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Business Behaviour


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B401 Assignment
Business Environment

PROFESSOR: Apoorva Chaudhry th SUBMISSION DATE: 4 May 2016


B401: Business Environment
Level 4




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

B401 – Assignment ..................................................................................................................... 5 business environment .......................................................................................................................... 5

Task 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 5 part 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Part 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Part 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
TASK 2 - Power Point Slides’ notes ..................................................................................................... 9

TASK 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 11 part 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Part 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Part 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

task 4 .......................................................................................................................................... 15 part 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Part 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Part 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

Bibliography: ............................................................................................................................. 19




B401: Business Environment
Level 4




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

The four task regarding the written coursework are presented in ascending order.

Briefing notes on possible future structures of the organisation and needs of stakeholders.
Providing evidence for LO1 (AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

Organisation structure is the base of the company. Culture, future plans, management etc. all depends on the organisation structure. As the profile of Uselt relates more with social oriented stakeholders we will analyse structures that could fit with this characteristic.


This type of organisation represents the grouping in a unique group of different sole trader (often between 2-20). The owner is responsible of the ownership as well as the belonging to shared right. Each member contributes in the trading with different trade methods that can include capital (money), ownership of a property, labour or skill. As a result of this each member expects to participate in the case of profits and, of course, in the case of losses of the within the business involved.
In the case of a partnership, the obligations include the file of a financial document every year (annual information return) in order to prove the amount of income generated, the value of deductions and gains, the financial quantity of losses, etc.
Income tax are not excepted in the case of partnership. Vice versa, taxes are calculated through any profits or losses amounts that partners receive from the outgoing business. The amount of these are calculated by partnership income or loss shares noted within the tax return.
The possible disadvantages within this could be family/friends set up that would let to future disagreements in the case everyone has the same part. Furthermore, partners must all agree in a motion to progress and this would led to stuck situations in the case everybody would not agree.
Also, there is not division between business and personal asset. This is a disadvantage that could easily be resolved by setting up a LTD company. (Partnerships, 2016)




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

Limited Company

Limited company are the foundation of every countries’ economy. Allowed by state statue, each one of them may use unique regulations. By Companies House, the category of Limited Liability Company currently operating in the UK is represented by more then 5M companies (99.3% with less then 50 employees, allowing us to understand the importance of flexibility and advantages of this law regulate economical subject.
The owners, representing the pilots of the countries’ economy, are called member. Different countries do not restrict the ownership in order to allow flexibility in the establishment of the company itself. LLC could include in the formation individuals, corporations, foreign entities and also other LLCs. At the moment, there is not a limit in the number of members a LLC could include within the ownership. Single-members is also permitted, and by the general idea, the ones allowing a fast application of strategy and innovations, due to the speed of the decision-making process.
Taking the accounts of a limited company could easily lead to the necessity of outsourcing activity. For that reason, a lot of technology has been developed during the last years, where company life XERO are now offering for a small amount of capital their professional accounting activities in order to keep tidy the business situation.

Limited Liability Partnership

LLP is form of partnership with the presence of limited liabilities by all the partners (or in some cases by a defined part of them). Within the LLP corporations and partnership characters are combined together in order to create a hybrid subject allowing flexibility within the companies’ market. The main liability/responsibility’s difference in an LLP, in that one partner is not responsible/bind/liable in the case of an other partner’s misconduct or negligence behaviour.
The main advantage stated below could permit different situation avoided that would however be possible if a LTD or a Partnership would have been created. Flexibility is the main character in this type of company structure. However, LTD companies remain the most used and diffused within the UK.
The Partnership Act 1890 described the traditional unlimited partnership within members proving to each partner that has joint a several liability. In an LLP situation, a defined partners’ category could have a form of limited liability in a way similar to the one of corporation’s shareholders. (Wikipedia, 2016)


On trend-charitable-organisation completely non-profit (NPO). The main different between charity and the others non-profit-organisation is that it centres and focus philanthropic and non-profit goals in the social well-being area delivering initiatives mainly in the education, charitable and religious environment.
The legal definition of charity varies in relations to the country it is established (and in some certain cases by the region its operates). The main regulations about tax and law application would also vary countries’ government. ALWAYS LEARNING



B401: Business Environment
Level 4

In regards to performance, charity financial figures evaluators to assess results could be: tax refund, revenue from sale of goods, revenue from fundraising etc.
One of the main disadvantages charities have is the limit in the amount of trading. Also, regulations are quite strict and time-consuming. Despite all of these limits charities are quite diffused within the UK and really efficient where leading social campaigns of different matters.

