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Business Reasearch-Bata


Submitted By SoniaaAkter
Words 13147
Pages 53
Bata Shoe Company is the market leader in the footwear industry since its operation in Bangladesh. The name Bata achieved such a position in the customers‟ mind that whenever they heard the name of Bata, a footwear with high quality comes into their mind. Bata has been serving its customers with wide assortments of products for about five decades and doing it successfully. It is very difficult to identify the customers‟ class of Bata Shoe Company. Bata touches almost every social class possible. Bata meets the footwear demands of the higher class and lower class simultaneously. However to stay closer to the customers, Bata shoe company undertakes an assessment of the customers at a regular interval. Bata desires to fulfill the ever changing customer‟s needs, and to do so the outcome of the customer assessment plays a significant role. Here the similar study undertaken with a permission of Bata Shoe Company to get the feedback from regular customers. The questionnaire is taken from Bata shoe company Bangladesh ltd to conduct the survey among the regular customers. This study is the analysis of customer satisfaction of Bata Shoe Company which will help to analyze the customers‟ level of satisfaction with Bata products and stores. This study will try to compare Bata with other competitors in footwear industry. It will help to get the knowledge of customers‟ overall shopping experience at Bata shoe stores. 1.1 Background of the Study Bata Shoe Company is the market leader in the footwear industry since its operation in Bangladesh. The name Bata achieved such a position in the customers‟ mind that whenever they heard the name of Bata, a footwear with high quality comes into their mind. Bata has been serving its customers with wide assortments of products for about five decades and doing it successfully. It is very difficult to identify the customers‟ class of Bata Shoe Company. Bata touches almost every social class possible. Bata meets the footwear demands of the higher class and lower class simultaneously. However to stay closer to the customers Bata shoe company undertakes an assessment of the customers at a regular interval. Bata desires to fulfill the ever changing customer‟s needs, and to do so the outcome of the customer assessment plays a significant role. Here the similar study undertaken with a permission of Bata Shoe Company to

get the feedback from regular customers. The questionnaire is taken from Bata shoe company Bangladesh ltd to conduct the survey among the regular customers. This study is the analysis of customer satisfaction of Bata Shoe Company which will help to analyze the customers‟ level of satisfaction with Bata products and stores. This study will try to compare Bata with other competitors in footwear industry. It will help to get the knowledge of customers‟ overall shopping experience at Bata shoe stores. 1.2 Origin of the Report: Customer satisfaction analysis evaluates customers‟ attitude and perception towards product of a company. Bata Shoe Company, the largest footwear manufacturer and marketer in Bangladesh conducts an assessment of customers‟ satisfaction in a regular interval. The purpose of this study is to measure the satisfaction level of the customers of the company. Due to the entrance of new competitors, this assessment program has become an important tool to know the market condition, customers attitude towards competitors‟‟ products, customer shopping behavior and experience at Bata store. In this research we try to analyze the customer satisfaction level & cause of dropping the level and give necessary recommendations. 1.3 Management Problem: Satisfying customers are the only way to stay competitive in today's marketplace. The balancing act between what customers want and what company can provide must be optimized in order to maximize company‟s long-term profits. Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd already is in a good position in the consumer mind but by understanding the customer satisfaction level; it will help the company to exceed the present level of customer satisfaction. The management currently wants to have aspiration of knowledge of the customer satisfaction level of Bata footwear users, and how to improve the level of customer satisfaction. 1.4 Research Problem To stay closer to the customers Bata Shoe Company undertakes an assessment of the customers at a regular interval. Bata desires to fulfill the ever changing customer‟s needs, and to do so the outcome of the customer satisfaction assessment plays an important part. To analyze the impact of Bata‟s marketing tactics have on its customers and whether these tactics are effective or not

are the major concerns. To assess what level of consumer loyalty, satisfaction and awareness they have can help to design future strategies to retain existing customers or to attract and obtain new ones. For this study the research problems are as follows:  To find out the market prospect or potential of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd.  To determine the customer satisfaction with the current assortment of shoes, customer services and the effectiveness of the competitors‟ price.  To determine the effectiveness of current promotional activities. 1.5 Statement of Research problem To survive in an ever growing industry, it is very important for any company to know its customers level of satisfaction to the products and service provided by the company. The company can take immediate action if customers needs identify clearly. Though Bata Shoe Company has been running successfully over the years, as a member of an ever growing footwear industry, it also has to understand the customers‟ mind to take corrective measures to improve the satisfaction level toward Bata shoe stores and Bata products. To stay at top in this competitive market, continually shifting customer‟s needs and requirements are required to address and the problems related to customer satisfaction is necessary to assess. The statement of the problem is "Customer Satisfaction Assessment of Footwear Industry in Bangladesh: A Study Based on Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd." 1.6 Research Objectives The research objectives are broken down into broad and specific objectives which are enumerated below:  Broad Objective The broad objective of the study is to assess the Customer Satisfaction of Shoe Industry in Bangladesh focusing on Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. This has been broken into following specific objectives:


 Specific Objective  To examine the current state of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) ltd in the market  To examine the perception about Bata shoe in consumer mind  To analyze the impact of Convenient Store Location on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Quality of shoes on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Comfort of shoes on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Knowledge of the staff on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Helpfulness of the staffs on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Value for price offered by store on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Fashionable style offered by the store on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Brands of shoe offered by the store on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Selection of colors, style and sizes on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Advertising on customer satisfaction  To analyze the impact of Layout and design of store on customer satisfaction  To identify customer satisfaction level of Bata.  To compare Bata with other stores  To suggest the company to provide better customer services. 1.7 Scope To achieve the objective it is needed to collect data from customers within the country. But for time, cost, and other limitations only the Dhaka city and is surroundings are considered for collecting data. For achieving the objectives, the study will be focused on the quality, price, comfort ability, and other criteria of Bata shoes as well as the competitive position with Apex,


Jennys, Bay and other competitors. While doing so it will also identify the limitations and the weaknesses of the issue. The researcher will be focusing on the customer satisfaction level for Bata Shoe Company (to what extent they are satisfied) concentrating Dhaka city. 1.8 Limitations Adequate efforts have been taken to accomplish the research according to the objectives. But as the research is both time and cost consuming therefore it was not possible to cover more additional areas, which would obviously give better result.  The type of the study required a detail interview of consumer at market place. Thereby a tremendous difficulty was faced in getting access to them as they are very busy. Many times the respondents were found after answering few questions left the interview, which resulted in discontinuity in interview and the wastage of time and effort. Also, the interview was conducted only on the footwear customers of Dhaka city for the time limits of internship periods.  The respondents‟ lack of understanding of the purpose of the study was a major limitation when conducting the questionnaire survey. It had to explain the nature of the study and the purpose of a number of questions several times to a number of customers. In spite of prior sincerity, some mistakes can be occurred. The responsibilities are admitted for those inadvertent mistakes, if there will any. Also adequate efforts have been taken to accomplish the project according to the objectives. 1.9 Research Questions and Hypothesis  Research Questions To furnish the report with suitable and relevant information with a scrutiny to giving it a vigorous shape, following are research questions selected to lead the report in its eventual destination:  When you think of footwear stores what the first three that come to mind are?


