...Business essays you write, no matter whether it is on Finance, Management, Marketing, sustainability, E-Business, employee management or any other topic, must be good enough to get you grades as well as be an asset to your portfolio. At VivaEssays, we offer excellent business essays writing service. Backed by our team of highly professional, expert writers, we assure you of the best quality. Our writers have enough experience writing business essays for colleges and organizations. Before writing well structured, compelling and insightful business essays, it is necessary to follow certain guidelines. One of the most important aspects of writing good essays is to include relevant content and to substantiate your arguments with references. You must also use the right language, presentation and layout. The simplest way to do this is to break up business essays into stages. Before you start writing the essay, do a thorough research on the essay question. Find out what exactly does the topic question requires you to address. If you are allowed to choose your own topics, choose one that interests you. Conduct a good research on the internet and library taking care to choose authentic resources. You can take the help of interviews and surveys to get directly relevant content. Include sources such as case studies and articles from books written by noted scholars or from official journals. After making an outline plan, start writing your business essays in precise language...
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...Introduction “Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won’t be profitable for long.” (As cited in Customer Service – 8 Rules For Good Customer Service 2009.) Excellent customer service is one of the key necessities that a business must have to run a successful enterprise. Businesses in today’s world are changing, especially in the marketing department. Weather the business is a large one, for example Wall Mart or just small local businesses that are family owned and operated, such as Wayne’s Drive Inn. The main point of any business is to focus on what the customers need is and to make sure they are satisfied with the quality of service that the business is providing. Businesses need to provide their employees on the front line with proper training, which means those employees that have contact and interact with customers on daily basis’s, weather face to face or verbally must be able to offer the amount of service required. Training is also important for business’s employees because those are the people your customers deal with, and also those employees are the face of the business. Therefore a businesses selection of employees can either make or break ones business. “Well, the Harvard Business Review reports that if you can prevent 5% of your customers from leaving you, you can increase yourbottom...
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...Contribution and Diversity Questions Your background, experiences, and values will enhance and diversify Kellogg. How? (1-2 double-spaced pages) The Darden School seeks a diverse and unique entering class of future managers. How will your distinctiveness enrich our learning environment and enhance your prospects for success as a manager? Every essay question on the admissions application is geared toward the same thing. Committee members want to find out who you are, what makes you different from everyone else, and how you will contribute to the school if accepted. This question asks these things outright. Because it asks so directly what the admissions committee wants to know, this is one of the most common questions you will find. The question has a structure similar to the Why M.B.A.? question. It asks both Why us? and Why you? However, the nature of this question lends itself to a more personal response. Whereas the Why M.B.A.? question asks what you have done, what you want to do, and how that relates to the school, this question asks about who you are and how it relates to the school. The Why M.B.A.? question asks about your experiences, and this question asks about your qualities. Just as you brainstormed about your experiences, actions, and goals for the first question, brainstorm about your qualities and characteristics for this one. What sets you apart from everyone else? What words do friends and family use to describe you? For some people, the focus...
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...Fifth Business Essay There are paths that many people can take throughout their lives. “Fifth Business”, a story written by Robertson Davies, focuses on one person, and that is the main character, which is Dunstan Ramsay. In the novel, he takes the path of the Canadian hero, which helps his personality/character change by doing the following: searching for little Madonna; going through the underworld; and leaving his old life behind to begin a new one, and to discover who he truly is. These are the different steps to be taken by the hero and Dunstan follows his path by completing each step. One way that Dunstan’s personality/character changes is by going on a search for little Madonna. His journey begins when he gets his call for adventure. The call for adventure lets the him know that his life is about to change. Dunstan’s call for adventure comes when he leaves for Europe for the second time to search for the little Madonna. The little Madonna was what called him to come back to Europe. “The little Madonna was a bee in my bonnet; I wanted to see her again, and quite unreasonably (like a man I knew who lost a treasured walking -stick in the London Blitz and still looks hopefully in every curiosity shop in case it might turn up) I kept hoping to find her” (pg. 123). Dunstan had to leave the life he was living in order to begin his journey. Even though he knew he might never find the little Madonna again, he had to keep looking. While searching for the little Madonna...
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...You’re growing yet again, and this time you’re moving across borders. Your business is expanding into Canada. Before you move north of the border, however, you’ll need to carefully consider the structure you should give your Canadian operations. Fortunately, there are a number of different ways to structure a business expanding into Canada. Unfortunately, so much choice makes it more difficult to choose a structure. All business structures come with pros and cons. You’ll need to do some research, talk to the experts, and determine which structure really suits the needs of your business. Here are a few types of business structures you should consider when you’re expanding into Canada. 1. Branch Office A branch office is one of the structures...
