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C. S. Lewis Distinctive Beliefs

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I. My Distinctive Beliefs After experiencing Theology class here at Indiana Wesleyan University I have drawn a few conclusions and have grown greatly in the understanding of my faith. I appreciate the fact that I had the ability to gain a greater knowledge about Christianity. Here in these last 1000 words, I will state my take on what I have learned throughout this past semester. The greatest thing that stuck out to me was the Triune. I knew of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit but I always associated the Trinity with Catholic practice. Now I understand that even in Christianity the Godhead is an important virtue to Christian faith that should be understood correctly. The relationship between the three persons have a purpose with bringing us closer to God. …show more content…
After reading books like Practicing the Christian Doctrine, Mere Christianity, and Soul Shaper gave me other points of view to help formulate my own knowledge base of Christianity. A theologian that I could closely relate my own certainty of God was C.S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis is a very intellectual man that indeed, God has blessed so much wisdom into him so that he could speak to many people. “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscious, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world” (C.S. Lewis). I have experienced hurt just like the next person, moreover during my hurt I could feel the presence of God the strongest. Maybe it was because I turned to God to ease my hurt, maybe it was because everything around me was crashing down and God seemed to be my only stable ground, though during that time my practice in Christianity was the strongest. I appreciate these times of trial and turmoil, still I find that I need to grow stronger during the times of silence. Considering this, in class when C.S. Lewis was discussed, I felt so compelled by his quote about the purpose of God’s allowance to

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