Justification: The answer to this question will help to identify the position of Bata in the mind of customer. That is top of mind awareness (TOMA) of the customers would come in front. From this information it helps Bata to maintain its customer loyalty.  Based on Bata‟s quality, do you think the prices are fair, reasonable or expensive?

Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective of perception about Bata shoe in consumer mind.  Based on others stores‟ quality do you think the prices are fair, reasonable or expensive?

Justification: The answer to this question will help to identify the customers‟ perception about competitors.  Do you agree that Convenient Store Location is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Convenient Store Location on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Quality of shoes one of the important factors of customer satisfaction?

Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Quality of Shoes on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Comfort of shoes is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Comfort of shoes on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Knowledge of the staff is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Knowledge of the staff on customer satisfaction.


Do you agree that Helpfulness of the staff is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction?

Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Helpfulness of the staff on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Value for price offered by store is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Value for price offered by store on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Fashionable style offered by the store is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Fashionable style offered by the store on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Brands of shoe offered by the store are one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Brands of shoe offered by the store on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Selection of colors, style and sizes is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Selection of colors, style and sizes on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Advertising is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction?

Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Advertising on customer satisfaction.  Do you agree that Layout and design of store is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction?

Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for analyzing the impact of Layout and design of store on customer satisfaction.  Does Bata satisfy all of your footwear needs?

Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for identifying the customer satisfaction level of Bata.  On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you find the Bata stores compared to other shoe stores where 1 is much worse and 5 is much better? Justification: The answer to this question will help to satisfy the specific objective for comparing Bata with other competitors in terms of some given criteria to identify the satisfaction level of customers.  Research Hypothesis The following Hypotheses in relation to specific questions will be used for this research in identifying the significance of the analysis and interpretation of the data. However, these hypotheses are based on different factors that are related to the customer satisfaction level of footwear customers. These factors are elaborated later in this paper.  Hypothesis 1  Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Value for price offered by store and customer satisfaction.  Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Value for price offered by store and customer satisfaction.  Hypothesis Two • Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Fashionable style offered by the

store and customer satisfaction. • Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Fashionable

style offered by the store and customer satisfaction.

 Hypothesis 3  Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Quality of shoes and customer satisfaction.  Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Quality of shoes and customer satisfaction.  Hypothesis 4 • Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Advertising and customer

satisfaction. • Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Advertising and

customer satisfaction.  Hypothesis 5  Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Knowledge of the staff and customer satisfaction.  Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Knowledge of the staff and customer satisfaction.

Chapter- 2 Organizational Overview
NameBata Company Ltd.


Private Company


Retail and Manufacturing





Tomas Bata

Serving area-

70 countries around the world with production Facilities in 26 Countries

Incorporation in Bangladesh-



Footwear, Clothing & Fashion Accessory

2.1 Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd.
Bata Shoe Organization started its operation in Bangladesh in 1962. The company was incorporated in 1972. The company is affiliated to the Bata Shoe Company, the largest footwear manufacturing and marketing organization. According to Bata Bangladesh website (2010) it is mentioned that currently, Bata Bangladesh operates 2 manufacturing plants at Tongi and Dhamrai, have production capacity of around 110000 pairs of shoes daily. It has a modern tannery with the latest technological facilities to process 5 million square feet of leather yearly. The Tannery is equipped with a high-tech effluent treatment plant ensuring a pollution free environment for both workers and the environment. Bangladesh‟s regional headquarter is located in Singapore. Bata is playing a pivotal role in developing the leather industry of the country. Bata has a firm commitment to eco-friendly business and a state of the art Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) has been set up to provide a pollution free environment for both workers and the locality.


2.1 Mission & Vision Bata Shoe Company has been successfully running for years with a mission and vision at the heart of all its operations.  Mission “Introduction of a strong shoe line targeted to various market segments to maintain leadership through increased market share.”  Vision “To provide good quality shoes at an affordable price by keeping in mind the comfort that needs to be there and providing new designs with it.” 2.6 Organogram of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd.
Company Manager








Product dev.














Chapter 3. Literature Review:
 Customer Satisfaction "Everyone knows what satisfaction is, until asked to give a definition. Then, it seems, nobody knows." This quote from Richard L. Oliver (1977), respected expert and longtime writer and researcher on the topic of customer satisfaction, expresses the challenge of defining this most basic of customer concept. Building from previous definitions, Oliver offers his own formal definition: Satisfaction is the consumer's fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumptionrelated fulfillment. The word satisfaction first appeared in English during the thirteenth century. The word satisfaction itself is derived from the Latin satis (meaning enough) and the Latin ending - faction (from the Latin facere - to do/make). Early usage centered on satisfaction being some sort of release from wrong doing. Later citing of the word emphasis satisfaction as a "release from uncertainty" (The Oxford Library of Words and Phrases, 1993). Modern usage of the word has tended to be much broader, and satisfaction is clearly related to other words such as satisfactory (adequate), satisfy (make pleased or contented) and satiation (enough). The difficulty faced when trying to define any word is that the meaning often depends on the context in which the word is used. In a marketing context, satisfaction is used to have a more "specific" meaning. It appears that there are two basic approaches adopted in attempting to define the concept of customer satisfaction. Satisfaction can be viewed as an outcome of a consumption activity or experience; however, it is also represented as a process. Currently, the most widely adopted description of customer satisfaction is that of a process; an evaluation between what was received and what was expected (Oliver, 1977, 1981; Olson and Dover, 1979; Tse and Wilton, 1988). By looking at satisfaction as a process, these definitions concentrate on the antecedents to satisfaction rather than satisfaction itself. Consequently, much research effort has been directed at understanding the cognitive processes involved in satisfaction evaluations. This strand of theory appears to have origins in discrepancy theory (Porter, 1961) and a number of authors have, over the years, used some form of comparison to model satisfaction. Early contributions include Contrast Theory (Cardozo, 1965; Howard and Sheth,

1969), which supposed that consumers would exaggerate any contrasts between expectations and product evaluations. This was developed into assimilation-contrast theory (Anderson, 1973). Many studies support the occurrence of assimilation (Olshavsky and Miller, 1972; Olson and Dover, 1979). Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meets or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is part of the four perspectives of a Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. There is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits of customer satisfaction for firms. A further point concerns expectations that are defined differently in the satisfaction and quality literature. In the satisfaction literature "expectations reflect anticipated performance" (Churchill and Suprenant, 1982, p. 492) made by the customer about the levels of performance during a transaction. On the other hand, in the service quality literature, expectations are conceptualized as a normative standard of future wants (Boulding, Kalra, Staelin & Zeithaml, 1993). These normative or ideal standards represent enduring wants and needs that remain unaffected by the full range of marketing and competitive factors. Normative expectations are therefore more stable and can be thought of as representing the service the market oriented provider must constantly strive to offer (Zeithaml, Berry & Parasurama, 1993). Assuming that the customer is capable of evaluating the service performance, the result is compared to expectation prior to purchase or consumption (Oliver, 1980). In the past, corporation did not pay much attention to customer satisfaction but were focused more on attracting new customers to expand their market share. Now, due to lower sales resulting from product maturity, corporations are turning around to stabilizing their existing customers to ensure their market share (Dhabolkar & Thorpe, 1994). Thus the concept of customer satisfaction is under further scrutiny. For the current study, the definition put forward by Oliver will be the construct, as it is the most appropriate for the selected study.