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...Robert Ambrose Small Business Management October 9, 2015 Professor S. Turner Final Paper The Dilemma The gentlemen of “Three Guys Garage” all have the best interest of the organization in mind. However, they have differing outlooks on the best approach to expand “Three Guys Garage” and reach the level of success they all aspire for. Karl is very interested in turning the company into a national chain, but the other members of the team have some concerns. For an example, Ben is concerned about control losing control of the brand. Rick on the other hand has voiced that he is worried about losing his profits. The Strategy After evaluating the different Growth strategies the best strategy for the team is to continue on as a privately owned company. As a privately owned company while growth may be slower than the other options it is still possible. On the other hand, if the gentleman where to try and franchise the organization there is a very good chance they would lose control of the day to day operations of some units, which is an issue for Ben. While it is required for franchise owners to follow company-operating procedure developed by the parent company, ultimately the unit is owned by the franchisee and he or she going to make decisions for his or her shop that best fits their goals (Joseph, 2015). If the team decide to take the offer of the investor and start a joint venture, they will have to further split their profits which does not go over well with Rick. Other...
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...Corruption of Business The unethical, disgusting and unequal practices of what resides behind the rotting garment for the business culture that faces a challenge in the modern generation for men and woman. Business is corrupted by money, sexual harassment, and no justification. Money has corrupted business in ways that they try to deceive the certain types of officials ones that have not been corrupted. High forms of corrupted government get more expensive, lavish resources and accessibility in Afghanistan and other countries (thieves of state pg.44). Sarah Chayes a researcher puts or tries to put anti-corruption in Afghanistan to try to help the country but then disagreements with people and national people of that country start to pop up,...
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...1.In the business strategy game one should buy plant upgrades early in the game, because it has an accumulative effect. In the "Plant Capacity" screen you are given four different plant upgrade options per plant. Depending on what your strategy is, one should upgrade their plant in each region with at least two different options. 2. In the "Branded Production" screen you will want to make TQM/sigma six have a value of 2.50 because it helps you achieve a higher SQ rating and set Best Practices at 5000 because it will save you money per pair of shoes produced. Keep these values the same from the start of the game and until the end because they also have an accumulative effect. The business strategy game values more models offered than SQ rating. 3. On should treat the business strategy game like a real corporation and take out loans early on in the game because you have a better credit score starting out. Borrow the maximum amount for the first few years. Use the money from the loans to build more plant capacity in existing plants as well as possibly a new plant in another geographic region such as Latin America. Once your company starts making more and more revenue every year, you can repay your loans early, buy back stock, and pay dividends. 4. After the business strategy game is run, buy excess capacity that all of the other teams sell. The number of excess capacity will be shown on the "Corporate Lobby" screen, and to buy it you just go to the "Plant Capacity" screen...
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...London School of Business & Management BTEC Levels 4 & 5 HND Business Centre No Unit No & Unit Title Course Title Lecturer’s Name Assignment Title & Type Date Set Due Date Academic Year / Semester 79829 Unit 1: Business Environment HND Business (BTEC Level 4 and Level 5) Dr Knowledge Mpofu Business Environment – Individual Assignment 24th September 2014 9th January 2015 September 2014 Semester Unit Outcomes Covered: LO1. Understand the organisational purposes of businesses LO2. Understand the nature of the national environment in which businesses operate LO3. Understand the behaviour of organisations in their market environment LO4. Be able to assess the significance of the global factors that shape national business activities. GRADING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors Outcomes/ Grade Descriptors AC1.1 √ AC4.1 √ AC1.2 √ AC4.2 √ AC1.3 √ AC4.3 √ AC2.1 √ M1 √ AC2.2 √ M2 √ AC2.3 √ M3 √ D1 √ AC3.1 √ AC3.2 √ D2 √ AC3.3 √ D3 √ Assessor: Signature: ______________ Date: ___/___/___ Dr Knowledge Mpofu September 2014 1 Assignment Brief Scenario: The UK business environment remains positive, forward-looking and one of the most attractive places open for business in Europe. The UK government is committed to creating a supportive business environment that encourages a private-sector-led economic growth. According to the World Bank ranking, the UK is one of the easiest places to set up and run a business in Europe, and more overseas companies...
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...Getting Tough for the World of Business Undoubtedly, the world of business is highly competitive, and with countless of careers within the field, it may be difficult for some individuals to stand out. Though one is certainly capable of advancing with a normal curriculum or program, the advantage one would receive through an opportunity like the UIC Business Scholars program would make transitioning into the vast business path a lot smoother. Knowing how rigorous business, especially international business, can be, I would love to have the opportunity to learn the ways around the field. The ability to receive close guidance from professionals and knowledgeable faculty is a great aid in familiarizing one’s self with the many obstacles waiting in the real world. In view of the support an undergraduate would obtain by being a part of this development program, one could say the student is likely to progress faster than others taking the same career path, but that are not in the program. Believing the UIC Business Scholars program would be the best way for me to start my journey to prevail in business, I...
