...Individual Project Unit 1 Tommie Brown AIU Online Abstract In this Individual Project I will be making a management decision regarding the legal form of business. There are several issues the investor is facing to begin a business such as little financial skills and no management skills and I will identify a few others. The two examples of the new technology ideas will be mentioned as requested by the spouse. A brief interpretation of the scenario issues will also be given. I will discuss the three business structures Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, and Corporation. The advantages and disadvantages of each business structure and I will provide examples so that these differences will be identified. In this manuscript all structures will be defined and researched and based on the scenario issues I will explain why I choose the Sole Proprietorship as the business structure that would be the most successful. In the final part of this project I will provide citations and aligned resources to support my decision. Individual Project Unit 1 In the scenario there is an inventor who has an idea for a new kind of home appliance that meets consumer needs. It is my interpretation that in this scenario inventor is facing a number of issues just like any other small inventor would be trying to start a business. These issues include having little financial skills and no management skills. The net worth wasn’t very high and that only meant that the...
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...Business Agreement Task 1 P1: Explain different types of business agreements and the importance of key elements required for the formation of a valid contract. Business Agreement Business Agreement is the mutual understanding or assent of two or more than two legally competent parties. It is done or agreed upon on the relative duties and rights regarding current or future performance. An agreement typicallydocumentsthe give-and-take of anegotiated settlementand a contract specifies the minimum acceptablestandardofperformance. Types of Business Agreement There are various types of business agreements depending upon the nature, type and operations / activities of the business. These types can be categorized into following categories based on the above stated criteria. * General Business Agreements * Business Employment Agreements * Leases * Sales Agreements The General Business agreements contain Franchise Agreement, agreement with different agencies for advertising, insurance agreements, agreement on not taking legal actions, Settlement Agreement, Stock Purchase Agreement, business partnership agreement, privatization agreement etc. The different types of Business Employment Agreement are Employment Agreement, Consultancy agreement, Sales Representative Agreement, Employment Separation Agreement, Reciprocal Nondisclosure Agreement etc. Leases are of different kinds like Real Property Lease, Equipment Lease etc, and same is the case with Sales agreements, it also have...
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...employer terminating benefits and cutting cost by not issuing raises. Due to the at-will doctrine, many employees are left vulnerable to arbitrary and sudden dismissal, a limited or on-call work schedule, which depends on the employer’s needs, and unannounced cuts in pay and benefits (Stone, 2007). In the next paragraphs I will evaluate eight scenarios and describe whether I can legally fire the employee and what action I should take to limit liability and impact on operations. Later on in the paper I will also explain my reasoning behind recommending that my company adopt a whistleblower policy. Scenario 1 John post a rant on his Facebook page in which he criticized the company’s most important customer. When you first read this statement your first thought is, not so much a big deal due to the fact that it is his personal opinion and his personal social media website. The problem with this scenario is that John criticized the company’s most important customer. By most important I understand this as bringing in the bulk of the money to the company. Ask yourself a question in this situation. Do you replace John or loose out on your moneymaker? I would definitely...
Words: 1909 - Pages: 8
...reporting scenarios. The first scenario is to determine the best way to address a $280K windfall from a business trip to Las Vegas in which you incurred $1,846 in expenses. The second scenario is to describe how you would minimize tax exposure on the purchase of an undeveloped lakeshore lot valued at $280K. The third and final scenario is to discuss the best way to address running your $36,000 race boat (that you built at your new lakefront property) into a pier—completely totaling your investment. At the Lakefront When tax season rolls around there are a lot of different types of income tax returns to file; there are personal, corporate, and even personal business and then comes the questions of how would I report certain items on my income taxes. In this paper we are going to discuss three different scenarios that are prone to appear on income tax returns. The first scenario is to determine the best way to address a $280K windfall from a business trip to Las Vegas in which you incurred $1,846 in expenses. The second scenario is to describe how you would minimize tax exposure on the purchase of an undeveloped lakeshore lot valued at $280K. For the third and final scenario we are going to discuss the best way to address running your $36,000 race boat (that you built at your new lakefront property) into a pier—completely totaling your investment. Let us begin by discussing the first scenario. Determine the best way to address a $280K windfall from a business trip to...
