...diagram, the following: Primary Data Warehouse and Data Mart. In this connection, explain the difference between ROLAP and MOLAP. A Primary Data Warehouse is a central repository of a database of a complete organization. It holds multiple subject areas and very detailed information. A Data Mart is a subset or an aggregation of the data stored to a primary data warehouse. It often holds only one subject area – for example, a specific department, finance or sales. It may hold more summaried data, and is typically smaller than a warehouse because of its employment on a different grain. Figure 1.1 illustrates the difference between data mart and a primary data warehouse. Since the data mart typically holds one subject area, it is much smaller than a primary data warehouse. These data marts can be viewed as small, local data warehouses replicating the part of primary data warehouse which is required by a specific domain or department. Data Warehouse Data Mart Data Warehouse Data Mart Figure 1.1 A data warehouse does not necessarily use a dimensional model, since it is partly normalized RDBMS, but data marts are multidimensional cubes. This connection gives arise to two concepts, ROLAP and MOLAP. ROLAP is an implementation based on a relational database, in our case which is a primary data warehouse, and MOLAP is an implementation based on a multidimensional database which are data marts. ROLAP tools use the relational database to access the data and generate SQL queries to calculate...
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...3: Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses Kevin Sloley Professor Dammlash Gebre CIS-111 Intro to Related Database Management Systems Due March, 2016 Outline the main differences between the structure of a relational database optimized for online transactions versus a data warehouse optimized for processing and summarizing large amounts of data. The primary difference between your application database and a data warehouse is that while the former is designed (and optimized) to record, the latter has to be designed (and optimized) to respond to analysis questions that are critical for your business. Application databases are OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) systems where every transaction has to be recorded, and super-fast at that. Consider the scenario where a bank ATM has disbursed cash to a customer but was unable to record this event in the bank records. If this started happening frequently, the bank wouldn't stay in business for too long. So the banking system is designed to make sure that every trasaction gets recorded within the time you stand before the ATM machine. This system is write-optimized, and you shouldn't crib if your analysis query (read operation) takes a lot of time on such a system. A Data Warehouse (DW) on the other end, is a database (yes, you are right, it's a database) that is designed for facilitating querying and analysis. Often designed as OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) systems, these databases contain read-only data that...
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...August 29, 2015 Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses Student’s name: Professor’s name: Course title: 1. Differences between the structures of a relational database optimized for online transactions versus a data warehouse optimized for processing and summarizing large amounts of data Data Warehouse is a database which is designed to process for query and analysis rather than for transaction processing, and it is usually contains historical data derived from transaction data, but can include data from other sources while relational database optimized for online transaction which includes insertions, updates and deletion. Basically Data Warehouse is defined as a subject-oriented, non-volatile and time –variant collection of database which support management’s decisions. Data Warehouse is very distinct from online transaction systems. Some of distinctions are given below: * One of main difference, a data warehouse you can do separate analysis workload form transaction workload which makes it very much read-oriented systems. * They deal higher amount of volume in comparisons to online transaction database. * They have a far higher amount of data reading versus writing and updating. This enables far better analytical performance and avoids impacting your transaction systems. * A data warehouse system can be optimized to consolidate data from many sources to achieve a key goal. * it prevents many disputes and enhances decision-making efficiency ...
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...Research of improve the data quality Abstract Data Warehouse is a data collection which is subject-oriented, integrated, relativelyand relatively stable. and It can reflect the changes of history and support the management decision. It is an important segment to maintain the accuracy of the data warehouse. However, ETL is an important part to build data warehouse and occupy about 60 percent of the load. The improvement of the quality in the data warehouse helps to guarantee the reliability and also help the enterprise to summarize and use the data for a long period of time. There are many methods to improve the quality of data. However, in the view of the experience summary and practice accumulation in the practical application, the paper mainly focuses on the ETL dispatcher and way of check to improve data quality of data warehouse. First of all, the automation of data management which is realized by ETL principle make the data into a data stream., the database where the data exists become as starting point of ETL, saving the data warehouse with ultimate high-quality data as the end of ETL. Second, for the data which the ETL data flow has been formed to generate example, for the data which complete ETL processes structure to handling historical information, thus ensuring that the ETL flow can monitoring. Third, building the processing logic of ETL tectonic processes, is the core of constructing high-quality data, constructing the automated calibration procedures...