Organization’s Interest by stakeholders like:


The activity of donation in business could be shaped as a long term clients’ relation investment.
Costumers are always more engaged by benefactor that are oriented in social activities. Costumers in the affiliation process will be influenced by these activities.
Most recently, Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, decide to donate 99% of their shares as a process of giving back. Analysing in the bigger picture, stakeholders as beneficiaries will always reserve the right to defend a brand such as Facebook owe to the social responsibility proved.


Stakeholders as employees would always looking at their need in the working environment. Tidy and decent working condition, as well as punctual salary payment are basis for create proactivity in the working place. This could also influence the relations with stakeholders and clients, because the company is 100% the reflection of the team of people is made by.


Stakeholders like Suppliers are mainly concerned on the time between payments on the past within the company. Organisations that meet suppliers’ requirements are always involved in discount affiliation and the extending in the range of flexibility within the relation necessity in time.

General Public

Creating a positive environment within people involved in the organisation will attract the general public as an automatic outcome for the quality of the final product. However, general public are daily concern in updates and renewals.
For that reason, organisation ought to maintain standards of updates in the final product as well maintain update their clients with news and initiatives related to their product.
For example, Blockbuster LLC as an organisation lost the connection with general public stakeholders due to unavailability in focus from a ‘physical’ to a digital renting video provider.




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

A company as Uselt in order to gain social credibility due to his activity ought to evaluate different responsibilities that secondly will direct to different strategies:

Satisfying Stakeholders Objects

One of the main target of running a business is to create profit. Satisfying the stakeholders is massively important to maintain the audience satisfied.
Reinvesting 50% of their profit into education charities is a good will that will enhance the Uselt brand and will engage more stakeholders. During the future, Uselt could find different way where to invest

Equal Opportunities

Nowadays, equal opportunity as a responsibility is a cardinal requisite to achieve the best positions in business. For a long outcome Uselt should orient they charity and social donation not only in people from disadvantage background but as well with unemployed workers that can help the company to increase the reputation also in the local realities.


2015 has been a drastic changing point for the future of the environment pollution where more than hundred countries agreed for the 1.5 °C collapse in the world average temperature growth before 2020.
Is not so common to know that the heat generated for storage all the data is equal to the ones generated by all the planes in airlines. For that reason, Uselt should plan a technology development while changing characteristics in furniture to updated them, for reduce this inefficient character of technology.
One solution could be the use of superconductor, that cut the average normal conductor’s heating of
Overall, different responsibilities Uselt must fulfil are the well-being of his employees with good wages and perks. Recycling on top of their main activities could make easily possible the improvement of the
Uselt brand to new potential customers. Lastly, pay in time in order to avoid extra cost.
The respect of this three simple principles would permit a successful long-term position for Uselt. Also,
Formal and Informal system to fulfil the different strategies could be implement on a later stage in order to balance with the growth stakeholders needs progressively.




B401 Assignment

Task 2

Role of Wider Economy on Uselt’s Business

B401 Assignment

Task 2 – Part 1

1. Economic System – Effective
Allocation of Resources


´ The decision of the right economic system is a fundamental step in order to deal with the problem of allocation of resource. Economic systems range goes between a “pure market economy” polo to, the opposite, “pure command”.

