...Selecting process is very crucial for any organization. The main goals of the employees’ selection process are as follows: 1. Hire the right person at the right job who have the capability to adjust effectively in the current organizational culture. 2. Every selection involves the cost of hiring and training, and the selection process should be such that the organization is able to achieve cost efficiency in training and hiring. Moreover, bad hires may create the negative environment in the organization. 3. The objective of the selection process is to stay away from any type of legal concerns which may arise due to the wrong hiring decision. This may be on the basis of discrimination. ------------------------------------------------- Organizations use several selection methods and the method of selection depends on the type of skills, knowledge and experience required for the particular post. For instance, for the selection of the software developer the organization has to either carry out the campus recruitment or advertise for the post in the newspaper, so as to get specific set of skills. These two methods of selection are entirely different, as with the campus recruitment the organization will be able to hire required skill set but fresher, but with the newspaper advertisement, the organization will be able to get the particular skills set along with experience. Moreover, the experienced one can face difficulty in adjusting with the new culture while the fresher...
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...Notes Describe (EXPLAIN) how political, legal and social factors are impacting (BRINGS ABOUT CHANGE/INFLUENCE) upon the business activities of the selected organisations (SAINSBURYS AND BRC) and their stakeholders( PEOPLE OR GROUPS WITH AN INTEREST IN A BUSINESS) INTERNAL STAKE – EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS. EXTERNAL (CUSTOMER, LOCAL, GOVT, LOCAL COUNCIL. ( A Written Report - Maximum of 800 words) Analyse (ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. INVESTIGATE) how political, legal and social factors have impacted on the two contrasting (OPP COMPANIES) organisations. ( A Written Report - Maximum of 800 words) Political Factors * Immigration (definition) – govt want to restrict amount of imms coming in. reducing immigration in sainsbury’s will mean they’ll have less choice of food. No diversity. SKILLS Impact. * BR RED CROSS – work with refugees. They need people who speak a particular language so this might restrict skills. Diversity. People from certain countries not allowed in. Benefit payments * Less people on benefits, more in employment. If they’re reducing benefit payments those who shop in sainsbury’s will have less to spend. – sainsbury’s * BRC, less people on benefit – more people to work however, more people in trouble if benefits are being cut they will need more help from charity. Brc will have more work on their hands. Reducing companies debt/ cutting back on govt spending * GOVT They do help business like sainsburys set up business to support places with...
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...|[pic] |Course Syllabus | | |School of Business | | |BCOM/230 Version 3 | | |Business Communication for Accountants | Copyright © 2012, 2010 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course introduces students to the foundations of communication in a business accounting setting. Students are exposed to various topics related to interpersonal and group communications within the context of applications to the accounting field. Students will develop skills in the forms of written communication, including memos, e-mails, business letters, and reports. Other topics include communication ethics, collaboration, information utilization, critical thinking, and professional competence and values. Policies Faculty and students will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: • University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. • Instructor policies: This document...
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...Darden Restaurants From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Darden Restaurants, Inc. | | Type | Public | Traded as | NYSE: DRI[1] S&P 500 Component | Industry | Restaurant | Predecessor | Green Frog Restaurant (1938-1967) Red Lobster Inns of America (1968-70) General Mills Restaurants (1970-95) | Founded | First Restaurant (The Green Frog) opened in 1938 in Waycross, GA. | Founder | Bill Darden | Headquarters | 1000 Darden Center Drive Orlando, Florida, U.S. 32837 | Number of locations | More than 1,500 - 2015 Annual Report | Area served | Worldwide | Key people | Eugene Lee (President & Chief Executive Officer) Jeffrey Smith (Chairman) | Services | Foodservice | Revenue | US$ $7.999 billion (FY May 2012)[1] | Operating income | US$ 638.0 million (FY 2012)[2] | Net income | US$ 475.5 million[1] | Total assets | US$ 5.944 billion (FY 2012)[2] | Total equity | US$ 1.842 billion (FY 2012)[2] | Number of employees | 200,000[1] | Website | darden.com | Footnotes / references [3][4] | Darden Restaurants, Inc. is an American multi-brand restaurant operator headquartered in Orlando.[3] The firm owns several casual dining restaurant chains: Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, Bahama Breeze, Seasons 52, Eddie V's Prime Seafood, The Capital Grille and Yard House. Until July 28, 2014, Darden also owned Red Lobster. Darden has more than 1,500 restaurant locations and more than 150,000 employees, making...
