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Businesses, Organizations and Educational Sites


Submitted By johnprempeh1
Words 3639
Pages 15
Tobacco Industry in Norway 21st Century

Phillip Morris International (PMI)
FGH430025 - Org and Man for Performance - 12408 - 201213

A report to identify and critically analyse a key organisational behavioural and/or human resource issue facing Phillip Morris International in Norway

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Background of the Study 3 2.1 PMI Strategy 4 3. Organisational Behaviour and HRM Issues 5 I. Leadership 6 II. Management 7 III. Motivation 11 4. Process involved in the preparation 14 5. Conclusion 15 6. References 16

1. Introduction
This report aims to critically analyse Phillip Morris International (PMI) strategies and structure of how they manage the Norwegian consumer market. In this report the key issues that are required to be analysed are PMI leadership and management style for gaining more emerging markets across Scandinavia and Europe. PMI has had an autocratic leadership approach, which has been a controversial matter regarding changing laws and regulations in Norwegian tobacco industry. This report will focus on PMI’s approach to organisation behaviour and Human Resource Management practises through its leadership, management ,and HRM theories into practice and employee motivation as a result of PMI’s strategy to monopolies the entire market as a 21st century organisation.
According to Buchanan& Huczynski (2010), “The organization behaviour is the systematic study of formal organisations and of what people think, feel, and do in and around organisations”. This report is a brief study from an organizational behaviour and management for performance perspective. Along with this the HRM of PMI is also required to be analysed which is basically the governance of organizations employees. The company’s Human Resources department can be internal and external and is responsible for creating,

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