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...Business & Management is a field that has always interested me. With many international and local businesses entering the market in Kazakhstan, I believe it is a growing field that appeals to me. I always wanted to study business since it gives you broad opportunities for work and it's such a valuable part of our modern day society. This subject interests me because I want to work for a firm in the future. Additionally, business is a field with a vast employment variety. You can work in many sectors and gain different experiences and that is what I want to do, try a bit of everything. Also, business is not a static field of study and is constantly changing, which makes it every more interesting. The biggest factor that makes me suitable for the course are my interests, perseverance, determination, and willingness to learn. I am also suitable for this course because it is easy for me to understand concepts related to business and people's behavior due to the fact that I studied IB Economics and IB Psychology at a Higher Level. I am also a recipient of Honor Roll awards in every year of high school as well as a recipient of many individual awards....
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...Ishan Walia 860931111 Dr. Jasso Section 122 EXAM 1 1) On Moral Development a) Lawrence Kohlberg, a professor at both University of Chicago and Harvard, was the creator of the famous “theory of stages of moral development.” This theory consisted of six stages which evaluated the moral reasoning of a person. The theory is divided into three levels, each of which has two stages within them. The levels consist of preconvention level, conventional level and post conventional level. The preconvention level consists of stages one and two. This level focuses on the individual themselves, and according to Kohlberg begins to develop between at and early age (Pegasus page 1). first stage is known as the “punishment and obedience” stage. Here people are put in scenarios where they are trying to avoid punishment both mentally and physically. Here what people ask themselves is “what must I do to not get punished.” An example of this stage can be illustrated by a Nazi soldier during the time of the holocaust. Here the soldier is ordered to kill his friend who happens to be of Jewish faith, now the soldier needs to decide whether he needs to kill his friend to avoid punishment or to stand up for his friend and not kill him and receive punishment. The next stage is called the “instrumental relativist” stage and is where people see the ideal, “treat others how they would treat you.” In this stage a person is to do whatever it takes to survive or get ahead, as they feel anyone in their...
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...Data is the raw facts and statistics collected during the operation of a business whereas Information is the data that is accurate, timely and interpreted and presented for a specific context (Swinburne Online 2014 Week 1). In a business context, this easily interpreted information allows the business to make informed decisions. Using the data to learn about the customers and their behaviours is a key factor to creating and building strong customer relationships and gaining a competitive advantage (Hillard 2010). Living in the information age, where an infinite number of facts are available to anyone with access to the Internet (Baltzan et al. 2010), it is imperative that a business model has a system in place to utilise all the data and information gathered from their customers to help expand their business. While many companies have found ways to collect data, it is data transformation; using the data to drive strategic change, that proves the most difficult (Hillard 2010). Increasingly in today’s day and age, customers are demanding communication and highly personalised service. Amazon is an excellent example of a company that is instrumental in using its collected data in marketing itself as a more efficient and more effective business. Amazon’s mission statement is “to be Earth's most customer-centric company" (Amazon 2014), and progressing from a Web site that sold books to an e-commerce that sells nearly everything, they are doing just that. Asides from tracking customer...
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...Owning and running a business has always been my dream. I always had a strong conviction that I would start my own business and run it successfully. My parents had tried this before but, they had failed due to poor managerial tactics. To overcome those certain pitfalls, I realized the need to find out the best business solution methods and avoid the path that my parents went through. However, I never imagined that I would study business in one of the best business schools in America. The idea of joining an American University occurred to me when I was admitted into the 2012 Harvard College Summit for Young Leaders in China. This event was an eye opener and prompted me through a series of discoveries of the American culture and education system. After a thorough analysis of the American’s way of life and their education, I was convinced that this is where I would perfect my business skills and prepare myself for my career business. The behavioral features that interested me most about the American students is their innovativeness, independence, open-mindedness, and their ability to work as a team. These are some of the skills that really impressed me, and, which, I thought would go a long way in enhancing my chances for starting and running a business. During the HCSYLC event, I invited two Harvard students to choreograph a dance that was quite successful. We related quite well and the experience I had with those two gave me an insight on how intelligent and innovative they were...
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...Business Essay Format and its Structure What Makes Business Essay Format? Those students, who study different business courses, for example management, marketing, have to write many different business essays. This type of essay as well as the others (argumentative essay, classification essay, cause and effect essay, persuasive essay, comparative essay, etc) has peculiar features that should be observed carefully in order to produce an essay in conformity with all instructions of research paper writing. One of these features to be observed at writing is business essay format as there is no doubt that format of the essay plays the same important role as the content of business essay. When student has made comprehensive research of the object and has found interesting ideas and sources to support hisher position, it does not mean that heshe has coped with a writing task. The writer should make the next step that is to organize hisher research paper writing in a proper way. It means that attention should be paid to the business essay format. In general, there are different formats of research paper – ChicagoTurabian, Harvard, APA, AMA, MLA format paper; which of them suits you the most depends on the business essay topic, subject, requirements set by the professor. When the student has chosen the format of the business essay it is very important to follow it and not use any elements of the other essay format. In case when you do not get any instruction as for the business...
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