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...Name: Vrunda Patel Subject: International Business Prof: George Repic Date: 1/22/2014 Module 1 - Homework assignment How have changes in technology contributed to the globalization of markets and production? Would the globalization of production and markets have been possible without these technological changes? Answer: Changes in technology have contributed to the globalization of markets and production by bringing the world closer. I believe that improvements of technology in internet, microprocessors, and transportation not only make our lives more convenient, but also enable the growth of globalization of production and markets. For example, improvements in transportation technology have made it easy for companies like Coca-Cola, Levi Strauss, Sony and McDonalds to make their products available worldwide (Charles W.L. Hill, 2013). Changing technology; has also increased the rate of production, allowing goods to be produced and distributed more efficiently. Similarly, if communication does not exist, people around the world will not get the opportunity to connect and do business together. The ability to negotiate around the world has facilitated by improved communications technology. Moreover, the decreasing cost of communication makes coordinating and controlling global environment even more effective and efficient (Charles W.L. Hill, 2013). Most importantly, the impact that Information Technology has created has been tremendous. Companies now market worldwide by...
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...遊園公車108 陽明山公園遊園公車 湖山路、陽金公路、101甲縣道、中湖戰備道、菁山路、新園街、湖山路 陽明山公車總站〈步行至草山行館、陽明公園〉 → 遊客中心 → 童軍站 〈七星山登山口〉→ 竹子湖一站 → 氣象台 → 陽明書屋 〈步行至陽明書屋管理站〉→ 竹子湖派出所 〈步行至竹子湖〉→ 頂湖山 → 游園站 → 七星山 → 鞍部〈大屯山登山口〉 → 二子坪〈二子坪步道口〉 → 小油坑〈七星山登山口〉 → 中湖 → 冷水坑站〈往擎天崗〉 → 擎天崗 → 冷水坑遊客服務站 〈七星山登山口〉→ 松園站 → 絹絲瀑布站 → 陽明山公車總站 頭末班車時間07:00~17:30 平常日20-30分 例假日8-15分(台北市降雨機率80%,低溫特報期間,例假日班距調整為10-15分,豪雨特報期間,例假日班距調整為15-30分) 視旅次天候狀況調整 遊園公車108區 起訖點陽明山站→二子坪 湖山路、陽金公路、101甲縣道 陽明山公車總站〈步行至草山行館、陽明公園〉、遊客中心、童軍站〈七星山登山口〉、竹子湖一站、氣象台、陽明書屋〈步行至陽明書屋管理站〉、 竹子湖派出所〈步行至竹子湖〉、 頂湖山、游園站、七星山、鞍部〈大屯山登山口〉、二子坪 〈循原路線折返陽明山公車總站〉 可於大都會客運陽明山總站購買遊園券60元,當日搭乘陽明山遊園公車不限乘車次數。 小26北投站-頂湖 秀山路、大業路、北投路、中央北路、中央南路、大興路、光明路、泉源路、東昇路、湖山路 北投站、捷運北投站、 大同之家、十八份福德宮、 十八份、泉源國小 、 泉源國小宿舍 、無尾崙 、頂湖 頭末班車時間:05:30-22:30 每日行駛 調度站北投站02-2893-7723 303 劍潭站-大坪尾(全)劍潭站-平等里(區 庫倫街、承德路、劍潭路、福林路、中正路、仰德大道、菁山路- 捷運劍潭站、捷運士林站、 山仔后 → 淨水廠 → 陽明山泉 → 山豬湖 → 墘坑子 、 礦寮、 國際電台、大坪尾 固定班次 平常日05:10-22:40 05:00 05:20 05:50班次繞駛陽明山 07:20 08:10 09:30 10:30 12:30 13:00 14:00 15:00班次繞駛文化大學 首都 每日行駛 免費服務專線:0800-000866 山區隨招隨停路段山仔后~大坪尾 303區捷運劍潭站-平等里(區)每日行駛 捷運劍潭站、捷運士林站、 山仔后、陽明山中國大飯店、教師中心、菁山露營場、絹絲瀑布、 山豬湖 、 墘坑子 、 礦寮、 國際電台、平等里平常日6:00~22:40 假日5:30~22:40 535正線捷運石牌站-六窟 西安街、東華街、石牌路二段、行義路、泉源路、湖底路 捷運石牌站、 惇敘高工、 龍鳳谷、頂北投、 六窟 06:00-23:00 班距20-40分 每日30班次 發車時間係自捷運石牌站發車;至六窟約25~30分鐘。 小9 北投站-竹子湖(經捷運北投站) 北投路、大興街、東昇路、湖山路、陽金公路、竹子湖路 北投站 、 《捷運北投站》、 陽明公園後門一、陽明公園後門、陽明公園服務中心〈花鐘〉、陽明山立體停車場〈步行至草山行館〉、第二停車場〈步行至陽明山國家公園遊客中心〉、陽明書屋〈步行至陽明書屋〉、竹子湖派出所、竹子湖、靶場 每日行駛 調度站北投站02-28937723 固定班次 05:20-22:00 北投至遊客中心約30分 遊客中心至竹子湖約10分 小15捷運劍潭站-擎天崗(全)...
