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Calm Beach Research Paper

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The Chaotic Streets to the Calm Beach

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see.” (Confucious) The famous Orange Beach found in Gulf Shores, Alabama is very beautiful as well as the busy streets of New Orleans, Louisiana. Many tourists go to New Orleans because it is one of the most interesting places. Many “snowbirds” go to Gulf Shores to escape from the winter in their home towns. New Orleans and Gulf Shores are similar, but are also very different in many ways. Many tourists go to Gulf Shores and New Orleans every year. In 2012 research showed that 9.01 million visitors visited New Orleans, and that was the highest visitor numbers in nearly ten years. Many snowbirds go to Gulf Shores to get away from their cold weather in their …show more content…
New Orleans is a great place to walk down the very busy streets and enjoy the loud music and go shopping in the stores. The stores mostly sell Mardi Gra items, because New Orleans is home to the famous Mardi Gra parades. In the parades they have huge, amazing floats, and while they travel down the streets, they throw mostly beads and the famous southern moon pies. In the Gulf Shores there is a main street that has a bunch of condos, and on the other side of the street is Orange Beach. Down the main street there is a whole bunch of stores that sell surfing items, and a bunch of souvenirs. Down about every road in Gulf Shores there is biking trails. Since Alabama is mostly flat many people enjoy the long bike …show more content…
One of the contrasts is that New Orleans ranks 3rd for the most rainfall and rainy days, says weather data firms. It has an annual rainfall of 64 inches and 56 days of the year it rains. It rains in Gulf Shores quite a bit, but nothing compared to New Orleans.
The amount of activities that you can do in New Orleans and Gulf Shores is amazing, but yet so different. Some fun activities that you can do in Gulf Shores are swimming and surfing in the oceans. Dolphin cruises are also a great experience, and they’re very enjoyable. You can also do very intense activities such as parasailing and ziplining. In New Orleans you can go to festivals, go shopping, and go to concerts to listen to fine music. In Gulf Shores you do more active activities and in New Orleans you do more observing.
Both New Orleans and Gulf Shores are beautiful places, but the streets of New Orleans are even more beautiful. One of the most famous streets in the heart of New Orleans is called Bourbon Street and is one of the oldest neighborhoods and is located in the French Quarter. It extends for 13 blocks, and is a very big part of New Orleans past. In 2013 the hit television show “Vampire Diaries” filmed on Bourbon Street, and turned into the spinoff “The

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