...A tagalog saying goes this way "saka mo lang makikilala ang tao pag makasama mo sya sa iisang bubong" Yes this is a way to save women from the irresponsible man, we have to think the situation of women eventhough we are living in a xtian country. If divorce is the way to save every married women who are suffering from morally, physically and mentally abuse. For me yes!!.para sa anu pa ang pagtitiis nyong dalawa.. Kung pareho naman kayung di masaya!!..pakawalan nalang ang isa't- isa. Para wala ng masasaktan.. Kay sa naman araw2x. Kau nag aaway.. Baka mamaya hahantung pa yan sa pananakit at patayan For me yes ..because I do believe that if a relationship doesn't work at all..why you need to stay.and spend the rest of your life that you are not happy with it... Dapat legalize na yan ..kasi meron naman tayong anullment which is very unfair para sa mahihirap kasi mayayaman lang nakaka-afford.. unfair law yang anullment para sa walang pera ..unlike pag may divorced mas affordable at mas madali para sa lahat.. As of 2003, it was recorded that 4 out of 25 marriages in the Philippines end up in Legal Separation. Other couples decide not to legalize their separation simply because they cannot afford it. This is one of the many reasons why many politicians are pro divorce. Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by court or other competent bodies (Oxford, nd.). It is way cheaper than annulment and legal separation. Philippines is the only country in the world that does not allow...
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...How Terrorism Has Affected The United States Stephanie Boone Ryan Tarr University of Phoenix History 145 June 9, 2013 Terrorism is the act of intimidating persons using ways of violence as a way to look for attention but there has been a problem in defining, as there was a problem in differentiating terrorism with activities involved with violence and actions by the military. The phenomenon has become a major concern for the American public and was elevated by the Reagan administration to the foremost foreign policy problem of the nation and the public considers terrorism to be a greater threat than driving on the freeway or even nuclear war. America also continues to be relatively free of the threat of domestic terrorism through the help of draconian anti-terrorist measures that many states endure, also the wholesale cancellation of airplane travel plans and even terrorist acts. The fact that people are so gripped by terrorism may actually serve to reinforce it, as one of terrorism purposes is to rivet the public’s attention and we may unfortunately say that terrorism is actually working. Terror is a process involving three steps: one is seeking...
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...People often affected by their own cultural beliefs when it comes to overcoming diseases and how they can find the right cure or treatment. Sometimes religion and cultural beliefs get in the way of receiving proper medical help. Religion and cultural beliefs can affect the way they receive proper medical treatment and care. Although there are a few cultures that believe that natural remedies should not be used in the twenty-first century where medicine and the whole world has advanced and improved in many ways. People believe that advanced technology is able to diagnose and cure when herbal remedies fail to work. I will discuss the cultures of Muslim and Chinese and their health views. The Arabic culture have several beliefs that impact healthcare like they prefer to be treated by a medical provider of the same sex, mainly female patients, which also applies when interpreting services are needed. “They consider an illness as atonement for their sins. They consider death as a part of a journey to meet God. However, they are strongly encouraged to seek medical treatment when required” (Newcastle). Cleanliness is considered “half of the faith”. The Qur’an prohibits eating pork and pork products, meat of animals who have not been slaughtered in the halal manner, blood and all intoxicants. They believe that if they fast from dust to dawn for a month per year brings rest to the rest of the body and has many medical values. Meditation and prayer bring psychological tranquility...
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...Stereotyping is the way to use the fixed images of people belonging to a group, which have a tendency to categorize people based on a group they belong to rather than processing the information individually. Generalization usually comes before stereotyping, in order to generalize certain group of people. For example, all Italian loves spaghetti, and Maria is Italian, hence in conclusion Maria loves spaghetti. In that case, people are stereotyping Maria, which in fact Maria might or might not love spaghetti as she comes from North Eastern part of Italy whose has Germanic Austrian background. In fact, stereotyping leads to arrange some conception map in a way of thinking in which aimed to facilitate the progress of information. Stereotyping can be considered normal when faced with a new situation. Stereotyping triggers the mindset that has been collectively programming to set up that each group has the same pattern, which in fact it may be different with the perception to certain things. In the worst case, stereotyping may lead to possibility of racism, exclusion and personal discrimination towards ethnic identity, culture, occupation, age, sex, education grounds and some more. However, this essay later will just discuss four types of stereotype such as age, gender, racial and religion since they are perceived as the most common types appeared in the idea of stereotyping. The rest of the research report proceeds as follows. Section 2, 3, 4 and 5 sequentially describe the literature...