"It's not good enough to go to your customer after you have sold them the product and ask them how satisfied they were. What you need to do is go to your customers before you develop the product or service and find out what is important to them." (Arnold Weimerskirch, November 1997.) As this comment illustrates, satisfying customers begins the moment an organization decides to market a product, a service, or a product and service bundle. This article describes a measurement process for assessing and predicting customer reactions to the features included in the product/service bundle. Efforts to improve customer satisfaction often lead companies to the conclusion that products or services need to be redesigned, because no lesser action truly satisfies. Further, companies are motivated to introduce new products and services by changes in available technology, by competitor initiatives, and by the classic business desire to reap the profits of an effective differentiation strategy.  Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Organizations are increasingly interested in retaining existing customers while targeting non customers; measuring customer satisfaction provides an indication of how successful the organization is at providing products and/or services to the marketplace.

Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous and abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service. The stat of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other options the customer may have and other products against which the customer can compare the organization‟s products. Because satisfaction is basically a psychological state, care should be taken in the effort of quantitative measurement, although a large quantity of research in this area has recently been developed. Work done by Berry, Brodeur between 1900 and 1998 defined ten „Quality Values‟ which influence satisfaction behavior, further expanded by Berry in 2002 and known as the ten domains of satisfaction. These ten domains of satisfaction include:


• • • • • • • • • •

Quality Value Timeliness Efficiency Ease of Access Environment Inter-departmental Teamwork Front line Service Behaviors and Commitment to the Customer and Innovation.

Customer satisfaction survey is a widely used method in footwear industry (Cohen et al. 2008, Lombarts et al. 2009). Customer satisfaction measurement is fundamental to effective delivery of services (Atila and Mike, 2009). Bata Shoe Company conducts this assessment package internationally to ensure the better service to the customers. Basically this assessment package has been conducting in Bangladesh for the last few years using the same process which is conducted internationally. Customer assessment package measures the customer satisfaction on Bata products. As well as this package helps the company to know the dissatisfaction of the customers on Bata products. The end-user of Bata products are mainly the respondents of this research. The purpose of listening to customers‟ perception is to improve quality. Before the actions needed for quality improvement can be taken, the company has to obtain customers‟ perceptions and investigate and interpret the information obtained (Paula, 2010). Because of the changing environment customers are changing in the market place. Successfully being able to judge customers‟ satisfaction levels and to apply that knowledge potentially gives an advantage over competitors. “Companies increasingly look to quality, satisfaction, and loyalty as keys to achieving market leadership. Understanding what drives these critical elements, how they are

linked and how they contribute to your company‟s overall equity is fundamental to success.”(AC Nielsen, 2000).  Conceptual Framework Customer assessment package is conducted by Bata considering some factors relevant to customer satisfaction. These are considered as independent variables whereas customer satisfaction is dependent variable. The independent variables are product price, product quality, product design, store design, salesmen behavior, advertisement, competitors marketing policy, seasonal variation, product availability, brand loyalty etc. These factors influence the satisfaction level of customers at Bata and Bata products. From the comparison of different attributes or features the customer satisfaction towards Bata will be assessed.

Chapter- 4 Research Methodology
4.1 Types of Research This research is a qualitative exploratory research, as it is an initial research conducted to clarify and define the nature of a problem. It is qualitative as the results of this research focuses on words and observations, instead of numbers and mathematical analysis. At first an exploratory research has been conducted to define the nature of the problem. It has enabled to design the


research question and questionnaire and to formulate hypothesis. Then conclusive research through qualitative methods has been carried out.

4.2 Basic Research Method This section has described the basic research plan of the study. It has specified all the procedure necessary to solve the research questions and hypothesis. The basic research method in this study will be survey method. An observation method will not produce expected result. As experiment study is costly so it will not be undertaken. 4.3 Model Development Graphical Model:

Independent Variables
Store location Product quality

Dependent Variable

Comfort of shoes
Product price Brands of shoe Product design, color, & style Knowledge of the staff Helpfulness of the staff Promptness of service Fashionable style Advertisement Store design and layout

Customer Satisfaction


4.4 Type of data This research will not be focusing on any secondary data, as no such preview research has been conducted in context of Customer Satisfaction Assessment of Bata Shoe Company (Bangladesh) Ltd. This research will work with only primary data. 4.5 Data Collection Procedure Data is collected through survey method. For the survey method, personal interview was conducted. A questionnaire is kept in hand of the interviewer to aid the interview process. A personal interview is a form of direct communication in which an interviewer asks respondents questions in a face-to-face situation. Verbal explanations were provided to the respondents who faced any problems answering the questionnaires. Informal interviews were also held with customers. 4.6 Sampling Plan for the Research Sampling is an important component for a research design. It is the process of using a small number of parts of a larger population to make conclusions about the total population. For this research the following steps in the sampling design process was followed:      Target population Sampling frame Sampling Technique Sample size and Execution

4.6.1 Target Population The target population of this research is Footwear customers of Bata. Population is a collection of all possible individuals, objects, or measurements of interest. It is a set of entities concerning which statistical inferences are to be drawn, often based on a random sampling taken from the population. All consumers in the country are the concern population. But due to time and resource constraints the consumers in Dhaka city are considered as the population.

4.6.2 Sampling Frame There is no such sample frame is available for this research. Bata customers of all ages and sexes were considered. 4.6.3 Sampling Method The study consists of footwear customers of Dhaka city and its surroundings. Simple random sampling technique was used for sampling. 4.6.4 Sample Size The sample size of a statistical sample is the number of observations that constitute it. It is typically denoted by n, a positive integer (natural number). Typically, all else being equal, a larger sample size leads to increased precision in estimates of various properties of the population. This can be seen in such statistical rules as the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. Repeated measurements and replication of independent samples are often required in measurement and experiments to reach a desired precision. To determine the Sample size for unknown population, the following formula is used: Z2pq n= d Where, n = sample size Z = Confidence level in terms of standard error units d = Level of precession p = Estimated proportion of success q = (1-p) or estimated proportion of failure This formula applies to the following conditions: It is assumed that, Z=1.96 for 95% level of confidence

(For Unknown Population)


d=.05 p= 0.5 q= 0.5 So, we get 1.962 X.5 X .5 n= 0.052 = 384.16 = 384 (taking up to the next round Chart) The sample size is 384 but for some limitations (time, recourses, budget etc.) and convenience, total number of 250 respondents‟ data was collected. The survey was conducted from 14 stores of Bata outlets in Dhaka city and its surroundings