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...DATA WAREHOUSE A data warehouse is a logical collection of information gathered from different operational databases and used to create business intelligence that supports decision making tasks and business analysis activities. Walmart is known for having the biggest data warehouse used, which is larger then 4 Petabytes. Wal-Mart is very secretive about their data warehouse. After achieving a major milestone Teradata, Wal-Mart’s data warehouse supplier, was given permission to announce a few shallow facts about Wal-Mart’s data warehouse. • Wal-Mart has indeed the world’s largest, non military, database with a size of one-half a petabyte. • It is the world’s largest data warehouse Wal-Mart keeps track of 100 million customers buying billions of products every week. Using this data allows Wal-Mart to achieve Always Low Prices. It is the data warehouse that enabled Wal-Mart to become one of the 15 most profitable companies in the world. Let’s look at some sales questions Wal-Mart’s data warehouse has to answer: • How much orange juice did we sell last year, last month, last week in store X? • Comparing sales data of orange juice in various stores? • What internal factors (position in store, advertising campaigns...) in- fluence orange juice sales? • What external factors (weather...) influence orange juice sales? • Who bought orange juice last year, last month, last week? A data warehouse really is a Decision Support System (DSS). Providing the data to support business decisions...
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...Data Warehousing Saikrishna Burugula IST 7000 Data Management Wilmington University Abstract A data storage could be a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, non-updateable assortment of knowledge utilized in business intelligence and support of organizing decision-making method (Inmon, Strauss & Neushloss, 2008). In data warehousing when the data is stored it is not updated, commonly data warehousing intended for evaluation connected with data source in addition to addressing queries it can be called copy of addressing data (Prabhu, 2002). The key intention with this paper is typically to target on the actual design connected with data warehouse in addition to modeling techniques like ER modeling and Dimensional modeling. Introduction A Data Warehouse is not just a new combination of all of the in business databases in an organization. Because of its attention on business intelligence, exterior data, and time variant information, a data warehouse is usually a special type of database. The good thing is, you should not learn another number of database abilities to do business with a new information storage place. Most data warehouses tend to be relational databases designed in many ways optimized pertaining to selection assistance, definitely not in business information running. Facts warehousing could be the procedure whereby organizations create and gaze after information...
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...IBM DB2 Universal Database ® ™ Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing V ersion 8 IBM DB2 Universal Database ® ™ Business Intelligence Tutorial: Extended Lessons in Data Warehousing V ersion 8 Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Notices. This document contains proprietary information of IBM. It is provided under a license agreement and is protected by copyright law. The information contained in this publication does not include any product warranties, and any statements provided in this manual should not be interpreted as such. You can order IBM publications online or through your local IBM representative. v To order publications online, go to the IBM Publications Center at www.ibm.com/shop/publications/order v To find your local IBM representative, go to the IBM Directory of Worldwide Contacts at www.ibm.com/planetwide To order DB2 publications from DB2 Marketing and Sales in the United States or Canada, call 1-800-IBM-4YOU (426-4968). When you send information to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use or distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000 - 2002. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents About the...
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...Question: 1. When developing a successful data warehouse, what are the most important risks and issues to consider and potentially avoid? Data warehouse projects have many risks. Most of them are also found in other IT projects, but data warehousing risks are more serious because data warehouses are expensive, time-and-resource demanding, large-scale projects. Each risk should be assessed at the inception of the project. When developing a successful data warehouse, it is important to carefully consider various risks and avoid the following issues: • Starting with the wrong sponsorship chain. You need an executive sponsor who has influence over the necessary resources to support and invest in the data warehouse. You also need an executive project driver, someone who has earned the respect of other executives, has a healthy skepticism about technology, and is decisive but flexible. You also need an IS/IT manager to head up the project. • Setting expectations that you cannot meet. You do not want to frustrate executives at the moment of truth. Every data warehousing project has two phases: Phase 1 is the selling phase, in which you internally market the project by selling the benefits to those who have access to needed resources. Phase 2 is the struggle to meet the expectations described in Phase 1. For a mere $1 to $7 million, hopefully, you can deliver. • Engaging in politically naive behavior. Do not simply state that a data warehouse will help managers make better decisions...
