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Hypnotism Research Paper

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Hypnotism has the power to bring out people's deepest darkest secrets, but it can also cure so many different illnesses. It doesn’t just relieve stress it also makes it harder to have a filter on what you say and think. That’s why it makes it so hard to keep secrets. If hypnotism can cure illnesses why doesn’t everyone do it? Hypnotism might not always be the best answer to solving everyone’s problems. There have been many people that have died because of it. On the other hand, it can help people with different things.There have been multiple people that have died because of hypnotism. For example, in 1894 hypnotized Ella Salamon a 23 year-old-women died during hypnotism. The hypnotist, Mr. Neukomm asked her if she would undergo hypnosis, so …show more content…
In 2011 another 3 deaths were found related to hypnotism. The tragic deaths of Marcus Freeman, Wesley McKinley, and Brittany Palumbo happened after they were hypnotized. Marcus was killed in a car crash. Before he crashed the car his girlfriend said: “He suddenly had a strange look on his face and then drove off the road.” Wesley was found outside of his home after he hung himself. A month or so later Brittany was found hung to death in her closet. The 5th murder I looked into was the murder of Thomas Patterson was committed by a man named Thomas McDonald undergoing hypnosis in 1894. Thomas Patterson was killed because a man named Anderson Gray was being sued and Patterson was his only witness. Anderson Gray went to talk to his farmhand, Thomas McDonald, about the ‘rumors’ that Patterson was spreading about McDonald’s wife. That upraised an argument between Patterson and …show more content…
Anderson was also able to hypnosis McDonald into having perfect aim when he shot a rifle. Next Anderson told McDonald exactly where and when to be, so he could shoot Patterson. They were both caught and arrested. First, they questioned Anderson, he was found guilty and sentenced to be hung. Then they questioned McDonald since he was in Anderson’s trance he was found not guilty. These are just some of the many deaths related to hypnotism.Hypnotism can help people in many ways. It is proven that hypnosis can help treat illnesses such as chronic pain. There was a woman with an irritable bowel syndrome that left her in chronic pain. She tried everything from medicine to diets. She finally, after years of constant pain, had no other choice, so she tried hypnotherapy. She said “It helped so much that the pain was almost completely gone. It rarely happens anymore and when it does it only lasts for a few minutes.” Hypnotism can also help with fears and phobias. There are many different types of fears and phobias, such as animals, death, dentist, doctors, flying, failure,

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