Mixed Economy

Command Economy

•government preferences entirely drive what to produce, how and whom to produce (obviously influenced by their employees)

Free Market Economy


•Governments partly decide what to produce
•Government also play a fundamental role in the decision process of how to produce
•Government role is the decision process of whom to produce is
50% overall. The remaining part is held by the purchasing power

•consumer’s preferences entirely decide what to produce at any point during the time
•producers seeking profits determine how to produce and drive their business to satisfy customers’ needs
•Purchasing power, in relations to government (that with policies influence either the free market economy) decide whom to produce The key differences surround the diverse amount of issues, like the resources’ ones, ownerships’ the ones related to the control and mechanisms through which resource allocation decisions are made

B401 Assignment

Task 2 – Part 1

1. Economic System – Effective
Allocation of Resources
´ One of the main limitation of the market economy is represented by the scarce resources owned by the private category
´ Is important to remember resource allocation decisions’ are executed, mainly, by private owners. During and after that these decisions are coordinated within the different markets
´ In the case of the free market concept, supply and demand indicate and operates in order to provide an equilibrium in the prices/quantity relation. As a result of this implication, surplus or, vice versa, shortages would be avoided.
´ By an other point of view, free markets ensure a relevant and required amount of production in order to maximise social well-being. A result of this a probable situation would born the exact alignment between the customers’ category
(demand) and the producers’ desires.
´ This “balance” and auto-fix phenomenon allow demands to set the require needs in order to fulfil itself. Easily, when demand would direct to an other direction, producers would follow it in order not to lose market share. However, certain companies during defined period (for example during promotional time) try change the demand behaviour. This would only possible if the company is already established and successful (e.g. Apple) or if is a small and flexible market subject (e.g. a new Start-up)

B401 Assignment

Task 2 – Part 1

1. Economic System – Effective
Allocation of Resources
´ Free market, however, is not a perfect situation. Exception to the rules happened but they are always evaluated as unique exceptions cases rather than rules’ lacks.
´ On the other hand, a command economy is played entirely by a state. Direct and Indirect resources are managed, created and delivered by the control of the government or legal institutions.
´ Resource allocation decision in a commanded economy during the past have been made directly by the application of the law (related to the state )
´ As a result of the monopoly-decision of the state in the commanded economy model, resources would be allocated based on the interest and preferences of subjects completely diverse from the general public.
´ Maximum public satisfaction would only be possible in the case of planners knowing better exactly what mix of goods and services would improve social well-being. 15100150

B401 Assignment

Task 2 – Part 2

2. Impact of Fiscal and Monetary
The economy of UK faced a period recession in 2008 which caused its Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) to fall and the British economy shrank by 7.1%.
The economy experienced high negative budget deficits, UK's debt situation was critical and high inflation took over. The economy then came out of recession however, due to the heavy snowfall experienced in 2010, the economy slowed down once again in the beginning of 2011. The behaviour of the economy that indirectly influence company as Uselt could be driven by two type of policies:

´ Fiscal Policy
´ Monetary Policy


B401 Assignment

Task 2 – Part 2

2. Impact of Fiscal and Monetary
´ Example of Fiscal Policies:
´ Value Added Tax (VAT) increased
´ Income tax for richer middle classes rose

´ Example of Monetary Policy:
´ Quantitative easing that is, increasing money supply ´ Lowering interest rates


B401 Assignment

Task 2 – Pat 2

2. Impact of Fiscal and Monetary
´ Ideal Policies Situation for companies such as Uselt in order to gain in
Branding and cooperate with different subject within the charity – for acquire new clients:
´ England Central Bank in QE policy, in order to permit to banks to borrow more money to governments and invest in Social Enterprise Such as Uselt
´ Low interest rates by Banks
´ Tax exemption by Government for prove the social object of a company such as
Uselt that donate 50% for charity in the education sector
´ No class tax but equal tax for each individual and economic subject


B401 Assignment

Task 2 – Part 3

3. Regulatory Mechanism – Impact of
´ Customers, companies and social enterprise and all the others market’s subject mostly benefit from competition. Is an essential elements that consent progress, innovation and drive change. In more details:
´ Competition in an economy is a tool that ignite enterprises and innovation. It allows the flourish of opportunities, the improvements of efficiency an, sometimes, a refurbishment of the market players
´ Allows price set correctly no matter time and condition
´ Policies contribute to regulate the nation and worldwide progress while directing the changes and setting long-term targets

´ Competition policy seeks to encourage and improve the competitive. This would also permit to ensure consumers' benefits satisfaction.
´ Competition law would permit the achievements of aims competitions policies describes and regulate


