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C.S. Lewis on Moral Relativism


Submitted By jams271
Words 448
Pages 2
Lewis’ main objections to moral relativism.
C.S. Lewis brings to light several points about relativism that demonstrate its lack of footing. Moral relativism cannot be its own judge of right or wrong. Further, what themselves would call our instincts, cannot provide evidence for guiding us to determine that any side of any issue is right or wrong. The deciding factor must be a set of principles that are entrenched deep within our ability to reason, with built in burdening mechanisms that help us to decide right from wrong, aside from what our true desires may be. These morals just cannot manifest themselves or be made up as we go; they are based upon principles put in place by an outside force as the foundation for life. Additionally, Morals are very similar across cultures. Not to a granular extent, but more on a foundational level in order that we may coexist better with each other. Moral laws speak not in the sense of how a person behaves, but specifically how they should behave. Moral laws do not have properties as other laws do in life. As Lewis puts it: “…when you are dealing with humans, something else comes in above and beyond the actual facts. You have the facts (how men do behave) and you also have something else (how they ought to behave)”. (2007, p. 25) It is that knowledge of how we should behave that separates a Moral law from any other law, and the fact that the very idea of it is inescapable to us.

My position.
Morals cannot vary from each individual and be found to be good. There must be evidential meaning in the foundations of the belief. In other words, it cannot be considered good to commit an act of evil. Sets of moral beliefs that are common to man are built upon a truth that is put inside of us by an entity having the intellect and power to do so and that being is God. Should we not have been given this ability to

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