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Demographics In Texas Case Study

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The face of Texas is changing. The Texas in Focus article “Demographics” clearly spells out that the state of Texas is becoming, and will continue to be, older and more of a majority-minority state in the coming decades. While Texas’ population grows faster than the rest of the nation, 12.7 percent, more than half of all residents were between the ages of 25 and 64 (“Demographics, ¶2-3). Urban areas in Texas will continue to grow faster than rural areas, despite the fact that Texas continues to have the nation’s largest rural population (¶10-11). The shift towards urban growth has meant significant infrastructure problems, especially in the area of water systems. Shrinking tax bases in rural areas present considerable challenges in meeting the requirements for infrastructure improvements (¶14-15). The end result will be that by 2040, Texas will see Hispanics outnumber whites, with a doubling of its older population (¶17-18).
As a result of the changes and growth experienced by Texas over the past decade, its education system has both “taken steps to improve” the quality of education and faces serious challenges in the coming decades (“Education,” ¶1). Texas currently has the second-largest school enrollment in the nation, numbers that are expected to grow by about 900,000 by 2040 (¶2-3). Hispanics, projected to become the majority of Texas’ population, …show more content…
However, the increasing use of standardized testing has seen increases in proficiency scores and the raising of graduation standards (¶ 21-22). Despite this, Texas leaders remain convinced that Texas students are not graduating “with the skills needed to succeed in college or the workplace” (¶ 26). Texas’ expansion of career and technology education should provide a firm basis for increasing the levels of preparedness for its students (¶

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