B401 Assignment

Task 2 – Part 3

3. Regulatory Mechanism – Impact of
Fair Trade
´ Fair trade exist in the case of relation within producers located in developing countries paid a fair price for their work, by companies in countries where the living-condition is simply higher.
´ Is common to identify fair trade when the amount of money paid for the production of the products cover three general costs in the undeveloped country: food, education and healthcare.
´ Partnership represent the main foundation of Fair Trade. Created to ensure alternative way of doing trade, Fair Trade is based on partnership, which means “the general interests of farmers and workers are just as important as other commercial considerations”. The general press also describe Fair
Trade as innovative and unique solution to poverty and easy-developmentmodel. (as a result of this, Fair Trade application rocket enormously since
Companies such as Uselt as other social enterprise could benefit directly from policies that promote the oversee production. This could be beneficial not only in the cost, but also within the marketing campaigns as well as in the improvement of the brand and relations with acquired and potential clients.

B401: Business Environment
Level 4

Slide presentation for considering the role of the wider economy on Uselt’s business. Providing evidence for LO2 (AC 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)

Slide 1:

Perhaps the UK economy is one of the most solid in the EU, however, what happened around the world regarding economy aspects affect also a concentrated currency market as the Great Britain's one. For that reason, Uselt needs to consider in a long term. Within this presentation we would analyse the different aspects and how the wider economy play a role now and in future

Slide 2:

There are three type of economy system that mainly affect the allocation of resources. The UK market is now more affected by the Mixed Economy system, open minded to new opportunity but still related to the origin of a huge and concentrated power of the crown. Like in Italy with the Vatican, the queen still influences a lot the economy of the UK. For example, with immigration, economy is deeply affected by the presence of an old and traditional figure that cost a lot to the economy year by year.

Slide 3:

The prior presentation of the economy system was related to how subsequently the resources are allocated throughout the type of economy. Here we will considerate how the economic system did and would in future allocate the resources effectively.

Slide 4:

Second part of consideration for the effective allocation of resources by the economic system.

Slide 5:

Fiscal policies represent one of the most common way in which a government align its spending level and tax rates to affect the economy of its nation. The press often calls Fiscal policies the monetary policies’ sister strategy. These concerns all about the influences of a Central Bank by the supply of its currency. These two strategy are addresses to the government decision in order to achieve the country economy’s goals.




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

Slide 6:

Fiscal and Monetary policy could affect business organisations such as Uselt and their activities directly.
For example, an increasing of the Value Added Tax of few percentage points could omit project for the higher cost of product and service offered to the market. However, governments offer the possibility to receive back the amount of VAT but this will affect the power of purchasing of clients, of course with a possible collapse if the VAT value in addition to the prior tax is more than 2 points (history teach, for example in the Italian Market, where FIAT was not able to manage the passage between 21% to 23% in
VAT and they move the legal base in London.
Furthermore, Social Enterprise such as Uselt luckily is not direct affected by the possible rose of the middle classes income tax, they each year is requested by the labour middle classes.
Moving into Monetary Policy impact consideration, QE directly affect the social enterprise subject in the market in case of increase of liquidity by the government that could then invest QE capital in companies such as Uselt. This process copied by the FED in the United States, contribute to create debt within the local banks of UK with advantage for the Central Bank of England.
This will surely increase the interest in the ages after December 2015 FED rose.
Finally, the last Monetary Policy analysed is the lowering of Interest rates that often control the amount of money that a family will spend (because in average it will have more money).
For organisation such as Uselt, this will affect relatively because the biggest slice of the costumer of
Uselt are Business that create large volumes, but certainly some how private could be involved.

Slide 7:

A prosper market is the base for permit to subject to extent the investments in social organisation, that cover the part of economic subject not really fundamental.
The last point regarding the Impact is a prove that usually the main people that donate are richer people that could however being affected by the rose of the class’s tax.

Slide 8:

From a literature review in Competition policies three main insights has been proven:
• Greater innovation, productivity, and economic growth is only possible where greater competition exist • Policies focus to extent the effect of open markets and help government in the process of removing anticompetitive regulations are a key that can promote competition. The result of this would be better deals for producers and lower prices for general customers.
• Competition policies are more effective if enforced within the business environment. Just the presence of them is not enough to improve and create the condition to have a natural development of competition.
Different situations involved within a competition environment permit the company to establish a relation business-costumer that is more complete and solid then the one that would be with a monopoly market.