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...Question 3 Occupational licensure is inconsistent with the basic principles and values of capitalism. The major principle of capitalism is that capitalism promotes free market system in which one’s “freedom of opportunity” is unrestrained. Capitalism requires unrestricted access to or private ownership of the major means of production and distribution, which include the economic assets and productive resources. Besides, Adam Smith’s argument defends capitalisms that people will produce the greatest good for all if they are to pursue their own interests guided by an invisible hand. However, occupational licensure violates the ideal of the free-market. It restricts the entry into the particular field and permits the professional to enjoy monopoly in the provision of services and keep the price high. Therefore, licensure illegitimately restricts individual freedom to pursue their desired career. In doing so, passionate individuals have their freedom taken away by such quotas. Second, it reduces the alternatives available to the public, thus, it reduces the average productivity and quality of services too. Question 5 The idea about which doctors’ high incomes are due more to artificial restrictions on the free market than to the inherent value of their services is not a fair picture of the medical profession. Indeed, the purpose of licensure that contravenes the principles of laissez-faire is to raise the standard of competence and the quality of care. Moreover, the higher salary...
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...ERADICATING POVERTY IN AFRICA Poverty is generally considered as the state of being poor: conditions of abject, extreme poverty, which has been on the increase in Africa, with particular reference to Northern Nigeria (with diseases like polio, measles and leprosy being pandemic and of course street begging on the increase). Aloku (1975) and Townsend (1962) refers to poverty as a lack of command over basic consumption needs, which means, in other words, that there is an inadequate level of consumption giving rise to insufficient food, clothing and or shelter, and moreover the lack of certain capacities, such as being able to participate with dignity in society, which Dudley (1975) submits that there is the need for personal growth in Nigeria. The point related to the sociological event is that poverty has equally been defined as the inability to attain a minimum standard of living (World Bank Report, 1990). Poverty has also been conceptualized in both the “relative” and “absolute” sense. And again Dudley (1975) sees poverty largely in the light of the need for personal growth in Nigeria. The report constructed two indices based on a minimum level of consumption in order to show the practical aspect of the concept. The first index was based on country specific poverty line, and the second was global, allowing cross country comparisons (Walton, 1990). This is generally based on whether relative or absolute standards are adopted in the determination of the minimum income...