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...9-306-002 REV: JUNE 19, 2006 DAVID A. GARVIN LYNNE C. LEVESQUE Strategic Planning at United Parcel Service We fully recognize that it is not possible to develop a true strategic plan more than a few years out and that business plans should have an even shorter horizon. But we are convinced that it is possible and wise, indeed necessary, to develop a set of very long-range scenarios that can form the foundation for our future strategic plans. — Michael (Mike) J. Eskew, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, United Parcel Service (UPS) As Mike Eskew walked through the long, open atrium of UPS’s corporate headquarters late in March 2005, he thought about his upcoming lunch meeting with Vice President of Corporate Strategy Vern Higberg. Higberg was preparing a presentation for the senior management strategy committee, the Strategy Advisory Group, on improvements to the strategic-planning process. While the company had made major progress in planning for the future over the past 10 years, Eskew had charged Higberg and his colleagues with developing recommendations for moving forward, citing one of his predecessors, who had said, “The future of our company will be no better or worse than the quality of planning we do to prepare for it.” Company Background History In 1907, 19-year-old Jim Casey borrowed $100 from friends to start the small company that eventually became UPS. From its humble origins delivering messages for the city of Seattle, Washington, UPS...
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...younger. A large shipment of the Bean Sprouts toy collection is scheduled to be shipped to schools in South America at the end of this week so that the toys will be on site before the beginning of the new school year. Calculations of the logistics department show that the approximate cost to reproduce the product and repackage the toy collections is $100,000. In response to your memo dated 6/5, I present you the following report. The report will outline 3 possible scenarios of how to address the situation regarding the whistles. I will explain the process/ method that I used for selecting each of the scenarios. I will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the respective scenarios, as well as the financial, legal, and ethical considerations of the scenarios. I will conclude with my recommendation on which scenario we should follow and give you the arguments why. The core of the problem that we are dealing with is that we owe the customer but the product we currently have is defunct. To generate the respective scenarios of how to deal with this problem, the members of my team and I sat down and brainstormed on the possible actions to take and their considerations and consequences, basically asking ourselves the question: what are the different actions we can take with the whistles. One associate asked us the question: “Imagine...
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...for Roller Skaters Part I – Krazy Jack and Lokita’s Role with Companies 1. What is Jack’s role? a. Nik’s role is to provide assistance to the companies Executive Alex, Director of Goofie Planning. The company’s role is to develop and manage organizational structure and processes. That includes helping the government with increasing their social needs. The structure and processes includes marketing, finance, purchasing, technology, human resources, physical resource, transportation, strategic planning, leadership, etc. Nik’s immediate role is draft the company’s plan as it focuses on organizational processes, human resources, and ethics. 2. What is Lokita’s role? Cross Salsa provides medical assistance to a vast majority of patients in the Fort Kingfish area. The medical billing department, allows the Cross to process patient’s billing within the organization. Melanie Popins, Director of Central Drilling, oversees the financial position of patient’s medical expenses to the hospital through therapy and procedures. Jacqueline’s immediate role is to provide medical billing assistance by processing hospital claims through Medicare and other insurance companies. This helps in minimizing account receivables. Part II – Assignment Outline 1. Introduction a. Long Island Ice Tea– When one thinks of the South Pacific, they would think of paradise; white beaches, gentle surfs, swaying palm trees, and tropical breeze (Business Scenario, 2011). i. Location – 1. Lava Island...
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...investigation into business studies, this author will explain her take on the different kinds of business entities. The three different kinds of entities are: Sole-Proprietorship, Partnership, and Corporation. She will then take the information given to her and make a decision on the scenario given to her. The scenario states that she is an inventor with no financial or management skills but would like to bring her product out in the world, out of the three business entities, which one should she pursue? Structures of Business As businesses come and go, there are three main entities that got them started, Sole-Proprietorship, General Partnership, and Corporation. I will be explaining the three entities as well as comparing them, as a positive outlook and also a negative outlook. I will then explain why I chose General Partnership as my choice of starting the business stated in my scenario. First I will be explaining Sole-Proprietorship. As defined by Dion (2005), “Sole Proprietorship is simply an unincorporated individual starting a practice, with assets he or she owns in his or her own name alone.” In other words, someone who starts his or her own business by themselves and anything that becomes successful will be their own profit. Although they will be acting alone for their profits, they must understand they are going to be liable in every way during their road to success. This entity would probably be the easiest to handle because if the person who owns that business wanted to...