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

Slide 9:

Fair Trade aim is improving poor-environment-countries in the earning money process in order to give benefits to the communities. This process gets involved different benefits in regards to the economy system of the country. However, is often difficult to set up a well-organised fair trade mechanism for country where corruption is involved within the government. In this occasion the instability of the legislations system affects the trade with instead disadvantages for the whole community involved.

Briefing notes regarding the pricing and output decision within different type of market structure.
Providing evidence for LO3 (AC 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

UK airline industry over the past 15 years has been dominated by few big firms concentrated in the same aim: target the highest number of passenger in order to achieve the highest profit. Fifteen years ago the competition where more concentrated than now.
The oligopoly that characterised the last years of UK airline industry is currently more ‘soft’ with different characteristics of a perfect competition.
The business and first class service level is still dominated by few well-known firms that for a higher price offer an authentic and unique service, most of the time related to the cultural environment of the firms itself (e.g. BA, Qatar Airlines, Fly Emirates etc.).
Instead, the current industrial market offers different subjects that allow clients to held plenty of service with a differentiated level of quality. Pure oligopoly of the past drove easily to a more expensive situation that created in the market the necessity of new low-cost organisations.
Thus, new companies as Ryanair and EasyJet have started to rise massively in the small movements and where the target of the idea client was the one only interested in the movement itself.
Regarding the output decision, major airlines like BA and Air France often concentrate their logistics networks where only a number of close competitors do business.
Perfect competition of these days permit the different client ‘class’ to link to a ‘category’ of airlines owe to his ‘amount’ of budget. Globalisations with technological improvements and global competition rose the opportunities and the benefits for the general public within Airline Industry.
In order to better discuss and analyse market structure, the below table would indicate aspects, characters, present realities and possible future expectation of these main structures.
Currently, the main risk of free competition market is that nobody has the power to influence the price. So the real driver of the price is always the consumers’ community. As a result of this, companies could be easily drive out of the market. However, the good would become more homogeneous and so the barrier to entry. This is the typical market presentation of the UK and in certain part of USA. EU is sill mainly government driven but is getting on the market situation that UK has already.




B401: Business Environment
Level 4




B401: Business Environment
Level 4


Steps of a Product’s process of consolidation Market forces shape organisational responses. This is made possible through a very basic economic principle: Supply and demand. These two variables shape the cost pressure and customer responsiveness. A cost effective strategy could only be implemented when prevision of supply and demand are made from the company’s management. (Blurtit. 2016)

A fundamental competitive advantage is represented by anticipating and responding to customer demands.
Furthermore, different companies are eager to collect purchases’ payments. However, when is the moment to return those products they make it difficult refund.
By definition, “Market Forces can have an effect on that demand - and as such, will have an affect on the supply chain and strategy used by an organisation.” (Blurtit, 2016)
The well-established “eventualities” that affect supply and demand are related to the concept of Porter's
Five Forces:
1. New entries
2. Customers’ power
3. Suppliers’ power
4. degree of rivalry
5. substitutes’ threat
The activity of Address market forces includes different tasks and theories that goes well beyond service management training.
The improvement of customer emphasis, quick service response, variety, convenience, proactive identification and understanding of customer requirements requires an organization’s structure and operating practices evolvement.
In launching a new product, the relation between supply and demand generally indicate the point of the development of a company. Firstly, when the relation between the twos is indirect, the new product is right at the beginning where a huge supply is available in the market waiting to being held by the rocketing of the demand.
Organisations will always look for an equilibrium point, where the product increase in solidity and generally, also in quality for the new income coming in.
The third and last point regarding this product-market example relates to the situation when, if the promotion of this new product and the process of consolidation in the market went right, the demand will