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...Business communication Part-1 Question 1. Communication is an essential function of Business Organizations. 2. Physiological Barriers of listening are: Ans. (a) Hearing impairment 3. Which presentation tends to make you speak more quickly than usual? Ans. (b) Oral 4. What is the main function of Business Communication: Ans. (c) Persuasion 5. The responsibilities of the office manager in a firm that produces electronics spares is Ans. ( d).. All of the above 6. Labov’s Storytelling Model based on: Ans.(a) Communication through speech 7. Diagonal Communication is basically the: Ans. (b). Communication between the CEO and the managers 8. How to make Oral Communication Effective? Ans. (d). All of the above 9. Direct Eye contact of more than 10 seconds can create: Ans. (a). Discomfort & Anxiety 10. 10. Encoding means: Ans. (a). Transmission Par -2 1. 7’c of effective communication 1.Courtesy and consideration - Improves Relationship 2. Clarity -Make comprehension better 3. Credibility -Builds Trust 4. Correctness -Builds confidence 5. Completeness and consistency -Introduces stability 6. Concreteness -Reinforces Confidence 7. Conciseness -Save time 2. Space Language The space around its contents and us convey a definite meaning. It required quit some effort on our part to arrange them meaningfully and on the Part of others to understand or interpret the meaning. In other words it tells that how...
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...Objectives are put into place to reach any long term goals for the organisation and make the reasons for achieving these aims clear to key stakeholders in the business. BURKINSHAW have a corporate objective which is a quantifiable statement of a business’s measurable targets, their objective qualifies as a corporate one as Andrew Mitchell’s aim is to expand the business and return it to profitability. Setting up objectives for the business is highly beneficial as it gives an indication to each individual within the organisation an aim to work towards, which, in turn can be an effective method of motivation within the work place. The transfer from the UK to China has been unsuccessful in relation to HR, as a result of a lower hourly rate for employees in China is exactly half of what it would be in the UK, which could be seen as exploitation of workers as their rights within the workplace are different to those within the UK. In regards to the objectives for the business, this is good, due to a cut in the wages paid, it is more likely for BURKINSHAW to reach profitability. However, this does depend on how many staff are aware of their rights at where they work and also how they pursue this knowledge which could be through a trade union. Furthermore there is a high percentage of capacity utilisation, which is 95%, over working the staff increases the chance of demotivation which effects quality of the product, resulting in defective products, which has been shown to have risen...
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...“The Bad Show” talked about various people’s intent, behavior, and thinking in how they would or did commit crime. The survey conducted by Dr. David Buss on people and homicide, and the incident of the professor who considered hurting his wife can be analyzed using two criminologist theories: Rational Choice Theory and Social Learning Theory. David Buss created a questionnaire asking his students if they thought about committing a homicide. After collecting and analyzing the answers, David calculated that 75-80% of his students had thought about committing a homicide. In addition, many of his students wrote meticulously about whom they would kill, where the homicide would happen, and the best method for executing the homicide. David expanded his sample to 5,000...
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...Greater access to the internet has enabled buyers to search more easily for information about potential suppliers of goods and services. This has significantly affected many industries, such as insurance, banking, retailing and travel. To what extent do you think that increased internet usage inevitably reduces producers’ profits? Justify your answer with reference to organizations and/or industries that you know. Over the past decade, Shopping on the internet has skyrocketed with internet sales reaching almost £30 billion in 2012, which accounts to almost 10% of total sales in the UK. This is due to the increased possession of Internet devices such as: smartphones, laptops and computers. It has become much easier and simpler for consumers to buy products online using these devices. Increased internet security has also increased demand for online shopping due to customers being confident in undergoing an online transaction. Another advantage of selling items on the internet is that it gives you the opportunity to advertise your or another companies products. Over 80% of the British population uses the internet regularly which opens up a massive market for advertising and for companies to show their products to users of the internet. However, results in increased internet usage have resulted in the decreased need for physical advertising such as: books, magazines and newspapers which have begun to prove more ineffective in advertising products. For example, a double paged...
