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Sir Francis Drake Research Paper

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Sir Francis Drake, Vice Admiral (1540 – 27 January 1596) was an English sea captain, privateer, navigator, slaver, a renowned pirate, and politician of the Elizabethan era. Elizabeth I of England awarded Drake a knighthood in 1581. He was second-in-command of the English fleet against the Spanish Armada in 1588, subordinate only to Charles Howard and the Queen herself. He died of dysentery in January 1596 after unsuccessfully attacking San Juan, Puerto Rico.

His exploits were legendary, making him a hero to the English but a pirate to the Spaniards to whom he was known as El Draque, 'Draque' being the Spanish pronunciation of 'Drake'. His name in Latin was Franciscus Draco ('Francis the Dragon').[2] King Philip II was claimed to have offered a reward of 20,000 ducats, about £4,000,000 (US$6.5M) by modern standards, for his life.

He is famous for (among other things) leading the first English circumnavigation of the world, from 1577 to 1580. …show more content…
Drake's family immediately removed to Kent where he was raised. Although Drake's birth is not formally recorded, it is known that he was born while the six articles were in force and that 'Drake was two and twenty when he obtained the command of the Judith' (1566) this carries back his birth to 1544 (at which time the six articles were in force). He was the eldest of the twelve sons of Edmund Drake (1518–1585), a Protestant farmer called in question for his religion by the six articles, who became a minister among the seamen in the king's navy to read prayers to them, and his wife Mary

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