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Campbell High School-Personal Narrative

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It was 10:30 P.M, as I lay in bed I could not help myself from thinking about our big game against Campbell High School. I looked beside my pillow as I seen my notifications blowing up with multiple text messages from my team mates. “I don’t know about you guys but I’m excited for tomorrow” said Jessica. Of course one of our skilled players would be excited about the game. I tossed and turned for a good hour knowing that this will be the first to last game of my soccer career.
The day of our game came; as the school bell rang I knew it was time to hit the ladies room for a quick change into my gear. Like usual we met at the front of the school, one by one each of our players came looking like zombies. Exhausted from school we were all prepared to face tonight’s game. As much as any of us wanted to talk during the ride, we all had our earphones on to keep us in a ready mood for the game. As we arrived to Campbell high school, the tension risen when eyes were laid on us while walking onto the field. Looking across the field Campbell girls whispered and laughed.
They probably were laughing after our terrible …show more content…
I walked in with everyone laughing and talking. Instead of talking about soccer we got to know each and every one of the newbies in the team. Joking around made the night better and it felt like everyone was close. Sitting around in the living room Cara says “Okay ladies, I have to say that the other night was ridiculous and I know we could have won. But I am proud to say I got a team like you guys, we can do this.” As hours passed everyone left one by one and it was the seniors that stayed out late. “This is our last season of our soccer careers; I really want to go states” I said holding a glass of water in my hand. “Well said, now get out so I can go sleep” Ana said jokingly holding her glass of water in the air. All the senior’s laughed as they all got ready to head on

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