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Business Synoptic


Submitted By mishi11
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Running Head: Business Synoptic


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Table of Contents
Question 13
Question 2…………………………………………………………………………………………5
Question 3…………………………………………………………………………………………9
Question 4………………………………………………………………………………………..13
Question 5…………………………………………………………………..................................15

Q – 1) Compare Wal-Mart experience in countries such as Germany and South Korea on one hand, and China on the other. What determine Wal-Mart's success or otherwise in these markets? What lessons should Wal-Mart learn from these experiences?
Wal-Mart is an American public corporation that runs a chain of discounted stores throughout the world. Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas. The main head office of Wal-Mart is in Bentonville, Arkansas. Approximately 2,100,000 employees work in the Wal-Mart stores around the world. About 100 million customers each week visit the stores; Wal-Mart provides its customers low prices for their products. The slogan for Wal-Mart stores was low prices always. Now the new slogan is saving the people’s money so that they can have better lives. This slogan basically shows the 3 groups 1) Hispanics, 2) African-Americans and 3) rural residents of the country, which makeup of the 100 million customers who visit the stores each week. (Wal-Mart, 2010)
Wal-Mart in Germany Wal-Mart is not a success in Germany. The organization is having communication problems with its employees. It has been speculating in the retail market that Wal-Mart is still not quite able to understand the $370 billion German market. It’s being 15 years since Wal-Mart has entered the German retail market (i.e. in 1997), and still the company has approximately 2 percent of the German food sales market (i.e. $3.2 billion sales

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