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

be higher than the supply, so the cost pressure could permit the rising of the prices with benefits for the whole company.
This complete process currently represents the ideal situation of transaction of a new business to a high quality organisation that would like to focus more in quality rather than quantity. This is the generic trend process for success within new companies. In collision with multinationals “high-volumes” organisations mind-set. PART 3
Environmental and cultural analysis are strategic tools process. They would permit to identify organisational performance internal and external elements. A correct and well-prepared analysis would also permit to assess the level of threat/opportunity the different factors might present. As a result of this, the different considerations and evaluations would later be translated to the management department that would shape the decision-making process considering the factors.
A business like Uselt is greatly influenced by their environment and for that reason it ought to manage and control the market and trade environment. The most used and detailed analysis tool is the PESTEL analysis that denote different aspects.
However, for Uselt the most appropriate tool to choose is the PEST that permit to analyse political, economic, social and technological factors only.
For a company like Uselt the cultural environment would daily the generic behaviour that affect not only the daily decisions but also the long term commitment. Using the PEST analysis, we can individuate some judgements:

Political – most of the time new subject in the market such as Uselt are under a underlined by an huge amount of formal requisite that often led to reduce the speed of new companies that instead could faster increase the tax incomes as the conditions of the cultural environment, with innovations and benefits for different communities

Economic – During 2016 the solid status of USA proved by the FED interest rose will allow global bank to let people and organisations such as Uselt to borrow credits in order to grow rapidly

Social – currently the social environment is being monopolise by Mass-Media. However, SocialNetwork influence is growing massively with benefit by filtering the information.

Technological – Company such as Uselt, as Tesla, Apple etc. are constantly dealing with competition in changing the behaviour of people. This shared mission statement owes to new cultural and business freedom environments.

Social manners can be used to attract more business in Uselt network. Social enterprise can also afford to receive various tax breaks and tax that would permit a solid reduction of the costs within the first stages of the company.




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

Board paper for discuss future international options for the business of Uselt. Providing evidence for LO4 (AC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

Opening up of trade Internationally on UK business has an extremely significant impact.
The rewards from selling products and services overseas can be huge.
Trading abroad can easily enhance a company profile and credibility.
International markets like EU and USA, or high-growth markets like Brazil, China, India, Colombia and Vietnam offer to businesses a new world of customers, partners, opportunity and often also innovation.
Crucially, they enable you to spread your business risk, increase the commercial lifespan of your products and services and secure economies of scale not always possible at home.
And research con RMS that exporting companies are more productive, innovative and resilient to economic downturns than non-exporters.
Also, while opening a trade channel the the good will wouldn’t be only the export of capital, but also the potential import. This, combined with the strength of the British pound and the state of the economy, has attracted during the past foreign investors.
UK is the second country with most destination for investment after USA. The economic department of the UK has recently confirmed that nearly 30% of all foreign investment within the EU is received by the
United Kingdom’s countries.
“The total U.S. investment in the United Kingdom is more than the total American investment in
Germany, France, Italy, and the Netherlands combined. In overall terms, foreign investment accounted for 5% of GDP of the whole UK.” (, 2015)
Also, for different business the opening of the International trade could affected by principles as the economy of scales ones. The term economy of scale refers to a lower per unit cost of production due to the increasing in size of the firm, output of scale of operation.
Not only variable costs are lower, but also fixed costs, in the sense that the amount paid for fixed costs remains the same but they are spread over more units.
High competitive advantage would let to different scenario in businesses around the world. One of the main result is currently available in Asia where an entire nation is in recession due to the stabilisation of the huge demand of the last years from continent like EU and US.




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

UK business is often influenced by Global factors and forces, these would:
• Influence the scale of international trade
• increasing the importance of multiculturalism in UK organisations
• increasing levels of internal dependency in regards to national economies
The impact of some global factors on UK Business organisations can be effectively analysed using
PESTEL module. Within it we can indicate as different global factors:

Political o Global political stability level o The level regards the bureaucracy in international affairs o Media’s extent of freedom

The three considerations above consider the changes in the government and its policies.
Government political behaviours highly influence business’ operations, even often during the last decade. For example, most European companies are under the EU legislation. Furthermore, the political area had the large influence to companies in the last period as the regulation are often different. Also, spending power and customers’ needs play an important role within the differentiation of the areas a company look into.