Chapter-5 Analysis and Interpretation of Data
5.1 Bata’s price v/s competitor price 5.1.1 Related questions  Based on Bata‟s quality, do you think the prices are fair, reasonable or expensive?  Based on Others‟ quality, do you think the prices are fair, reasonable or expensive? 5.1.2 Data collection From the Survey, the following frequency distribution and graph have been found:  Bata's quality v/s price

Based on the quality of Bata 56 percentage of people said Bata‟s price is fair reasonable. On contrary 41% of surveyed people said according to the quality Bata is charging more.
Table : Frequency distribution of Bata’s quality v/s price Valid Percent 40.4 Cumulative Percent 40.4 20


Expensive for

Frequency 101

Percent 40.4

the quality Fair and reasonable Medium Low Total

141 6 2 250

56.4 2.4 .8 100.0

56.4 2.4 .8 100.0

96.8 99.2 100.0

Chart 4: Bata’s quality v/s price

Others’ quality v/s price

On the other side based on the quality of competitors products 53% of respondent thinks it is expensive. 42% people think price is fair and reasonable according to the quality other competitors provide. So from the above two graphical representation it can be said that Bata‟s price is fair and reasonable based on the quality they offer.
Table : Frequency distribution of others’ quality v/s price Valid Percent 52.8 Cumulative Percent 52.8


Percent 53

Expensive for the quality Fair and reasonable Low


105 13

42 5

42.0 5.2

94.8 100.0 21





Chart : others stores’ quality v/s price

Price based on competitors quality
Expensive Fair & reasonable 5% Low



5.2.3 Interpretation

From the comparison of above stated price v/s quality assessment it can be said that customers think Bata is offering them comparatively low prices than the competitors are providing with the quality worth to the prices. 5.4 Quality of shoes on Customer Satisfaction 5.4.1 Related Question Do you agree that Quality of shoes is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? 5.4.2 Data Collection From the Survey, the following frequency distribution and graph have been found:
Table : Frequency distribution of Quality of shoes Valid Percent 2.8 9.6 87.6 Cumulative Percent 2.8 12.4 100.0 22


Neutral Agree Strongly

Frequency 7 24 219

Percent 2.8 9.6 87.6

Agree Total




Chart : Quality of shoes

Quality of shoes






0 Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Quality of shoes

5.4.3 Findings The findings suggest that, Quality of shoes is an important factor to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 97% respondent were agreed with the fact that Quality of Shoes has impact on customer satisfaction. 5.4.4 Hypothesis  Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Quality of Shoes and customer satisfaction.  Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Quality of Shoes and customer satisfaction. For the testing of Hypothesis, the survey result obtained through question 10 and 20 of customer survey questionnaire has been used.  Cross Tabulation


Table : Does Bata satisfy all of footwear needs * Quality of Shoes Quality of shoes Strongly Neutral Agree Agree 4 7 45 1.6 0 3.1 1 1.7 2 .4 0 .2 7 7.0 5.4 2 10.8 13 6.0 2 1.2 0 .7 24 24.0 49.1 110 98.1 48 54.3 9 11.4 7 6.1 219 219.0

Does Bata satisfy all of footwear needs







Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count

Total 56 56.0 112 112.0 62 62.0 13 13.0 7 7.0 250 250.0

5.4.5 Interpretation of Data: To find out the relationship between Quality of Shoes and customer satisfaction from the table we have to compare the computed chi-square value with the critical chi-square values associated with the .05 probability level with 8 degree of freedom. From chi-square distribution table we find that it is 15.507. Since the computed chi-square value is larger than the tabular chi-square, the null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So there is a significant relationship between Quality of Shoes and Customer Satisfaction. With accepting the alternative hypothesis we can conclude that Bata satisfies customer with its Quality of shoes. On the other hand, from correlation analysis it has found that the value of Pearson Correlation between Quality of shoes and Customer satisfaction is -.039. That means they are negatively correlated to one another.


5.6 Knowledge of the staff on Customer Satisfaction 5.6.1 Related Question Do you agree that Knowledge of the staff is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? 5.6.2 Data Collection From the Survey, the following frequency distribution and graph have been found:
Table : Frequency distribution of knowledge of the staff Valid Percent 1.2 7.2 26.0 42.4 23.2 100.0 Cumulative Percent 1.2 8.4 34.4 76.8 100.0

Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 3 18 65 106 58 250

Percent 1.2 7.2 26.0 42.4 23.2 100.0

Chart : Knowledge of the Staff knowledge of the staff






0 Strongly Dis agree Dis agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

knowledge of the staff


5.6.3 Findings The findings suggest that, Knowledge of the staff is an important factor to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 66% respondent were more or less agreed with the fact that Knowledge of the staff has impact on customer satisfaction. 5.6.4 Hypothesis  Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Knowledge of the staff and customer satisfaction.  Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Knowledge of the staff and customer satisfaction. For the testing of Hypothesis, the survey result obtained through question 12 and 20 of customer survey questionnaire has been used.  Cross Tabulation

Table : Does Bata satisfy all of footwear needs * knowledge of the staff Cross tabulation knowledge of the staff Disagre Strongly e Neutral Agree Agree 1 4 29 22 4.0 8 8.1 7 4.5 0 .9 2 .5 18 18.0 14.6 39 29.1 21 16.1 1 3.4 0 1.8 65 65.0 23.7 46 47.5 27 26.3 2 5.5 2 3.0 106 106.0 13.0 19 26.0 7 14.4 10 3.0 0 1.6 58 58.0

Does Bata Always satisfy all of footwear needs Often





Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected

Strongly Disagree 0 .7 0 1.3 0 .7 0 .2 3 .1 3 3.0

Total 56 56.0 112 112.0 62 62.0 13 13.0 7 7.0 250 250.0 26


5.6.5 Interpretation of Data: To find out the relationship between Knowledge of Staffs and customer satisfaction from the table we have to compare the computed chi-square value with the critical chi-square values associated with the .05 probability level with 16 degree of freedom. From chi-square distribution table we find that it is 26.296. Since the computed chi-square value is larger than the tabular chisquare, the null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So there is a significant relationship between Knowledge of Staffs and Customer Satisfaction. With accepting the alternative hypothesis we can conclude that Bata satisfies customer with its Knowledge of the staffs. On the other hand, from correlation analysis it has found that the value of Pearson Correlation between Knowledge of the staff and Customer satisfaction is -.249. That means they are negatively correlated to one another.

5.8 Value for price offered by store on Customer Satisfaction 5.8.1 Related Question Do you agree that Value for price offered by store is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? 5.8.2 Data Collection From the Survey, the following frequency distribution and graph have been found:
Table : Frequency distribution of Value for Price offered by Store Valid Percent .8 13.6 30.4 55.2 100.0 27 Cumulative Percent .8 14.4 44.8 100.0


Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total

Frequency 2 34 76 138 250

Percent .8 13.6 30.4 55.2 100.0

Chart : Value for price offered by store value for price offered by store






10 0 Dis agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

value for price offered by store

5.8.3 Findings The findings suggest that, Value for Price offered by the store is an important factors to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 85% respondent were more or less agreed with the fact that Value for Price offered by the store has impact on customer satisfaction. 5.8.4 Hypothesis  Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Value for Price offered by the store and customer satisfaction.  Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Value for Price offered by the store and customer satisfaction. For the testing of Hypothesis, the survey result obtained through question 14 and 20 of customer survey questionnaire has been used.