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...Name University Course Instructor Religious Influence on Better Health and Wellbeing Introduction The marketplace today is geared towards improving wellbeing, both physical and psychological wellbeing, by adopting healthy habits. Research shows that religion is one of the strategies that people can become more conscious of their actions and decision and thus evoke health and well-being. This paper examines the religious worldview on better health and wellbeing by reviewing the article that was published on Huffington Post in 2012. Religion Worldview health and well-being The author of the article, Why Religion is Linked with Better Health and Well-Being, focused on examining how religions helps to increase health and well-being in the society (Moeller par 2). In the article, Philip Moeller argues that different religions are marked with various forms of doctrines, beliefs and values but they virtually focus on improving healthy by relying on a higher deity. The author explains that the singing, sharing and listening to the leaders of the religious groups helps to increase the level of happiness (Moeller par.5). The strong connection enjoyed by peoples in the same region makes them to feel appreciated and worthy thus increasing their level of hope. The article argues that Seventh Day Adventists and other Mormons have proven to have relatively low mortality rate, approximately 25%, lower than...
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...Sociology Report — Religion — Date: 3rd December 2014 Contents 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………..3 2. 3 Perspectives………………………...……………………………….4 Functionalist perspective Conflict perspective Feminist perspective 3. Muslim in Cham tribe in Vietnam…...……………………………. 4. Mahayana Buddhism...……………………………………………... Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism in Korea and Vietnam Differences in Mahayana Buddhism of Korea and Vietnam Trend towards Buddhism in Western countries 5. References………….......……………………………………………. 1. Introduction A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world. The five largest religious groups by world population, estimated to account for 5 billion people, are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. There are some functions of religion. Firstly, it gives explanation for things that we do not understand such as seasons and supernatural things. So many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the Universe. Secondly, it provides sense of morality and ethics. It sets the guideline for people to behave in right ways. Lastly, it supports people to have power to overcome. Religion often courage people and give strengths. That is why people seek religion when they are depressed...
Words: 2998 - Pages: 12
...field where situations caused by religion and ethnicity can lead to a problem. Stereotypes are ideas held by some individuals about members of particular groups, based solely on membership in that group. Stereotyping is one of the biggest problems that we deal with, particularly in law enforcement. Stereotype threat can result in a self-fulfilling insight whereby a person comes to resemble his or her reputation, living up or down to social expectations. Over the years there have been many allegations of police officers accused of going after individuals and accusing them of a crime based on the sole fact of what their religious beliefs might be. This has been going on for a long time; however in recent years, it has gotten worse. The main job of police officers is to uphold the law, not to break it. Although stereotyping is not against the law, police officers have taken an oath to protect all human beings, regardless of their race or religion and stereotyping based on religion should not take place. Just because an individual is of a certain race does not give us the right to stereotype them as a bad human being. Thus stereotyping one’s religious beliefs is wrong, and it goes against what America is all about, that everyone is equal. The book American Dervish is a perfect example of diversity and religion in the United States. The book is good but some of the characters the author creates who are practicing Muslims or depicting themselves as practicing are all mostly...
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...family breaks up, it is usually difficult for everyone in the family to cope with the situation; however, children are often the worst victims of family breakup. There are powerful reasons to be alarmed about the impacts of family breakup on children. They feel insecure, depressed and helpless when they see their family break apart. The present study aims at identifying the effects of family breakup on children. The purposively chosen research site was the city of Khulna in Bangladesh. Using a survey method, data were collected from seventy children. After analyzing the data collected from the field survey, this report concludes that children of the broken families are particularly vulnerable and they need special care for their mental, psychological and physical development. After presenting the main findings in a descriptive fashion, the article provides a set of recommendations that will support children in the broken families. Introduction Background of the Study Family is the smallest, most sensitive and important social system which is furnished and facilitated by a society as a larger social system. Marriage is also another small social system which is the foundation of a family. The dissolution of marriage contracted between men and women by the judgment of a court or by an act of the legislature is called divorce. In other words, it is the legal termination of marriage. Through marriage two individuals start to live together to continue their conjugal life as well as for...
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...consensus and shared norms + values, and they put forward the human body analogy to explain how society works as the human body analogy views institutions such as school and work as organs of the body and if one should fail the whole body representing society will be affected as a state of anomie would occur and so society would breakdown due to a state of normlessness but, should all the organs continue to function correctly then social order can be maintained. Functionalists believe strongly in the role of meritocracy and an NVS in order to make society an enhanced place by creating a sense of social unity. Functionalists such as Durkheim put forward functionalist’s views of religion and, he states that religion can bring about social solidarity, social cohesion and value consensus. He believes that Religion is essential in order to keep society out of a state of a chaos, and puts forward the idea that Society is sacred and needs to be worship and religion is in-fact an analogy for society but it is necessary as it helps us focus our worship via symbols such as the cross for Christianity or the prayer mat for Muslims. It is also stated that everything can be divided into the sacred and the profane, and by doing this you can understand society. He also writes that humans are born selfish and individualistic and religion is essential in this as it teaches us to move away from individualism...
