Premium Essay

Business Unit 3 P1


Submitted By jrawstron
Words 623
Pages 3
unit 3 p1 Tumblr

Tumblr is a popular social media site that offers users the chance to create and run their own blog. It was globally branded by a trademark “T” for Tumblr. It competes with the likes of twitter, Facebook and Instagram on the global market. Since it formed on 2007; it hosts over 225.1 million blogs. In order to achieve this Tumblr has used marketing techniques such as branding and market relationship.
Tumblr aims to provide a service that allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Tumblr was created on the ideals of free speech and independent journalism to try and get away from the mainstream media. It also aims to provide a support network for people dealing with mental health issues and is also used as a generic blogging site.
The marketing aims and objectives of Tumblr are to become a market leader within the next 10 years. A key step towards this was on 20th may 2013. The business was sold to Yahoo a large search engine for $1.1billion.They have expanded their target audience by producing mobile apps for smartphones on all platforms. This increased their user percentage by as much as 70,000 users within the first weeks. the marketing concept puts the customer at the centre of all decisions before the product of service is developed. this can make Tumblr more efficient by focusing investment on products that customers will need and use rather than investing in products that customers may not buy.
Branding: Creating a unique name and image for the service in the consumers mind, through advertising campaigns with a constant theme will make people recognise the brand Tumblr. This has been done through the internet for Tumblr by using their trademark “T” logo. Because of its success the “T” is now known globally without the need for the brand name to be mentioned.
The Tumblr trademark “T”


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