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CVA Mental Practice

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What is the effect of physical practice with the addition of mental practice for improving upper extremity function and activities of daily living in individuals with a history of a CVA compared to those who only receive physical practice? Mental practice is defined as cognitive therapy in which motor skills are imaged thoroughly and repetitively with the goal of improving a task. Physical practice is defined as gross and fine motor movements that are completed in order to improve a task. The patients of this PICO question are individuals with a history of a CVA. The intervention is the addition of mental practice for improving upper extremity function. The comparison component is compared to those who only receive physical practice. Finally, the outcome of the question is …show more content…
In their pre-post case studies they observed five patients who had suffered from a CVA at least one-year prior to the start of the study and demonstrated upper limb hemiparesis on their dominant side. The subjects participated in thirty-minute session of physical practice focusing on activities of daily living (ADL’s) using their affected limbs twice a week for six weeks. After each therapy session the subjects would then perform mental practice of performing the same ADL’s for thirty minutes. The examiners used a three-dimensional motion analysis to observe each subject perform two functional reaching tasks in order as their outcome measure. The objects that they were to reach for were a plastic cylinder that was placed either at elbow or shoulder height. The results of this study showed that the subjects had a greater reaching distance after performing the physical practice with the addition of mental practice whether the cylinder was placed at elbow or shoulder height. The examiners also noted that the subjects were able to reach farther after the study because they had an increase in shoulder flexion and elbow

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