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...University of Phoenix Material Communication Process Complete the following table. • Review the steps of the communication model on in Ch. 2 of Business Communication. See Figure 2.1. • Identify one personal or business communication scenario. • Describe each step of that communication using your personal or business scenario. Use detailed paragraphs in the boxes provided. |Steps of communication model |Personal or business scenario | |Sender has an idea. |I want an Promotion. | |Sender encodes the idea in a message. |I have been working for this company for over two-years. Applied for higher positon | | |and have not been selected. I know I am one of the most Top-Ranked Call Center Agent. | | |I know with an Promotion comes with better pay and Im looking into purchasing a new | | |home. | |Sender produces the message in a medium. |Hello Director, When you have a minute I will like to speak to you about a better | | |opportunity with the company. | | Sender transmits message through...
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...Business, Entitles, Laws, and Regulations Paper{ The start of this essay is to discuss the best business entry for each of the chosen scenario we choose for this assignment. We must identify laws, risks, and regulations of both scenarios we choose from. We are to discuss the elements and discuss the employment laws in which the business must comply in making a decision. In this Business Law paper, I will discuss two business scenarios’ business entity represents the best choice, while taking control, taxation, and liability issues into consideration. As well as, laws and regulations each business must consider in starting the business and any risks each business must consider to protect itself. Additionally, I will discuss a Construction scenario and a situation requiring a Hiring Manager to choose the best applicant while considering the above elements and employment laws and regulations which the business must consider when making a decision. In the construction scenario, Mel-lin is the hiring manager and needs to hire someone with a high school diploma is the only description for the job. Four peoples applied for the position at the Surebuild, Inc. ( Construction Company); Michelle has experience, high school diploma, was formerly employed as a jackhammer operator and is pregnant, Eric has no experience and no high school diploma; Felipe speak no English, no high school diploma, but is experienced in jackhammer; Nick has epileptic, has a college degree...
Words: 253 - Pages: 2
...an example of this situation. With that being said, if no drastic changes are made, Cape chemicals runs the risk of growing itself out of business. Scenario one, assuming high growth and business as usual, shows the shape that Cape Chemicals is in. Right away we can see that their costs are extremely high. A business such as Cape Chemicals should have a profit margin somewhere around 3%, whereas it is currently 1.74%. Working capital is notably large, as stated earlier due to very high levels of inventory and accounts receivables. This scenario amounts to an increasingly negative free cash flow and an astounding accumulation of debt. In just 4 years, debt is projected to go up about 150%. For comparison, in that same time frame sales are only projected to increase a total of 86%. Furthermore, costs are increased due to a decision to triple the workforce, a decision that proves to be unwarranted by the overall growth rate of this company. This scenario clearly highlights Cape Chemical’s growing pains that would inevitably run them out of business. Scenario two depicts how low growth would benefit the company. In this scenario, Cape Chemicals also has continuously falling free cash flows and increasing debt. However, in a situation of low growth, debt only increases by 42%, while sales increases by 118%. Compared to a high growth scenario, this looks pretty good. Albeit both are...
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...Applications of Wireless Technologies Each of the following images depicts a real-life scenario in which a wireless technology is being used. Review the five images below and follow the corresponding instructions. Scenario 1 [pic] 1. Identify the wireless technology being used in this scenario. FSO- Free space optics 2. Explain why this technology is appropriate for this scenario. FSO involves using a line of sight technology, so I see this being the method used between the two structures. 3. Specify the standard transmission distance and transfer speed for the wireless technology you identified. 1.25 gbps for speed and transmission distance depends on the concept of the line of sight technology. 4. Use the Internet to research one to two applications of the identified wireless technology. List each application found. Reference the websites you used to locate this information. http://www.freespaceoptics.org/ states that this technology has been used for NASA. Scenario 2 [pic] 1. Identify the wireless technology being used in this scenario. The wireless technology listed in the picture is called Bluetooth, which is a technology of a WPAN, or wireless personal area network. It uses a technology known as FHSS or frequency hopping spread spectrum. 2. Explain why this technology is appropriate for this scenario. This technology is appropriate for this scenario because it used for communication within close proximity of the user, and Bluetooth provides...
