...Caffeine is a widespread stimulant that can be found in varies kinds of products in daily life diet such as coffee, tea, cola and even chewing gums. Many people are used to reach a cup of coffee as the start of a new workday. “According to the International Coffee Organization, approximately 1.6 billion cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day” (Whiteman). However, many people don’t have clear understanding about the health effect of caffeine and took in excessive caffeine daily. In fact, caffeine is not as harmless as people think, it is a chemical substance that can harm our health. One of the main reason why coffee is so popular is its effect on promoting people’s concentration. Many people would choose coffee as a kick-start of...
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...Caffeine is most widely known for its use in the coffee industry. Many Americans are dependent on their early morning Latte. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which is why many people love this morning pick me up. Each caffeine molecule contains eight carbon atoms, ten hydrogen atoms, four nitrogen atoms, and two oxygen atoms. It has a molar mass of 194.19 grams per mol. The molecular formula for a caffeine molecule is C8H10N4O2. Caffeine can be found naturally in fruits and leaves of particular plants. The most popular of course is the coffee plant. Two main plants are used today for most coffee production. “Coffea arabica, known as Arabica coffee, accounts for 75-80 percent of the world's production. Coffea canephora, known as Robusta coffee, accounts for about 20 percent,” (“Arabica and Robusta Coffee Plant”). After harvesting the round fruit, we call coffee beans, they are ground up and filtered in hot water to make coffee. Coffee takes many forms in the industry. There are espresso shots, mochas, lattes, Frappuccino’s, and of course straight black coffee. Lattes, mochas, and Frappuccino’s are usually coffee or espresso shots mixed with milk, sugar, and other flavors to mask the taste of coffee,...
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...Research essay Caffeine is a stimulant drug that is very addictive. Its presence is in almost everything that we drink or eat in our modern lifettyles. Studies show that adults consume an average of about 400 mg of caffeine each day. That’s about 10 cans of coke and 2 bottles of energy drinks. However, what most people don't know is the terrible toll this drug can have on their bodies. The effect of caffeine rolls in about 15 minutes after it is absorbed into the body but, can last for about 6 hours! Caffeine is not stored in the body, it is kept there until it is removed from the body as a waste. Caffeine can also increase heart rate, as to three beats per minute or even 6 beats per minute. It depends on how each body may react to caffeine....
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...Caffeine, according to the National Sleep Foundation, is the most popular drug in the world and is a stimulant (Caffeine and Sleep). As a stimulant, caffeine is consumed by most people around the world upon waking up in the morning to jump start their day and is also consumed throughout the day by some mainly to maintain some form of alertness (Caffeine and Sleep). Caffeine is found in over 60 plants such as coffee beans and kola nuts (Caffeine and sleep) and people all over the world consume caffeine daily in its variable forms such as candy, coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, pills, etc. Taking about “three 8 oz. cups of coffee (250 mg. of caffeine per day) in moderation can increase alertness, cause insomnia, headaches, nervousness, dizziness, anxiety, irritability, heart palpitations, excessive urination, sleep disturbance and reduced fine motor coordination (Caffeine and sleep). Caffeine is said to have a...
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...The Ultimate Guide to Caffeine for Coffee Lovers Meta Description: Coffee lovers have a relationship with caffeine whether they are decaf only drinkers or hit the hard stuff, but few really understand anything about caffeine and its effects on the body. Here’s a quick guide. Meta Keywords: Caffeine effects, Coffee lovers, Caffeine and the body, Coffee and caffeine Research: Wikipedia Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, but… Whether you’re a decaf only type of coffee drinker, or a double shot three times a day type of coffee drinker, you have a relationship with caffeine. But how much would you say you really know about the drug that naturally occurs in coffee and a handful of other plants throughout the world? How much would you...
