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Bycatch Research Paper

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We will be talking about what bycatch is being used right now and how people are tryingto stop it and what we will do to stop it. The causes are big fishing companies that want fish likeMcDonald’s or Super Marine International that need fish for their businesses to make money sothey send fishing boats out to catch it.Bycatch is incidental catch of non-targeted fish and ocean wildlife, often discarded at sea.The species included are such as whales, dolphins, seals, and anything listed under angered. Ifyou have you would encounter bycatch the unwanted catch of fishing boats. Thrown overboardand wasted. All the fish worth a lot of money and what they are looking to sell are kept and the“bycatch” is thrown away because no one will by it. The government …show more content…
These fisheries come into direct and indirect contact withcetaceans. An example of direct contact is the physical contact of cetaceans with fishing net.Indirect contact is through marine trophic pathways where fisheries are severely reducing fishstocks that cetaceans rely on for food. In some fisheries, cetaceans are captured as bycatch butthen retained because of their value as food or bait.In this fashion, cetaceans can become a targetof fisheries.Wherever there’s fishing, there’s Bycatch. The main reason that bycatch occurs isbecause modern fishing gears is very strong, often covers an extensive area and can be highlyunselective - meaning it catches not only the target species but also many other creatures as well.Furthermore, poor fisheries management in certain countries does little to minimizebycatch. For example Although devices to minimize turtle bycatch are required in somefisheries, they are not always used due to lack of enforcement or political will. For example,under some management systems fishers can only land fish species for which they have a quota -and so dump the smaller, less valuable fish overboard, often already dead.Due to different commercial fish populations often living together, the directed catch of onespecies may well result in non-allowable catches of another! This is a particular problem in theGrand Banks off Canada where, despite a ban on cod fishing now lasting well over a decade, codrecovery is prevented as cod juveniles are caught by fishers targeting other fish.Each year, Bycatch killed 300,000+ small whales, dolphins and porpoises 100 millionsharks 250,000+ loggerhead and leatherback turtles Thousands of seabirds. Billions of unwantedfish and

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