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...Phase 2 Research Country Selection Matrix: A Tool to Prioritize Geographic Focus IKATU is GUARANI for “Yes I Can ” Ikatu International is attempting to create employment opportunities for the world’s youth population. We are identifying gaps within current youth employment efforts, strategically modeling and implementing solutions that leverage our blended value experience (economic, social, and environmental), and creating significant impact measurements that drive dialogue on transparency and accountability. Ikatu International aspires to enable self sufficiency, teach life and social skills, and create building blocks for future generations by connecting youth to economic opportunity. Ikatu is Guarani for “Yes I Can”, a translation that speaks to both our organization and the belief systems we hope to cultivate. We would like to inspire personal dignity, realized opportunity, and leadership within young adults who have been underexposed by circumstance. Giving back to the community through smart business can stimulate positive change regardless of economic, political, religious and social context. At Ikatu International, we believe in endless possibilities and the power of “Yes I Can”. Country Selection Matrix: A Tool to Prioritize Geographic Focus Revised Report August 2010 Ikatu International The original report was authored by Meghan Corroon and Elizabeth Stewart from Causemopolis in January, 2009. INTRODUCTION The Country Matrix analysis is a reference document...
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...Business Entities, Laws and Regulation Paper Earnestine Pearson BUS/415 April 23, 2012 Tony Cardillo A entrepreneur according to Cheeseman, 2010, “is a person who forms and operates a business” (p. 250). In opening and starting a business, an individual will have to decide what type of business to form, and if he, she, or they is qualified to do. Individuals must also be able to determine the different forms of business organizations. These forms include: sole proprietorship, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, and corporation. According to Cheeseman, 2010, “the selection of business forms has many factors to depend on. Factors including the ease of cost of formation, the capital requirements of the business, the flexibility of management decisions, government restrictions, personal liability, tax consideration, and the like” (p,250). In this paper, I will also discuss three scenarios: Business Professional Practices, the Extermination Business, and the Construction scenario. I will discuss the business entity of each scenario, the taxation of each scenario, taking charge, liability issues that each business must consider, identify the laws and regulations, and risk associated with each scenario. Professional Practice This scenario is about two friends Akiva and Tara who wants to open a birth clinic together. They have both completed all of their educational and experimental requirements of becoming obstetricians. Before they...
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...“Bricks-and-Mortar” vs. “Clicks-and-Mortar”: an Equilibrium Analysis Fernando Bernstein Jing-Sheng Song Xiaona Zheng The Fuqua School of Business The Fuqua School of Business Guanghua School of Management Duke University Duke University Peking University Durham, NC 27708 Durham, NC 27708 Beijing, China 100871 Forthcoming in European Journal of Operational Research The Internet has provided traditional retailers a new means with which to serve customers. Consequently, many “bricks-and-mortar” retailers have transformed to “clicks-and-mortar” by incorporating Internet sales. Examples of companies making such a transition include Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble, etc. Despite the increasing prevalence of this practice, several fundamental questions remain: (1) Does it pay off to go online? (2) Which is the equilibrium industry structure? (3) What is the implication of this business model for consumers? We study these issues in an oligopoly setting and show that clicks-and-mortar arises as the equilibrium channel structure. However, we find that this equilibrium does not necessarily imply higher profits for the firms: in some cases, rather, it emerges as a strategic necessity. Consumers are generally better off with clicks-and-mortar retailers. If firms align with pure e-tailers to reach the online market, we show that a prisoner’s dilemma-type equilibrium may arise. Keywords: Supply chain management, Game theory, E-commerce, MNL model...
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