal on this casual analysis research paper is to educate parents and educational professionals on the consequences of cyber bullying and how to help prevent it. Outline: Thesis: Cyber Bullying leads to psychological damage in our community’s adolescents. I. Extent of the issue: a. Explain what cyber bullying is. b. According to CBC 78% of victims of bullying have been cyber bullied. c. Compare how an adult using social media is different then adolescents. IV. Cause of cyber bullying: a. Children do it to prove their social standing 1. Boos their egos 2. Gain praise from peers b. Children use social media as an outlet for revenge 1. Use out lets like face book and twitter to spread mass and public rumors 2. Quick and public way for kids to humiliate others III. Effects of cyber bullying: a. Cyber bullying gives fuel to prejudice issues 1. Can lead to racism. 2. Can lead to mental discrimination b. Cyber bullying can lead to psychological...
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...Jalen West Research Paper on - Rebecca Sedwic Page 2 Rebecca Sedwic, jumped to her death last month, and two girls are now arrested for aggravated stalking. Some research doctors tell people that criminal doing of cyber bullying won't solve the problem. Two Florida girls harassed and bullied 12-year-old Rebecca Sedwic before she committed suicide last month was arrested Monday night. They were charge for aggravated stalking. The girls are accused of threatening to beat Rebecca. They sent her messages to encourage her to kill herself. “Drink bleach and die,” one girl said. The government had been investigating the bedevilment since Rebecca jumped to her death last month. They’ve said as many as 15 girls had been involved in the online bullying that they think were a reason of her suicide. The case is the latest – and includes one of the youngest victims – of an amount of suicides that have brought a lot of attention to the problem of cyber bullying. Experts is focusing on the issue and is saying that cases that end in suicide are still really rare and that criminalizing cyber bullying isn’t necessarily and the best way is to stop it. “It’s a horrible case, it’s an intense case, and there were a lot of people included in bullying this girl in some pretty significant ways: It was not your run-of-the-mill cyber bullying,” says Justin Patchin, co-director of the Cyber bullying Research Center .He adds, “I do think more criminal doing of cyber bullying isn’t necessary. Based...
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...Technology and Communities of Knowledge (Digital essay) Children of today are growing up surrounded by social networking through blogging, instant messaging, and short message services such as Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter enabling children in which they produce, share, and sometimes exchange ideas over the internet and in virtual communities, it has become a virtual aspect of their lives. These sites have a significant impact on the lives of children. Social networking is transforming the manner in which young people interact with their parents, peers, as well as how they make use of technology. Clearly there are positives with the use of social networking involving a great way to communicate and learn, however unfortunately negative effects on the youth also, a major risk associated with social networking is cyberbullying. Without children having a correct understanding of the inherent dangers that are associated with social networking sites children are at more risk every day. The effects of social networking are twofold.It is inevitable to ignore the fact that nowadays social networking plays an essential role in children’s lives with social networking and other related online communication activities comprised 64 per cent of young people’s total internet time (an average of 49 minutes per day on these activities, (AMCA, 2007). One may ask how spending all that time on the social media sites may have a positive impact on them. Well, social media helps the youth keep...
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...“… teenagers spend an average of 80% of their time on online sites and this figure grows every year” (Gallo 16). With such a huge following it has become necessary for research to be conducted on the overall effect of social media on teenagers everywhere. This paper aims to explore the positive and negative effects of social media on teenagers today. With the natural curiosity that most teenagers hold, they are naturally anxious to meet new people and possibly make new friends and contacts. Online social media provide the perfect setting to do exactly that. Teenagers are able to interact with people from all over the world. This serves to not only increase their general knowledge but it enables this generation to be more tolerant of cultures and beliefs that differ from their own. New technology including smart phones with video and photo capabilities, iPad and other tablets, and portable Wi-Fi docs have made the Internet infinitely more assessable (Wolak, Mitchell & Finkelhor, 2006). Although technology has been associated with many positive effects, cyber bullying, sexting and slut shaming among teens are detrimental practices that have been encouraged by the advancement of technology owing to the obscurity that the cyber space provides. The first practice that this paper will focus on is bullying among teenagers, a form of intimidation that can take different forms and has been in existence since time immemorial. While the internet provides opportunities for self-affirmation...
