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Spirits Invasion Research Paper

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Before the invasion of the demon beasts, spirits were once living peacefully with the humanity. They teach magic to the human, they created living forest everywhere they go, they created armors and weapons that could be called treasures, they could purify the most toxic water to a fountain of clarity, they were most revered existence by the spirit beasts and elves living in the forest. Those spirits were loved by the nature and spirit beasts. Human that had the change to be loved by the spirits could form contract with them, becoming a spirit user and receiving a huge amount of spiritual power. There are all kind of spirits in the world ranked by grade but most of them were listening and obeying to only one of them.

The king of spirits

The …show more content…
Once the new king is born, the knowledge and memories of the last king are imprinted in the child’s body and until that his power is awoken, the knowledge, memory and magical power will be restricted until then. That is the reason why once the new child is born, most of the strongest spirits are coming back to the spirit world far away in a secret place in the continent to protect the newly born future …show more content…
He was an existence revered in the world. Unfortunately, he died eleven years ago, during the demon lord’s army invasion. Your mother, Athena also died during the invasion and only you who was caught by slave dealer with Kael survived. You must to never forget your duty and become strong enough to save the world. Tonight, the memories of your father should appear inside your mind. His knowledge and your magical power will be released and you can finally be able to use magic. You will be the savor of the world, but right now you still don’t have enough power. You need to become stronger. That’s why you must to go to a human city and go to school. Even though I still want you to stay here…I know that I can’t stop you from leaving the

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