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...The Declaration of Independence as we know it is one of, if not the most powerful document in the United States of America. It encompasses government empowerment and basic human principles which includes ‘freedom’, but, are we truly liberated? The main priority of this document is to abolish tyranny and entitle people to unalienable rights as stated in the reading which includes the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That in itself is contradicting to what it wants to achieve, which takes us back to the question about liberation. Firstly, the contradiction between the claim that "all men are created equal" and the existence of American slavery attracted comment when the Declaration was first published in 1776. You can’t help but think that the quote "all men are created equal" was untrue or at least that it does not apply to coloured people. Slaves were still held unwillingly and forced to work under harsh treatment from their masters. And this exclusion of slaves was purposely done to better such things as the economy of the country, and the perception of slaves and women and Native Americans. Secondly, The Declaration of Independence, the second paragraph explains the purpose of government, that the government is a servant of the people, not vice versa, and that people have the right to change a government that doesn't meet their needs and to create a new one. It then goes into detailing a list of abuses of George III as the reasons the American colonies...
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...Sor Isolina Ferré Sor Isolina nacio en Ponce el 5 de septiembre dee 1914 hija de don Antonio ferré. Ella era una persona muy dulce e inteligente con una mirada franca. Desde ese entonces ella se ha convertido en una gran leyenda. Los centros que llevan su nombre fueron establecidos iniciamete en la playa de Ponce se han extendido alrededor de la isla. Este centro trata de difundir nuevas vidas a los sectores deprimidos del país. Ella era una mujer sencilla, llana y con un gran corazón. Su estrategia consistia en devolverles el respeto propio y la dignidada asus habitantes; siguendos sus creencias de que si todos somos hijos de Dios, somos tambien hermanos y por tanto todos somos iguales. Para ella no habia ni color, ni pobres ni ricos. La ayudaba mucho su personalidad franca,su modo de ser directo y sus ojos azules penetrantes y persuasivos. Ella fue entrenada como sociologa en la Universidad de Fordham. Pero segun era de dulce; cuando tenia que ser fuerte y exigente lo tenia que aser. Esta lectura me ha ayudado a comprender que para mi como asistente de oficina todos devemos ser tratados iguales, nadie debe ser mejor que nadie. Por que ante Dios somos sus hijos y todos somos hermanos. Estoy muy de acuerdo con la autora de esta historia Carmen Dolores. Nos muestra como en el mundo ai personas que dan el todo por el todo sin importar raza, ni si eres pobre o rico. De que en el mundo ai personas muy buenas que te ayudan sin ni tan siquiera conocerte. Esta historia...
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...Home-Style Cookies Ashford University BUS 644 Professor Michael Snell August 29, 2011 Briefly describe the cookie production process. Everything starts when management gets the orders from the distributors, which are then scheduled and put onto a list. The list for the day is then given at the beginning of the shift to the person in charge of mixing. The person then checks the master list for the ingredients needed for each type of cookie. The person in charge if mixing then puts the information into the computer and the computer figures out what is exactly needed according to the quantity and the type of cookies needed. The computer then sends the information it configures to the storage silos that are located outside of the plant where the main ingredients are located. All of the ingredients needed are automatically sent to the giant mixing machines where everything is mixed together into a batter. The batter is then put into cutting machines that cut the batter into individual diagonal cookies. The cut cookies are then put onto a conveyer belt that will send them through one of the two ovens. There are some cookies that have filling and those cookies are first filled and folded before they are sent into the oven. Once the cookies come out of the oven they are then sent onto spiral cooling racks 20 feet high and three feet wide. As the cookies are finished with the cooling process workers manually put the cookies into boxes and while they are doing this they remove...
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