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CPTED Site Assessment Paper

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Thank you to The City of Portland for hiring me and my team to conduct a CPTED Site Assessment, at your Main ST. Max Station parking center . CPTED is short for Crime prevention through environmental design instead of writing out this term we will be using CPTED. Before we dive into the site assessment we would like to give you guys a background or the basic of CPTED. CPTED incorporates effectiveness in design and environmental maintenance to reduce crime. “The use of CPTED as a crime prevention strategy, and its interest in general throughout a wide range of government and non-government agencies, has increased dramatically over the course of the last few years, nationally and internationally.” (Government of South Australia. 2005. Pg.2). …show more content…
It allows for the public to park their cars if needed to carpool. Not only that but I see people come here to sell their cars as well. But the main designation for this area is to park cars for the people who need to board the max line. The definition this place is a public park area. People come here to park and leave their car for many reasons. Some example can be, parking here to catch a public transportation, parking a car here to go into the mall, and parking a car here to carpool. There are more usage of this place but those are just some examples. The behavioral used in this spaces is people not really paying attention to their surrounding and going on with what they have to do. “Understanding how offenders see things is important to preventing crime because almost all crime prevention involves changing offenders' perceptions of crime opportunities” (Clarke & Eck. Pg.11). Some people go straight to and from their car and that is it. By losing track of their parking, they are more likely to be victimized because they are not as cautious. Be cautious and understanding where someone is likely to be victimized is very …show more content…
This area has a history of cars being broken into personal belonging stolen, and vehicle stolen as well. One of the reason why it is so easy to be victimized here is due to the fact that spot is isolated and out of sight from most of the public eyes.

The parking lot is inside the red red outline and we can see that to the left side of the parking lot, that’s the 205 freeway, and to the right of it that's 96th st, a little street that is lightly used. Being in the middle of these two streets allows crime to happen due to the fact that no one really pays attention to it.

In this picture, the red outline are the more vulnerable areas. The two rows in the back are covered by the median that has trees and bushes. This allows a coverage for the criminals when doing their crimes. As for the very back road, it is to far for the people driving on 96th st to see anything. According to the Donald Decker’s CPTED on parking facility study. “A criminal’s vehicle most likely will not be noticed in a parking facility. Also, parked vehicles provide a hiding place for a criminal…” (Decker. 2012. Paragraph 3). We can see that if someone was to park in the back it clearly doesn’t allow anyone to see what's going on back there. So if a criminal was to choose which car to get into, it would likely be in the back

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