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...Enterprise Data Warehouse of ABC University TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTion 3 A. BUSINESS INTELIGENCE 3 B. Data Warehouese 3 C. ETL 3 D. DATA Mart 3 CHAPTER 2. Enterprise 3 A. project plan 3 1. Data Requirements 3 2. Historical Requirements 3 3. Security Requirements 3 4. Performance Requirements 6 B. datAbase design criteria 6 1. The Theory 6 2. Data Modeling 6 3. Unique Identifier 6 4. Database type 6 C. etl process 6 1. Extraction: 6 2. Transfer: 6 3. Load: 6 D. data mart 6 E. data Mining 6 CHAPTER 3. summary 6 A. datawarehosue 6 B. ETL 6 C. data mart 6 D. data mining 6 CHAPTER 4. work cited 6 INTRODUCTion BUSINESS INTELIGENCE Business Intelligence is not a new tactic of reviewing data as there had been traditional tools to analyze data to be able to deliver value to the owners of those data (Souhard Joens, Birst, 8/21/14). How to benefit from the vast data which we had gathered, planned or by default, how this data can be consolidated, and is there any way to make sense of these data have been the drive behind the new tools presented to be able to arrive at some conformity and then being able to use the analytically to better the entity, whatever the mission. Data Warehouese Data Warehouse is a database which holds vast amount of data different in the nature and type in various tables inside in a manner which they can be accessed and manipulated to generate intelligent reports for analytical...
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...DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DATABASE AND DATA WAREHOUSE 1 Database vs Data Warehouse Patricta Eric Doller Prudue University Relation Database Management Systems Bob Estein March 14, 2015 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN DATABASE AND DATA WAREHOUSE Relational database versus a data warehouse Businesses use new technology in many aspect of running everyday duties, like record keeping. To keep these records organized, companies have separate database and data warehouses. A database is used for a single application, mostly for transactions. These transactions can range from payroll, inventory to sales and any other transaction the company needs on a daily bases. A data warehouse is used for multiple domains running simultaneously. A company should use a data warehouse to show how they are doing, in whole, rather than just in certain areas. The warehouse can also track business trends. Companies do not usually do not put all their information into one database because of the possibility of being hacked into easily by a Hacker and used for the wrong intent. Although, it 2 would be cheaper to have just one database the security risks are too high. These problems would lead to dissatisfied customers, lack of business and lawsuits. So how is a data warehouse different from your regular database? After all, both of these are database, and they tend to function the same way. If you look deeper into them, you will find that they both have tables and they contain data. They both have indexes, keys...
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...------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (5 Points) Cliptomania, LLC, owned and operated by the Santo family, is an e-business that sells clip-on earrings throughout the United States, Canada, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand (Brown, DeHayes, Hoffer, Martin, & Perkins, 2012). The Santos have discovered an underserved market niche and turned it into a viable e-business. ------------------------------------------------- ISSUES/PROBLEMS (20 Points)* The first issue encountered by the Santo family was setting up the Web store. None of the family members had the expertise, not to mention the start-up capital, to contract with an internet service provider for the computer resources, software packages, or site design. The Santos overcame this obstacle by contracting with a vendor – in this case, Yahoo! – to host the store. Yahoo! provided the computer resources and integrated software necessary, as well as a customizable template for the Santos to personalize their site. Another vendor, Paymentech, was integrated with Yahoo! to validate credit cards and process payments for Cliptomania. Marketing was another issue encountered. With the dot-com bust in the early 2000s, the cost of listing the website in search engines increased based on the number of “clicks.” The Santos soon found, however, that this increased cost resulted in increased sales and now consider it an acquisition cost. Cliptomania also ventured into search engine advertising and pay for...