Cross Tabulation

Table : Does Bata satisfy all of footwear needs * Value for price offered by store Cross tabulation value for price offered by store Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Agree 0 10 17 29 .4 0 .9 0 .5 2 .1 0 .1 2 2.0 7.6 12 15.2 12 8.4 0 1.8 0 1.0 34 34.0 17.0 35 34.0 20 18.8 2 4.0 2 2.1 76 76.0 30.9 65 61.8 30 34.2 9 7.2 5 3.9 138 138.0

Does Bata satisfy all of footwear needs







Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count

Total 56 56.0 112 112.0 62 62.0 13 13.0 7 7.0 250 250.0

5.8.5 Interpretation of Data: To find out the relationship between Value for Price offered by the store and customer satisfaction from the table we have to compare the computed chi-square value with the critical chi-square values associated with the .05 probability level with 12 degree of freedom. From chisquare distribution table we find that it is 21.026. Since the computed chi-square value is larger than the tabular chi-square, the null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So there is a significant relationship between Value for Price offered by the store and Customer Satisfaction. With accepting the alternative hypothesis we can conclude that Bata satisfies customer with its value for price offered. On the other hand, from correlation analysis it has found that the value of Pearson Correlation between Value for price offered by store and Customer satisfaction is .016. That means they are positively correlated to one another.

5.9 Fashionable Style on Customer Satisfaction 5.9.1 Related Question Do you agree that Fashionable Style is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? 5.9.2 Data Collection From the Survey, the following frequency distribution and graph have been found:
Table : Frequency distribution of Fashionable style Valid Percent .4 .8 14.4 36.4 48.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent .4 1.2 15.6 52.0 100.0

Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 1 2 36 91 120 250

Percent .4 .8 14.4 36.4 48.0 100.0

Chart : Fashionable Style

Fashionable style






10 0 Strongly Dis agree Dis agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

Fashionable style


5.9.3 Findings The findings suggest that, Fashionable Style is an important factors to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 85% respondent were more or less agreed with the fact that Fashionable Style has impact on customer satisfaction. 5.9.4 Hypothesis  Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Fashionable Style and customer satisfaction.  Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Fashionable Style and customer satisfaction. For the testing of Hypothesis, the survey result obtained through question number 15 and 20 of customer survey questionnaire has been used.  Cross Tabulation

Table 21: Does Bata satisfy all of footwear needs * Fashionable style Cross tabulation Fashionable style Strongly Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Agree 0 0 5 28 23 .2 1 .4 0 .2 0 .1 0 .0 1 .4 2 .9 0 .5 0 .1 0 .1 2 8.1 19 16.1 12 8.9 0 1.9 0 1.0 36 20.4 48 40.8 13 22.6 0 4.7 2 2.5 91 26.9 42 53.8 37 29.8 13 6.2 5 3.4 120

Does Bata satisfy all of footwear needs







Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count

Total 56 56.0 112 112.0 62 62.0 13 13.0 7 7.0 250 31

Expected Count







5.9.5 Interpretation of Data: To find out the relationship between Fashionable style and customer satisfaction from the table we have to compare the computed chi-square value with the critical chi-square values associated with the .05 probability level with 16 degree of freedom. From chi-square distribution table we find that it is 26.296. Since the computed chi-square value is larger than the tabular chi-square, the null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So there is a significant relationship between Fashionable Style and Customer Satisfaction. With accepting the alternative hypothesis we can conclude that Bata satisfies customer with its Fashionable style. On the other hand, from correlation analysis it has found that the value of Pearson Correlation between Fashionable style and Customer satisfaction is .174. That means they are positively correlated to one another. 5.12 Advertising on Customer Satisfaction 5.12.1 Related Question Do you agree that Advertising is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction? 5.12.2 Data Collection From the Survey, the following frequency distribution and graph have been found:
Table : Frequency Distribution Advertising Valid Percent 6.4 18.8 29.2 30.4 15.2 100.0 Cumulative Percent 6.4 25.2 54.4 84.8 100.0

Frequency Valid Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Total 16 47 73 76 38 250

Percent 6.4 18.8 29.2 30.4 15.2 100.0


Chart : Advertising





0 Strongly Dis agree Dis agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


5.12.3 Findings The findings suggest that, Advertising is an important factors to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 30.4% respondent were agreed and another 30% were indifferent with the fact that Advertising has impact on customer satisfaction. 5.12.4 Hypothesis  Null Hypothesis. H0: There is no relationship between Advertising and customer satisfaction.  Alternative Hypothesis. H1: There is a significant relationship between Advertising and customer satisfaction. For the testing of Hypothesis, the survey result obtained through question number 18 and 20 of customer survey questionnaire has been used.


Cross Tabulation

Table : Does Bata satisfy all of footwear needs * Advertising Cross tabulation Advertising Strongly Disagree Disagree 0 12 3.6 3 7.2 1 4.0 9 .8 3 .4 16 16.0 10.5 12 21.1 21 11.7 0 2.4 2 1.3 47 47.0 Neutral 17 16.4 46 32.7 8 18.1 2 3.8 0 2.0 73 73.0 Agree 18 17.0 36 34.0 20 18.8 0 4.0 2 2.1 76 76.0 Strongly Agree 9 8.5 15 17.0 12 9.4 2 2.0 0 1.1 38 38.0 Total 56 56.0 112 112.0 62 62.0 13 13.0 7 7.0 250 250.0

Does Bata Always satisfy all of footwear needs Often





Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count Count Expected Count

5.12.5 Interpretation of Data: To find out the relationship between Advertising and customer satisfaction from the table we have to compare the computed chi-square value with the critical chi-square values associated with the .05 probability level with 16 degree of freedom. From chi-square distribution table we find that it is 26.296. Since the computed chi-square value is larger than the tabular chi-square, the null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. So there is a significant relationship between Advertising and Customer Satisfaction. With accepting the alternative hypothesis we can conclude that Bata satisfies customer with its Advertising. On the other hand, from correlation analysis it has found that the value of Pearson Correlation between Advertising and Customer satisfaction is -.243. That means they are negatively correlated to one another.


5.14 Satisfaction of all footwear needs by Bata 5.14.1 Related Question Does Bata Always Satisfy your Footwear needs?
Table : Frequency Distribution of satisfaction of all footwear needs by Bata Cumulative Percent 22.4 67.2 92.0 97.2 100.0


Always Often Sometim es Rarely Never Total

Frequency 56 112 62 13 7 250

Percent Valid Percent 22.4 22.4 44.8 44.8 24.8 5.2 2.8 100.0 24.8 5.2 2.8 100.0

Chart : Does Bata Satisfy all Footwear needs?

does bata satisfy all of footwear needs






0 Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

does bata satisfy all of footwear needs

5.14.3 Findings The findings suggest that, the Bata products are more or less satisfactory to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 22.4% respondent were found to have always satisfied with Bata products and another 44.8% said Bata often meet their footwear needs and they are often satisfied with Bata.