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...Motivation Caffeine is the world’s most commonly used psychoactive substance in the world. People have enjoyed and consumed caffeine as early as the 14th century. More than 60 plant species throughout the world have been identified as containing the chemical compound of caffeine. The wide spread natural occurrence of caffeine in many plant species has played a major role in the popularity of caffeine containing products (Baron and Roberts, 1996) such as chocolate and especially tea and coffee. Caffeine containing beverages made from native plants in South America, such as guarana, yoco, and mate, have been traced back to antiquity (Rall,1980). Since its chemical isolation in 1820, Caffeine, natural and man-made, has been added to foods,...
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...Researchers reported that caffeine may be “one of the most effective anti-diabetic compounds in coffee.” This conclusion was reached after Fumihiko Horio and colleagues performed an experiment by controlling caffeine consumption in laboratory mice. By tracing the scientific method, it is possible to formulate an understanding of what observations were made by the researchers prior to the study, what sort of a hypothesis may have been formulated and tested, what the control and experimental groups were, what the dependent and independent variables are, and the final conclusions made in the experiment. An understanding of the scientific method can also reveal shortcomings in the experiment such as biases or faulty methodology. In the end, all of this bears relevance due to the inherent impact that the conclusions implied in the study may have in not only the scientific or...
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...Caffeine, a miracle drug, has been around globally for thousands of years. It is extracted from cocoa seeds in one of three easy and safe methods. Society is continuously talking about how addicted to caffeine the American population is, but how does it affect the human body? Caffeine is the most widely used legal drug in the world. In fact, “80% to 90% of Americans consume caffeine through coffee or soda” (Goldberg, 2003). We all know what caffeine is, but if asked to define it could we accurately do so? The definition of caffeine is quite simple, and that’s why I don’t think that many would get it correct when asked to define it. “Caffeine, known chemically as trimethylxanthine, is a substance found naturally in coffee beans, cocoa beans,...
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...A caffeine molecule consists of 4 different elements. These are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. The molecular formula for caffeine is C8H10N4O2. A neutron is subatomic particle about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge. A proton is a stable subatomic particle occurring in all atomic nuclei, with a positive charge equal to an electron, but with an opposite sign. An electron is a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity. One carbon atom contains 8 neutrons and 6 protons. One hydrogen atom contains 2 protons and 2 electrons. One nitrogen atom contains 7 neutrons, 7 protons, and 7 electrons. One oxygen atom contains 8 protons and 8 electrons. When all of these elements are put together, they make a...
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...people drink coffee to wake up. Coffee has a substance called caffeine that helps alleviate fatigue, increase wakefulness and improve concentration and focus. The formula for caffeine is C8H10N4O and is a central nervous system stimulant. Caffeine is a white crystalline xanthine alkaloid; it is the end result of nitrogen metabolism in some plants. Caffeine is classified as a drug and is the worlds mot commonly used drug. Low doses of caffeine are proven to help health benefits. It has a molar mass of 194.19 grams. It can be found naturally in tealeaves, coffee beans, yoco bark, kola nut seeds, cacao bean seeds and yerba mate leaf. It can also be man made; some man made drinks are coffee, chocolate, soda, sports beverage, and capsule, tablets and energy shots/drinks. Caffeine can be used to treat breathing problems, for postoperative infant apnea and for psychiatric disorders requiring shock therapy....
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...drinks, the question remains, are energy drinks ultimately harmful to your health? As a college student who has to stay up late at times to study, I myself have had to use energy drinks. However, I found myself wondering what was inside these drinks and when I looked at the ingredients, I realized I didn’t recognize many of the ingredients that I was drinking. As I try to be very cautious with my health and the things I consume, I wanted to further explore what was in these energy drinks and if they were ultimately harmful to my health. To begin my research, I searched Google to see whether these energy drinks were harmful to my health. I found an article by the McKinley Health Center, published in 2011, and titled “What’s the Buzz with Energy Drinks?” This article discussed how the amount of caffeine in energy drinks is usually much higher than the Food and Drug Administration allows in cola beverages. A high intake of caffeine may have minor effects in the short term, however, in the long term, it can have more substantial and detrimental effects such as bone density, harming unborn children, and weight gain. This article provided some good evidence to the detrimental effects of energy drinks; however, I wanted to see if I could find an article with a positive perspective on energy drinks. The next article I found was from the Washington Post titled “Energy Drinks May Have Negative as well as Positive Effects.” It was written by Whitney Fetterhoff, and published in February...