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...| Content | Page | 1 | Abstract | 3 | 2 | What is Data Warehouse? | 3 | 3 | Who uses Data Warehouse? | 4 | 4 | Characteristics of Data Warehouse | 4 | 5 | Basic Elements of Data Warehouse | 5 | 6 | Basic Processes of Data Warehouse | 7 | 7 | Basic Components of Data Warehouse | 8 | 8 | Data Warehouse Architecture | 9 | 9 | Steps to build successful Data Warehouse | 12 | 10 | Selection of Data Warehouse | 13 | 11 | Cost and Size of Data Warehouse | 15 | * Abstract: This document is for explaining what data warehouse is and how does it work. It also explains how data warehousing is useful for companies and organizations for the purpose of decision making and offers a broad array of decision support services to all companies. Data warehousing technique is adopted by many of the companies who use Information Technology to gain a competitive advantage. Companies who have started using this technology are building various techniques to develop hardware, software and other tools that help data warehouse to function more effectively. In this term paper I have given a brief idea about the development and basic terms that are necessary to understand data warehousing. The paper also states advantages and disadvantages encountered while developing data warehouse. * What is Data Warehouse: Data Warehouse is a database in which information of an organization is stored...
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...following terms communicates the idea that a major goal of a business enterprise is to engage in interactions with customers over the long term? a. marketing management b. customer focus c. relationship management d. customer retention e. share of customer 3. Which of the following businesses is LEAST likely to have a CRM program? a. airline b. credit card company c. electric company d. hotel chain e. casino 4. Which of the following statements would contemporary marketers disagree with? a. once a sale offers, the firm must stress managing relationships with customers. b. making a sale is the start of the relationship process. c. relationships should intensify after a sale. d. many customer relationships encourage additional exchanges. e. most customers want the same products for the same reasons. 5. Establishing relationships with customers can: a. increase long run sales b. reduce marketing costs c. provide benefits to the business d. provide benefits to the customer e. all of the above 6. A process to compile information that increases understanding of how to manage the organization’s relationships with its customers, by it’s simplest definition, is: a. an IT system b. a CRM system c. data mining d. customer retention e. data...
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...SHORT TITLE OF PAPER (<= 50 CHARACTERS) Data Warehousing and Data Mining Bruce Nimo CIS 111 March 19, 2012. Prof Jones Data mining is a process of numerical analysis. Analysts use technical tools to query and sort through terabytes of data looking for patterns. Usually, the analyst will develop a hypothesis, such as customers who buy product X usually buy product Y within six months. Running a query on the relevant data to prove or disprove this theory is data mining. Data warehousing describes the process of designing how the data is stored in order to improve reporting and analysis. Data warehouse experts consider that the various stores of data are connected and related to each other conceptually as well as physically. A business's data is usually stored across a number of databases. However, to be able to analyze the broadest range of data, each of these databases needs to be connected in some way. This means that the data within them need a way of being related to other relevant data and that the physical databases themselves have a connection so their data can be looked at together for reporting purposes. Businesses then use this information to make better business decisions based on how they understand their customers' and suppliers' behaviors. Examples of businesses that use data warehousing and data mining are amason.com, Wal-Mart stores Inc etc. Both data mining and data warehousing are business intelligence tools that are used to turn information...
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...Data Warehouses The basic reasons organizations implement data warehouses are: To perform server/disk bound tasks associated with querying and reporting on servers/disks not used by transaction processing systems most firms want to set up transaction processing systems so there is a high probability that transactions will be completed in what is judged to be an acceptable amount of time. Reports and queries, which can require a much greater range of limited server/disk resources than transaction processing, run on the servers/disks used by transaction processing systems can lower the probability that transactions complete in an acceptable amount of time. Or, running queries and reports, with their variable resource requirements, on the servers/disks used by transaction processing systems can make it quite complex to manage servers/disks so there is a high enough probability that acceptable response time can be achieved. Firms therefore may find that the least expensive and/or most organizationally expeditious way to obtain high probability of acceptable transaction processing response time is to implement a data warehousing architecture that uses separate servers/disks for some querying and reporting. To use data models and/or server technologies that speed up querying and reporting and that are not appropriate for transaction processing There are ways of modeling data that usually speed up querying and reporting (e.g., a star schema) and may not be appropriate for transaction...
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