5.14.4 Interpretation With the analysis of this question, percentage of customer‟s satisfaction towards Bata product with their footwear needs is to be measured. This question is the broad objective related question and customer satisfaction has been taken as thee dependent variable. With this dependent variable each independent variable were cross tabulated to identify if there were any relationship present. 5.15 Respondents’ Sex Out of 250 respondents 199 respondents were male and 51 respondents were female. For this purpose question number 22 of customer survey questionnaire has been used.

Table : Frequency Distribution of Sex of the respondents Valid Percent 79.6 20.4 100.0 Cumulative Percent 79.6 100.0


Frequency Male 199 Female 51 Total 250

Percent 79.6 20.4 100.0

Chart : Percentage of respondents’ sex





5.16 Respondent Age The respondent age group was categorized in eight groups. The maximum number of respondents falls in to the age group of 25-34. The next higher number was in the age group of 18-24. For this purpose question number 23 of customer survey questionnaire has been used.
Table : Frequency Distribution of Age of the respondent Valid Percent 2.0 31.6 42.4 13.2 8.0 2.0 .8 100.0 Cumulative Percent 2.0 33.6 76.0 89.2 97.2 99.2 100.0

Frequency Valid Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 25.00 Total 5 79 106 33 20 5 2 250

Percent 2.0 31.6 42.4 13.2 8.0 2.0 .8 100.0

Chart : Age group of the respondent
Age of the respondent






0 Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 25.00

Age of the respondent

5.17 Comparison between Bata shoe stores and other shoe stores The following table summarizes the descriptive statistics of Bata shoe stores and other shoe stores. Here the mean values of different factors are compared between Bata shoe stores and other shoe stores. This comparison is done on a scale of 1 to 5 points where 1 is much worse and 5 is much better. Here Bata shoe store is compared with other shoe stores such as Apex, Bay

Emporium, Jennys and other unorganized shoes stores at different location of Elephant road shoe market. For this purpose question number 21 of customer survey questionnaire has been used.
Table : Descriptive statistics of Comparison

Factors Reflect up to date fashion shoes Comfort ability of shoes Quality of shoes Shoes that are made to last Merchandise style, colors,& sizes Style of shoes that you like Having the right size of shoes you want Promptness of service from salespeople friendliness of service from salespeople Salespeople's product knowledge promptness of service at cash register Shoes worth the price paid Advertising and communication Display of shoes at window/front of the store Display of shoes in the interior Cleanliness and orderliness of the store Layout and design of the store Posters and pictures displayed in the store Store's sales and price discounts Wide assortment of accessories Store's location

Mean ( Bata) 3.3400 3.9080 4.0840 3.8120 3.6096 3.5400 4.0440 4.1080 4.2520 4.0640 4.2320 3.6720 3.3240 4.0080 4.2360 4.2200 4.0600 3.6920 3.5080 3.9920 4.3080

Mean (others) 3.5720 3.1360 3.1600 2.9560 3.5240 3.4600 3.1360 3.2960 3.4520 3.1480 3.1840 2.9200 2.8360 3.0720 3.1160 2.9360 2.8680 3.0160 2.9800 2.8160 2.9120


5.17.1 Reflect up to date fashion shoes Reflection of up to date fashion shoes is an important criteria for achieving customers buying response. According to the statistical analysis of the survey, the result shows that the mean value of Bata shoe stores on this factor is 3, where mean value of other stores is almost 4. Here it can be concluded that other shoe stores are in a better position to reflect up to date fashion shoes.

Chart : Comparison of Reflect up to date fashion shoes

Reflect up to date fashion shoes (Bata)
60 40

Reflect up to date fashion shoes (Others)

50 30 40



20 10


10 0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00


0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Reflect up to date fashion shoes

Reflect up to date fashion shoes

5.17.2 Comfort ability of shoes Comfort ability is an important feature of footwear products. Bata always focuses the comfort ability of shoes. Bata has a strong team who always work for the development of the products. Here the mean value of Bata stores is 3.9080 whereas of other stores is 3.1360. It can be said that Bata products are more comfortable than other shoes.


Chart : Comparison of Comfort ability of shoes
Comfortability of shoes (Bata)

Comfortability of shoes (Others)








0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Comf ort ability of shoes

Comf ort ability of shoes

5.17.3 Quality of shoes Quality of a product always gets customer satisfaction. Here the mean value of Bata stores for providing the quality products is 4.0840 whereas it is 3.1600 for other stores. Bata is in a leadership position in the footwear industry for providing quality products.

Chart : Comparison of Quality of shoes
Quality of shoes (Bata)

Quality of shoes (Others)








0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00



0 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Quality of shoes

Quality of shoes

5.17.4 Shoes that are made to last Shoes durability is one of the basic requirements that a customer looks forward. Bata always try to offer shoes that are long lasting and durable. From the comparison it is seen that Bata is well ahead of the competitors. The mean found for Bata is almost 4 and it is 3 for the competitors.

Chart : Comparison of Shoes that are made to last
Shoes that are made to last (Bata)

Shoes that are made to last (Others)







10 0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Shoes that are made to last

Shoes that are made to last

5.17.5 Merchandise style, colors, & sizes A large assortment of product categories creates immediate response from the customers. Bata‟s mean value for providing stylish, colorful, and sizable shows is 3.6096 whereas it is 3.5240 for other shoe stores. Bata is more or less in a good position for providing wide assortment of various products.

Chart : Comparison of Merchandise style, colors, & sizes
Selection of merchandise (Bata)

Selection of merchandise (Others)









0 .40 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

0 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Selection of merchandise(sty le, colors,& sizes)

Selection of merchandise(style, colors,& sizes)

5.17.6 Style of shoes that customers like Now-a-day‟s people are trendy in shoes. There are many unorganized shoe stores providing stylish and trendy shoes. Here the survey result shows that the mean value on this factor for Bata is 3.54 whereas the mean value for other stores is 3.46.

Chart : Comparison of Style of shoes that customers like
Style of shoes that you like (Bata)

Style of shoes that you like (Others)






0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00


0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Style of shoes that you like

Sty le of shoes that y ou like

5.17.7 Having the right size of shoes According to the survey result the mean value of Bata shoe stores for providing right size for the customers is 4.0440 whereas the mean value of other stores is 3.1360. Bata is still in a better position for providing right size to the customers.

Chart : Comparison of having the right size of shoes
Having the right size of shoes (Bata)

Having the right size of shoes (Others)









10 0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Having the right size of shoes you want

Having the right size of shoes you want

5.17.8 Promptness of service from salespeople Bata salesmen are very active in the stores to provide hearty service to the customers. The survey result shows that Bata in a better position for providing prompt service by the salesmen than any other stores. Here the mean of Bata shoe store is 4.10 whereas the mean for other stores is 3.29.

