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Business Work


Submitted By Brianmusa98
Words 639
Pages 3
OCR Cambridge TECHNICAL (Certificate/Diploma) in IT
Unit 23 – Database Design

P7: Explain how you have met the end user requirements

Task 7 (P7.1) – Explain how you have met the end user requirements. Explain how the functionality and operations work.

With Microsoft Access I have created a database. The Database has been made to help staff and Equest systems to carry out then business sales operations effectively and efficiently. The Database which I have created is a computer based Database; it is produced for EQuest System. In this Database you can discover that I have made it easy so it user friendly. Firstly I have created tables; the first table which I have created is a customer table. In this table there is information of the customers such as the place where they live and there personal details such as their phone number, email, name and last name, their company ,their gender, their post code and their county. And also in the customer table which is created a way that every customer has their own customers ID.

Task 8 (P7.2) – Create a test table to cover the main areas of your database

Features/Object to be tested | Test | What is Expected | Outcome of Test | Action Needed/Taken | House style | Logo on each form and report. | Logo on each of the top right corners on each report and forms. | On each of the different forms and reports there is the company logo on the top right hand side. | No action is needed to resolve the result of this test. | | Make sure the text boxes are the same size and width | I am expecting different text box sizes and different font sizes on the tables | The outcome of the test was all the fonts and text boxes were the same size | There is no action needed for this test | Queries | I am checking if my queries with parameters are fully functional. | I am expecting a few queries to be working fully | The

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