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CM-Mapping The Grapevine: Case Study

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A521.8.5.CM - Mapping the Grapevine

Denning suggests that gossip and criticism are a very typical reaction to planned change:

"The fears and hopes of the participants will emerge in rumors, gossip, and innuendo about the pending change and those responsible for it (p. 214)."
1. Find 2 videos that depict gossip and criticism as a reaction to planned change. The Grape Vine
Discussion Problems in Group Living

2. Map the storyline of each and identify similarities and differences.
The Grape Vine Office Supervisor Problem
This is a problem in the office that springs from an employee overhearing about a new computer …show more content…
She did not stay to get an understanding; she departed from the supervisor office thinking that both she and her co-worker would be replaced. She spoke with her co-worker and told her that both of them were being replaced by someone their supervisor believed was better qualified for the job.

Office Worker 2
Office worker 2 believed the rumor and was hurt by what she had heard; suggested that they talk with the supervisor and let him know that they knew about his plans and one had already acquired another job and the other one had an interview.

Supervisor Reply The Supervisor called both individuals into the office and explained the change that was to take place. Denning (2011) sates that leadership should interact with employees deflate gossip. In this instance, the supervisor explained that he was buying a new computer system and a technician was coming to train each employee on its use. He made it clear that no one was being replaced.

Discussion Problems in Group Living The Group

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