Chart : Comparison of Promptness of service from salespeople
Promptness of salespeople (Bata)

Promptness of salespeople (Others)









0 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00



0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Promptness of serv ice f rom salespeople

Promptness of serv ice f rom salespeople

5.17.9 Friendliness of service from salespeople The mean value of this factor of Bata is 4.25 whereas the value of others is 3.45. According to the result the sales men of Bata Shoe Company are very caring and friendly to the customers.

Chart : Comparison of Friendliness of service from salespeople friendliness of salespeople (Bata)

friendliness of salespeople (Others)










0 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00


0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

f riendliness of serv ice f rom salespeople

f riendliness of serv ice f rom salespeople

5.17.10 Salespeople's product knowledge The mean value of Bata shoe stores for this factor is 4.06 whereas the value for other stores is 3.14. Bata is in a better position than other stores in salesmen product knowledge. Bata Shoe Company centrally provides training to the salesmen of the retail stores.

Chart : Comparison of Salespeople's product knowledge
Salespeople's product knowledge (Bata)

Salespeople's product knowledge (Others)







0 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00


0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Salespeople's product knowledge

Salespeople's product knowledge

5.17.11 Promptness of service at cash register The mean value of Bata shoe stores for prompt service at cash register is 4.23 whereas the mean for other shoe stores is 3.18. Bata is in a better position for providing the service at the cash counter.
Chart : Comparison of Promptness of service at cash register promptness of cash register service (Bata)

promptness of cash register service(Others)





0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00



0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

promptness of service at cash register

promptness of service at cash register

5.17.12 Shoes worth the price paid The mean value of Bata shoe stores for this factor is 3.67 whereas the mean of it for other shoe stores is 2.92. That means the customers of Bata Shoe Company still think that the price paid for the product is worthy.

Chart : Comparison of Shoes worth the price paid
Shoes worth the price paid (Bata)

Shoes worth the price paid (Others)










0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Shoes worth the price paid

Shoes worth the price paid

5.17.13 Advertising and communication Advertising is a communication tool used to promote the product to the customers. The mean of Bata stores on this factor 3.3240 whereas the mean of it for other shoe stores is 2.8360. Bata advertises its products through different media. In Bangladesh the company is the highest payer in advertising and communication.

Chart : Comparison of Advertising and communication
Advertising and communication (Bata)

Advertising ans communication (Others)







0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00


0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Advertising and communication

Advertising ans communication

5.17.19 Store's sales and price discounts The mean value of Bata Store's sales and price discounts is 3.50 whereas the mean of it for other shoe stores is 2.98. Bata provides sales and price discounts through its clearance outlets.

Chart : Comparison of Store's sales and price discounts
Store's sales and price discounts (Bata)

Store's sales and price discounts (Others)











0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00

Store's sales and price discounts

Store's sales and price discounts

Chapter-6 Findings of the Analysis, Conclusion And Recommendations
6.1 Findings  The name Bata achieved such a position in the customers‟ mind that whenever they heard the name of Bata, a footwear with high quality comes into their mind. From the survey it is found that when people are asked about Bata they refer to the quality of shoes those they are using from childhood.  Why Bata is the first brand that comes to potential customers‟ minds when they think of purchasing footwear is because of Bata has a huge brand presence in Bangladesh due to its long time operations and its quality is seemed to be reliable. These combine to form the reason. This high TOMA level helps to maintain customer loyalty as the customers prefer to fall back on the brand they know.  Value for Price offered by the store is an important factors to the respondents those was surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 85% respondent were more or less agreed with the fact that Value for Price offered by the store has impact on Customer satisfaction. Based on the quality of Bata most of the people said Bata‟s price is fair reasonable than the others. Although there are some shoes which are highly priced

by Bata, but those are of posh quality. To maintain the higher quality prices are little high.  Convenient store location is an important factor to the customer for purchasing shoes and for this case Bata obtains more remarks than others. From the study it has found that there is a significant relationship between Store location and Customer Satisfaction. Bata is the largest retail footwear company in Bangladesh as well as in the world. There is a strong network of retail outlets in everywhere of the country, which is a positive aspect of Bata.  Bata is in a leadership position in the footwear industry for providing quality products. The findings suggest that, Quality of shoes is an important factor to the respondents those were surveyed. Almost 97% respondents were agreed with the fact that Quality of Shoes has impact on customer satisfaction and they are more or less satisfied with the quality of Bata. 

The findings suggest that, comfort of shoes is an important factor to the respondents those were surveyed. Almost 84% respondents were strongly agreed with the fact that Comfort of Shoes has impact on customer satisfaction. Bata has a strong team who always work for the development of the products.

Knowledge and Helpfulness of the staff is an important factor to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost maximum respondents were more or less agreed with the fact that Knowledge of the staff has impact on customer satisfaction. Bata Shoe Company centrally provides training to the salesmen of the retail stores.

Fashionable Style is an important factors to the respondents those were surveyed. Now a day‟s people are more fashion concern that is why they agreed with the fact that Fashionable Style has impact on customer satisfaction. From the comparison it is found that Bata is lacking in this very criteria than the competitors.


Selection of colors, styles and sizes is an important factors to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 90% respondent were more or less agreed with the fact that Selection of colors, styles and sizes has impact on customer satisfaction. From correlation analysis it has found that Selection of colors, style and sizes and Customer satisfaction are positively correlated to one another.

Brands of Shoes offered by the Store is an important factors to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 72% respondent were more or less agreed with the fact that availability of Brand shoes is important to them and has a positive impact on customer satisfaction. Bata serves to the customers with rich collection of brand shoes.

From the study it is found that almost 30.4% respondent were agreed and another 30% were indifferent with the fact that Advertising has impact on customer satisfaction. Advertising is a communication tool used to promote the product to the customers. It is positively correlated with customer satisfaction. Bata advertises its products through different media. In Bangladesh the company is the highest payer in advertising and communication.

Layout and design of store is an important factors to the respondents those were surveyed. From the frequency distribution it is found that almost 70% of the respondents were strongly agreed and agreed. Another 30% were indifferent with the fact that Layout and design of store has impact on customer satisfaction. Bata renovation department works to design the stores layout. Customers are satisfied with Bata stores‟ layout and store design. Bata displays posters and pictures in the retail outlets. It also uses banner and billboard in different places.

Finally, from the analysis it has found that Bata provides superior value to the customers in quality of shoes store's location, comfort ability of shoes, promptness of service from salespeople, friendliness of service from salespeople, salespeople's product knowledge, promptness of service at cash register, display of shoes at window/front of the store,


display of shoes in the interior, cleanliness and orderliness of the store, and layout and design of the store. All of these bring Bata close to the customer with desired satisfaction.

