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Personal Narrative: Why I Was Sent To The Alternative Program

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The reason I was sent to the alternative program is because I brought my medication to school on accident. I forgot it was in my bag. I take that bag down to my great grandma's house and her dog opened my pill box and made them fall out of my pill box. By the time I got home it was time for me to go to sleep and I didn't know there were any pills in my bag. I gave my grandmother my pill box with the pills that were in it and went to bed. The next morning I took my pills then I went and got my bag for school. Another reason I was sent here is was cussing and yelling inappropriate things on the bus. I was yelling out the word penis, the s word, the b word and the f word. I agree because it gives me time to think about what I did and why I did it. …show more content…
The “old me” was not aware that my medication was in my book bag. When I discovered the medication was in my bag, I thought about giving the medication to someone because I didn’t want to get in trouble. I threw them behind the stairs in the gym so I could get them out of my possession. I would say nothing because I thought I would get in trouble for talking about it. The “new me” would give the medication to the school nurse because I don’t want to get in trouble with them . I would not bring them at all because I am not getting in trouble with them.
I was also disrespectful. The “old me” would cuss a lot. I would also cuss at adults because they would try to tell me what to do. I also thought about hurting people because they were getting on my nerves. I would put my fists in a ball and act like I am going to hit the person because they were getting closer to me. I would cuss at them because they were talking to me when I didn’t want to talk to them . The “new me” will think positive so I will not get in trouble. I will walk away when I want get angry . I will talk calmly so they will leave me

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