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...forms of livelihoods activities. In the mid 1990s fisheries contributed about 10 percent of Bangladesh’s export earnings. The Meghna Estuary Study (May 1998, first draft) estimates the population living in coastal marine fishing villages at the end of the 20th Century at 7.3 million. According to the same source, in these areas fishing is the main income earning activity for 350,000 households (i.e. 22%), and 96,000 boats are operated by 350,000 fishermen. “Traditionally, it was the low caste Hindus who engaged in the fishing profession: the Jaladas, the Malos, the Malla Burmans, all popularly known as the Jeles, the Naiyas or the Neyes” (Alam, 1996). The last few decades have increasingly seen the entry of Muslims into the sector. On the one hand these are members of poor Muslim communities in search of new income opportunities, on the other hand wealthy individuals have invested in the marine fisheries sector once it became a profitable business.[1] The fisherfolk communities possess distinct socio-political...
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...Every era will have its own style and patterns of music that rouses that particular time on what to say, wear or act. Albert (2009) claims that music is something that everybody can associate with and as it keeps on evolving, so will society. Tune in into radio stations or surf into television channels and endless current mainstream music will be played, repeatedly. While some of the songs are catchy, the meanings behind some songs are extremely provocative. Rap music is known for its reputation for being misogynistic. These days, mainstream rap music contains offensive verses about ladies and features normally half-naked ladies with agendas of getting more viewers. Hip-hop music has convinced society that this is how women should be treated by men and how men can embrace the ‘gangster’ image. Studies have shown that the rate of young boys acting violently in public expanded after these sorts of thug life has been shown in rap music...
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...SPOUSAL ABUSE Name: Institution affiliation: Date: Spousal Abuse Grabber Spousal abuse also known as a domestic violence is a behavior that involves a person being abused by his or her partner in a domestic setting. For example, it might be a cohabitation or in marriage. The people who are affected mostly are women although recently there are some rising cases of men being abused by their spouse depending on their religion, race, or their ethnic group. This violence does not target a certain group as there are many people who are affected. A domestic violence is may be overlooked at times since people may term it as a simple argument (Kim, & Cho, 1992). Therefore, it can be concluded that this violence represents some weakness in women and power in men as most men try overpowering their women as well as the people who may not be able to defend themselves. Thesis Through a deep and serious study on some articles, magazines, and other forms of the media, domestic violence has affected most of the men and women. For example, an article known as Domestic Violence Unveiled by Abdul Hakim Muhammad showed that almost 40% of women as well as 29% of men in the United States are subjected to domestic violence. The main forms of the unlawful actions are through a sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional, and verbal abuse. Also, the violence ma range from various forms such as coercive, marital rape, and physical abuse such as throwing acid or through a female genital mutilation...
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...Psychological Disorder Paper Erica Vazquez PSY 450 University of Phoenix Abstract This paper will examine the psychological disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the relationship it has between human development and socialization as well as how human development and socialization affect people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Psychological Disorder Paper The U.S. National Library of Medicine describes Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as, “ an anxiety disorder in which people have unwanted and repeated thoughts, feelings, ideas, sensations (obsessions), or behaviors that make them feel driven to do something (compulsions).” Essentially, the obsessions are the spontaneous and tedious contemplations, while the compulsions are the actions that result from the disorder. Even though OCD is exhibited as recurrent and persistent thoughts and impulses, would it be just to consider every type of compulsive behavior or obsessive thought as OCD? (Shiraev &Levy, 2010) According to Shiraev & Levy, “ Specific repetitive behavior – praying, for example –– should be judged in accordance with the norms of the individual’s culture and should clearly interfere with social role functioning to be diagnosed as OCD (DSM-IV, P. 420) “ (2010, p. 231). With this in mind a more concrete explanation of the relationship between OCD and human development and socialization. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) OCD affects...
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...To understand problems in today’s society, one must possess an understanding of the history of social movements that have led us to our current standing in time. History is meaningful and relevant from a psychological perspective because it allows us to understand how dynamics between social groups have developed over time, and this understanding can also be useful in the application of public policy (Perlman, Hunter, & Stewart, 2015). However, just because a historical event or social movement may transform policy, it doesn’t necessarily shift individual attitudes. Perpetrators and victims of historical injustice often view events differently because they have different incentives for acknowledging the past. People who benefit from inequality tend to distance themselves and blame the victims, while the victims attempt to preserve memories of past atrocities (Perlman et al., 2015)....
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...Furthermore, family, career and friendship relationships are negatively affected. A longitudinal study described the burden and poor quality of life for the family of patients experiencing cancer pain (Grant, Sun, Fujinami, Sidhu, Otis-Green, & Ferrell et al., 2013). This suggests that the families experienced a high level of emotional stress related to their caregiving roles, which was highlighted in reports of deteriorations in psychological well-being and overall quality of life over time while caring for a loved one with cancer. Consequently, pain management care needs to effectively incorporate the needs the family as well as the patient (i.e., psychosocial supports), best achieved through a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to cancer care (Hudson, Thomas, Trauer, Remedios, & Clarke,...
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