6.2 Conclusion Here the study tried to find out customers satisfaction of Bata store and other shopping stores. There are some emerging shoe stores in Bangladesh which have already gained customers loyalty in footwear products. The study compared the Bata shoe company with other emerging shoe brands such as Apex, Bay Emporium, Jennys, Pegasas, and many unorganized shoe stores like at Elephant road. Bata Shoe Company compared with these other shoe stores on some factors..The finding of the study is that Bata Shoe Company is in a better position in the market place than the competitor except serving customers up to date stylish and trendy shoes. Bata has a loyal customers group who buy Bata only for its quality. From the research it can be definitely surmised that the hypotheses were largely accurate. The results from the questionnaire survey and the statistical analysis both support the theory that the consumer base of Bata is composed of customers who are more or less satisfied. However, Bata does need some modifications in its marketing tactics regarding attracting new customers and service offerings to the older ones. Bata should not take the brand loyalty for granted and should take specific steps to ensure that they can hold on to the lucrative customer base they have while focusing on a few informational tactics to inform potential customers. Bata is in a secure position right now regarding customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the strategy they follow seems to be effective. They do not need to go through any major overhauls, but, a few tweaks here and there can improve upon their current position and secure them as the market leader in times to come.

6.3 Recommendations From the research it is evident that Bata has a large loyal customer base throughout Dhaka city who are more or less satisfied with Bata‟s products and services. For now it seems that word of mouth and brand recognition are in a quite secure position. However Bata can take some steps to improve their customer relationship and to attract new, potential customers. 

Bata fails to reflect up to date fashion shoes for its customers. Customers think that other competitors always bring fashion shoes for the customers. If Bata can bring up to date

products in the market place, the sales return of the company undoubtedly increase into double. It is also recommended that Bata‟s market share will increase by up to date fashion shoes. 

Bata can introduce an after sale service program where customers are allowed to provide feedback on their purchasing and consuming experience. For this Bata can introduce a claim settlement department where each and every customer can register complains and frequent customer service monitoring by the Store manager.

Bata should have focused more on customer services. Bata has good brand awareness but their lack of promotional activity causes many of the new offering unnoticed. To

overcome this difficulty Bata can introduce brochures (direct mail), news paper ad regarding their new arrivals and price discount scheme. 

Bata should initiate their loyalty program where the customer who will join the loyalty program will get loyalty card and will enjoy certain privileges. Facilities such as advance online booking, special after sale service and longer guarantee period than the usual one etc can be included on the loyalty card.

Finally, Bata can set up a shoe repair booth in their city outlets for customers whose guarantee period has not been expired yet. This facility will delight customer instead of merely satisfying them.


APPENDIX Customer Survey Questionnaire
Hello, My name is……………………………………………………and I am from…………………………………..I am conducting a shopping survey and would like to ask you a few questions that will take only a few minutes of your time. A.SHOPPING BEHAVIOR 1. When you think of footwear stores what the first three that come to mind are? .......................................................... ……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………….. 2. What is the appropriate number of pairs of shoes that you have purchased for yourself or someone else over the past three months? (Circle number) None 1 One Two Three Four Five or more 2 3 4 5 6

3. How many times have you visited a BATA store in the past three months? 51

None One-two Three-four Five-six Seven-eight None or more

1 2 3 4 5 6

4. In the past three months how many pairs have you purchased from Bata stores (for yourself or someone else)? None One Two Three Four Five or more 1 2 3 4 5 6

5. Based on Bata‟s quality, do you think the prices are? Expensive for the quality Fair and reasonable Medium Low Don‟t know 1 2 3 4 5

6. How many times have you visited other shoe stores in the past three months? None One-two Three-four Five-six Seven-eight 1 2 3 4 5 52

Nine or more


7. How many pairs have you purchased from other shoe stores in the past three months (for yourself or someone else)? None One Two Three Four Five or more 1 2 3 4 5 6

8. Based on the quality of the stores, do you think their prices are? Expensive for the price Fair and reasonable Medium Low Don‟t know 1 2 3 4 5

I‟m going to read you some factors that different people have mentioned as being important factors for customer satisfaction. On a scale of 1 to 5 please tell me your degree of acceptance – where 1 represents strongly disagree and 5 represents strongly agree. (CIRCLE THE ORDER IN WHICH THE LIST IS READ) 9. Convenient Store Location is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

10. Quality of shoes is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

11. Comfort of shoes is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5 53

12. Knowledge of the staff is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

13. Helpfulness of the staff is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

14. Value for price offered by store is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

15. Fashionable style offered by the store is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

16. Brands of shoe offered by the store is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

17. Selection of colors, style and sizes is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 18. Advertising is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

19. Proper Layout and design of store is one of the important factors of customer satisfaction. Strongly Disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly Agree 5

20. Does Bata satisfy all of your footwear needs? Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never 1 2 3 4 5 54

B. COMPARING BATA WITH OTHRE STORES 21. On a scale of 1 to 5 how do you find this store compared to other shoe stores on the following items where 1 is much worse and 5 is much better? (CIRCLE THE ORDER IN WHICH THE LIST IS READ) Bata a. Reflect up to date fashion shoes b. Comfort ability of shoes c. Quality of shoes d. Selection of merchandise (style, colors, sizes) e. Styles of shoes that you like f. Having the right size of the shoe you want in stock g. The promptness of the service from the salespeople h. The friendliness of the service from the salespeople i. The salespeople‟s product knowledge j. Promptness of the service at the cash register k. Shoes worth the price you paid l. Advertising and communication of Bata m. Display of shoes in the store window/front of the store n. The display of shoes in the interior of the store o. The cleanliness and orderliness of the store ……........ ………….. …………… …………... ……………. ……………. ……………. ……………. …………….. ……………... ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… …………….. others ………….. …………… …………… …………… ……………. ……………. ……………. ……………. …………….. ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… 55

p. The layout and design of the store q. The posters and pictures displayed in the store r. The store‟s sales and price discounts s. Wide assortment of accessories t. The store‟s location

……………… ……………… ……………… ……………… ……………….

……………… …………….. …………….. ……………… ………………

C. CUSTOMERS INFORMATION 22. Indicate sex of respondent (DO NOT ASK) Male Female 23. Please tell me in which group your age falls: Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 and over 24. Please tell me the district/town you are from; …………………………………………………………………………………………. I would like to thank you for taking the time out to answer our survey. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2

………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Interviewer‟s Name (Print) Interviewer‟s Signature


BIBLIOGRAPHY Books and Journals:
    Yuksel and M. Rimmington,(1998),” Customer-Satisfaction Measurement” R. T. Ronald and Z.J. Anthony,(1993),” Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention,and market Share” C.A. Gilbert,JR, and S. Carol,(1982),” An Investigation into the determinants of customer satisfaction” J. Joseph C.JR, M.K. Brady, and G.T.M. Hult,(2000),”Assessing the effects of Quality, Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Intentions in Service Environments”         A.W. Eugene, F. Claes, and L.R. Donald,(1994),” Customer satisfaction, market share, and profitability” W.B.Robert(1997),”Customer value: The next source for competitive advantage” P. Oja(2010), “Significance of Customer Feedback” Salman, (2010), “A Study to improve turnover of Bata‟s factory outlet” Parasuraman,(1997),”Reflections on gaining competive advantage through customer value” Kotler. Philip, Armstrong. Gary, (2008), “Principles of Marketing”, Twelfth edition Malhotra.Naresh.K “Marketing Research”, (2007-08), Fifth Edition. Annual Report, 2008-2009, Bata Shoe Company Bangladesh Limited.

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