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...the writing of this research paper. The importance of this paper is to create a level of awareness in the mind of people about the effects of energy drinks when consumed in large quantities, combined or mixed with other drinks such as alcohol, and taken amidst medical health conditions. There have been various questions regarding the use, effects and promotion of energy drinks. The use of energy drinks has been linked to so many factors which are not limited...
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...adaptability, nutritional content, and cost. In addition, there is the emotional connection people have to their childhood when drinking milk. This paper will provide well-reasoned arguments detailing these criteria, which will demonstrate conclusively why milk is a better drink than a ‘venti skinny French Vanilla Latte’ and the best drink at Starbucks. Milk is an adaptable beverage which can be enjoyed hot or cold. During the Winter months milk can be heated up and can be a hot, soothing drink on a cold day. Conversely, in the Summer, milk can be enjoyed as a cold, refreshing beverage. As a result, milk can be adapted depending on the season and enjoyed throughout the year. This contrasts with the ‘venti skinny French Vanilla Latte’ that is only meant to be consumed as a hot drink therefore would not be as desirable on a humid, hot Summers day. Furthermore, milk is adaptable in terms of its fat content as it is possible to choose from 3 types of milk at Starbucks - full fat, 2%, or skim- depending on the drinkers preference. This means that milk can be a more indulgent treat or alternatively an extremely healthy option with a low fat content. However, it is not just its low fat content which makes milk a healthier option than many of the Starbucks drinks. Milk also has no caffeine as opposed to the majority of the drinks in the café’s coffee range,...
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...behavior in a certain way. This concept is called situationalism and this is the type of social phenomena that social psychologists attempt to study and explain (p 7). The strategies that social psychologists use to study things such as situationalism are descriptive research, correlational research, and experimental research. Below is a description of each research method and an example of each. Descriptive research does not compare variables as other methods typically do. Descriptive research only looks at one variable at a time. Simple questions are posed in descriptive research such as the statistics of car accidents on a major interstate, or the pregnancy rate among female teenagers in a particular high school (Fiske 2010 p 53). Correlation research does compare variables and attempts to figure out if a change in one variable will affect another variable (Fiske 2010 p 56). A simple example of this would be if the temperature rises outside, will it make ice cream melt. A hypothesis would be formed stating that when the temperature reaches above freezing (32 degrees) that ice cream will begin to melt. Two variable are being looked at, temperature and ice cream. Experimental research is another research method used by many social psychologists to help explain behavior. Experimental...
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...INVESTIGATION OF CAFFEINE CONTENT LEVEL OF TOP 5 COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE COFFEE PRODUCTS USED BY MSU CHS STUDENTS AND ITS EFFECT ON COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to: Prof. Ashley Ali- Bangcola, RN, MAN In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements In HS 199 1ST semester AY 2011-2012 Presented by: Norhanifah R. Mala-atao June 2011 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Background of the Study “A cup of coffee will do.” One might say this early morning before leaving for work or for school, in the afternoon when you are so busy doing all your stuff and you feel drained, or late evening when you need to be awake to study a pile of lectures, make your requirements, prepare for your report and the like. It is really a fact that nowadays people are hooked at drinking coffee for them to stay alive and more alert. For some, it has become a habit. Aside from that, it is also undeniable that coffee production is in greater amounts. Coffee shops are widely spread, and if you passed by a grocery mart or mini-store along the corner of your streets, you can buy an instant coffee product. It is readily available in market at an affordable cost. What is really in coffee that we seem to be addicted with? It is actually the caffeine. Caffeine is a drug that is naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. It's also produced artificially and added to certain foods (www.kids.org.caffeine.html). Caffeine is defined as a drug because...
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