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...of this research paper is to show how online bullying goes a long way, and hurts others in the long run. Bullies get online and let out their hatred/frustration on victims, without the confrontation, and without the immediate consequences. There are many ways that social media is more widely used as a weapon and some of the reasons are, bullying online can lead to depression/anxiety, even to suicide, and the bullies are able to hide behind a keyboard and threaten others with no consequences. We expect the internet to be safe and a reliable source to express ourselves, yet others use it as a scapegoat to bully others and create an environment where others don’t feel safe. From personal experiences, facts, statistics, and the words of experts, social media has been deemed an unfit outlet for teens because they use it to freely express their hatred towards others, with little to no consequence. There are many facts that prove how social media is used for seemingly inappropriate behavior towards others, and making the internet as a whole a place to ruin other people’s lives. Doing research on this topic was really hard because of all the stories that kids have been through, made me realize how hard kids have it these days. According to an article called “Student Facts on Bullying and Cyberbullying,” the use of bullying someone online can lead to a sense of “helplessness, decreased self-esteem, and feeling of anxiety or depression.” The ongoing amount of bullying after school...
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...given to young people to encourage them to speak out." (Youth Studies Australia, Vol. 29, No. 2) Cyber Bullying leads to self esteem problems, children being aggressive or antisocial, or even suicide. It has...
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...as it can be used for mischief, not only by certain adults but also by the young people themselves; a phenomenon known as Cyber Bullying. Young people to bully peers can use emails, texts, chats, phones, websites and cameras. It is now a worldwide problem with countless occurrences reported and has yet to get the attention it merits and remains nearly vague from research works. This paper reconnoiters definitional problems, the incidences and potential outcomes of cyber bullying, as well as deliberating possible intervention and prevention stratagems. While most youngsters seem conscious of what cyberbullying involves, occurrences of cyberbullying in educational institutions seem to be minimal. Although students have entree to many technologies, the mainstream seem not to participate in bullying over the internet. However, persons who are cyber bullies are also likely to be targets of cyberbullying. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is becoming a crisis with the progression of social media tools. Should government create new laws to protect the people who are being targeted? This is just but one of the many questions people seek for answers. Cyber bullying has been in existence since time in memorial but has gained fame and become more wide spread with the introduction of the internet some few years back. It is common to see instances of cyber bullying nowadays unlike in the past, children are no longer the victims but everyone is; be it old or young, the crime has experienced an...
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...Abstract Kowalski, R.,& Westen. D. (2005). Psychology (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley This paper will examine basic concepts of human interaction from a psychology perspective. It will describe at least two examples of how human behavior changes based on social situations. The two behaviors that this paper will examine are teenagers who drink in a crowd of their peers but don't drink when they are alone and taking part in bullying in a group but not alone. In both of these scenarios the individual who participates in the behaviors to fit in are “changing their attitudes or behavior to accommodate the standards of peers or group by a process called conformity (Kowalski & Westen, 2005).” The paper will also discuss precursors and consequences of both of these behaviors. Next, the paper will analyze and identify any associated phenomenon like social facilitation, social loafing , or groupthink. Last, there will be some discussion from the NIMH on whether or not these behaviors necessitate intervention. Social Influences Paper Introduction “Sociologist and philosophers have recognized that people behave different in crowds than they do as individuals and that a crowd is more than the mere sum of its parts (Kowalski & Westen, 2005).” Human behavior changes based on the social situations they encounter. This paper will examine basic concepts of human interaction from a psychology perspective. It will describe at least...
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...Frances Mix SOCI 200- D03 November 11, 2013 Current Event Paper Bullying in Schools Rebecca Sedwick Suicide On September 10, 2013, in Lakeland, Florida, twelve year old Rebecca Sedwick jumped to her death after enduring months of bullying initiated by her former friend. The bullying was alleged to have begun because of a boy that both Rebecca and her former friend had dated. According, to a CNN Justice report, authorities reported the former friend also recruited and encouraged another former friend of Rebecca’s to join her. It was reported that there was at least one physical attack, as well as cyber bullying, which was accomplished via messages on Facebook. On the night before Rebecca jumped to her death she messaged a boy she had befriended online, stating: “I’m jumping, I can’t take it anymore.” On the following day Rebecca climbed a ladder, which was attached to a pair of silos at an abandoned concrete plant and jumped to her death. According to a news report, prior to Rebecca’s death she had cut her wrist in December 2012, in an apparent attempt to commit suicide. From a sociological perspective, bullying is a social problem that impacts both genders, all races, ethnicities, and many cultures. There is usually no justification as to why some individuals are targeted by bullies while others are not, except for the bully’s own personal prejudices, and motives to control. Bullying can start at a very young age, and most often will occur in the school...