Economical o Impacts of the growing economic globalisation o Global economic crisis o Sock market fluctuations o Market Uncertainly

Global economy is largely influenced by these diverse factors.
For example, a living standards’ increase would imply a general increase certain products’ demand. As a result of this, business would be provided by more and diverse opportunities from the market to, hopefully, make profit out of.
Also, economic activities’ fluctuation would imply different result that businesses’ management need to keep in mind in order to provide the best possible strategies. For example, in case of economic activities number’s growth, products demand would, theoretically, increase and hence the price will increase, mirroring the first change. Vice versa, if reduction would hit demands, prices would easily go down.
Other economic changes that could affect business include changes in central banks interest rates as well as wage and inflation rates.

Social o o o o

Family values changes (in global scale)
Family patterns changes (like same-sex marriages, single parents etc.)
Population increase
Popularity increase regards Immigration/migration practices




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

These factors are related to a large social category of social structures changes providing insights into behaviour, tastes, and lifestyles patterns of a population. Population structures and different consumer lifestyles greatly influence the diverse buyer patterns. Those are determined by buying patterns and the understanding of such changes is crucial to develop right strategies at the right market time and situations. Cultural differences, obviously diverse country to country, are crucially important for global corporations seeking diverse profit with the implementation of different strategies. These must consider the different countries’ environment diversification in order to be in front of changes and have a flexible and effective strategy to implement.

Technological o Global technological infrastructure situation (in regards to the current level reached) o Technological breakthroughs in Industry-specific sections o Emerging of innovative communication technologies

Business strategies is deeply influenced by technological factors, not only for opportunities to adopt new innovations and inventions but also for the velocity in which business can connect and “fastly” make profits. This would then increase business costs reduction and, as a result of this, permit to develop new products. With the communication improvement thanks to the large diffusion of modern technologies, tech-factors have gained great impetus and momentum in the business sector. For example, larges information volumes are currently secured and shared. From this, databases are now able to exponentially reduce “renting/hosting” cost while rapidly improve in service.

Ecological o Global warming situation o Air pollution increase o “Increasing level of sensitivity towards “green” problems among business stakeholders”
(, 2016)

These factors are massively important for a social enterprise such as Uselt. Like his type of organisation
(‘Social’) the aim of these subject is to follow the good manner rules in order to achieve not only the objects of the founders and entrepreneurs but also the targets for the well being of the whole community.
With its activity Uselt contribute to the no-waste of such an important component of the nowadays world: the old technological furniture. The global factors will rise dramatically during 2016 owe to the last G20 where the most powerful figures of the world governments shared the commitment of the decreasing of the earth temperature growth of 1.5 ‘C before 2020.

Legal o data protection law development (regulations’ updates and improvements) o Regulations in regards to global data protection o “Legal Globalisation” level of increase

Government laws and regulations highly affect the way business plan and write their strategies. Legal issues must be considered by businesses otherwise problem would raise involved particular situations.
Furthermore, Businesses ought to have the capability to anticipate changes in laws that would influence




B401: Business Environment
Level 4

their behaviour they would adopt. However, we need to consider law as a variable factor that keep changing over and over in a large period of time. The awareness in regards to changes in the diverse areas (like consumer protection legislation, environmental legislation, health & safety and employment law, etc.)
The above different laws represent situation in which UK businesses should benefit from international trade. However, UK businesses are getting into a situation where disadvantage is present in the case of international trade. This for the volume of imports to the UK that keeps growing while suppressing the levels of exports from the UK.

Due to the UK membership in the EU a large number of local businesses are obviously influenced by the
EU regulations, likewise policies and legislations.
For example, the EU Liberalisation Policy. This specific law introduced by the EU during 1993 requires businesses from all the EU countries to manage competition within the EU in equal terms with local businesses. The policy explain that imported goods to the UK can not be charge with tariffs normally imposed to goods that are being imported from other countries non in the EU. So a free-trade-market is currently active and established within the different countries in the EU.
Furthermore, according to EU policies, “businesses in the UK aiming to merge need to seek the approval of the EU if the combined turnover of businesses does exceed specific threshold of sales that has been specified by the EU.“ (, 2015)
In conclusion, EU impact UK businesses hugely and no business is exempt. However, is crucial to remember that the free trading policies of the EU consent a lot more business within the countries signed to the EU agreements, but limit and restrict the rest of the world countries, “stucked” in slow and solid bureaucracy that lead only to avoid business opportunities and favour certain “selected” humans communities. ALWAYS LEARNING



B401: Business Environment
Level 4


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