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...called a crybaby for crying? His best friend committed suicide last night. You see the girl with all those bruises? She is abused by her parents. You see that bald woman that you made fun of? She is dying of breast cancer. You see that old man that you called ugly? He got a serious injury to his face in the war. You see that man that you made fun of for having all those burns? He ran into a burning hospital to save his sick daughter. You see that girl that you called fat? She is starving herself. You see that boy you called stupid? He has Down syndrome. In today’s society, bullying is the most common form of violence. But what is bullying? Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. (http://www.stopbullying.gov/what-is-bullying/index.html) There are many types of bullying in the U.S. such as physical, verbal, indirect bullying, social alienation, intimidation, and cyber bullying. Physical bullying includes any physical contact that would hurt or injure a person like hitting, kicking, punching, etc. Taking something that belongs to someone else and destroying it would also be considered a type of physical bullying. For example, if someone was walking down the street...
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...Cyber bullying: the monster the internet created Bullying is a social problem that has existed ever since the gathering of people began. Bullying began as the survival and organization of people into groups became important as a way of organizing society. This method of survival has evolved in our daily lives as it can be reflected in our educational, economic and social systems. Bullying is an aggressive intentional and repeated behavior of a group or an individual against a victim who cannot defend him or herself. Bullying can be either physical or verbal although they are both equaling harmful. The forms of bullying has changed dramatically over the years. Originally it was limited to physical or verbal confrontations that involved two or more persons but with the increased availability of internet, bullying is being redefined. Cyber bullying is form bullying that involves hurting someone else by using information and communication technologies. Unlike physical or verbal bullying, cyber bullying is targeted to an unlimited supply of audience. Every age group is affected regardless of physical strength. Cyber bullying has been on the rise as part of the misuse and abuse of a resource such as the internet. Since more and more of our lives now take place online, this type of bullying can take up several different form. As written in Dr. Kate D. Simmons and Dr. Yvette P. Bynum of Auburn University Montgomery article, “cyberbullying: six things administrators can do” there...
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...Cyber Bullying: It’s Causes and Effects on Adolescents John Flanders Pima Medical Institute The causes and effects of Cyber Bullying, and Bullying in general, can be not only detrimental for the fragile psyche of children but it’s a new menace to society. Cyber Bullying has swept across the world at a high rate. There is an abundance of websites and foundations that have been created just to fight this plague. The majority of the information that has been pulled together for this paper is from various websites and foundations that were created by the parents of children who have taken their lives due to the negative effects of being bullied both at school, on the way home from school, and in their very own homes via social media. Bullying of all forms has been tied to every single school shooting that has occurred over the last 20 years. Cyberbullying is an epidemic that is more widespread amongst adolescent females than males. The definition of cyber bullying, per the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is the electronic posting of mean spirited messages about a person (as a student) often done anonymously. It first became noticed in 2000. The different types of cyber bullying are exclusion, harassment, outing, cyber stalking, flaming, pseudonyms, and anonymity. Some examples of methods used in cyber bullying Cyberbullying.info are as follows: * Exclusion- In many cases, teenagers who don't have mobile phone are excluded from the group of teenagers who do. Girls...
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...---------------------------------------------------------- 11 - 12 IIA. INTRODUCTION In our everyday life, we always receive opinions from other people. These can be criticisms and good or bad comments. We are free to express these opinions but there are some who express it over that sometimes they may hurt someone’s feelings. If this will be repeatedly done and is getting worse that they can really affect the mental behavior of someone, then this will be called as bullying. Bullying is the repeated and systematic harassment or attack on someone. It is a habitual abuse and forcing someone to act in involuntary manner. Actually there are three types of bullying; emotional, verbal and physical. The most common thing is the verbal bullying. It’s the bullying with the use of words. It can be a form of racial comments, sexual comments, insults and name-calling. This type of bully is done everywhere but for students, verbal bullying is common in schools. Words are...
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