...What is freedom? Is it an absolute right? We are born to become free. Freedom is defined from different aspects ,and according to different cultures, freedom varies from culture to another. Some define freedom as a natural right, the human being is born with. Everyone wants to be free and independent from others. Freedom is the right to do what one wants, live where he wants, eat what he wants, learns what he wants, and chooses the religion in which he believes, without ignoring or harming other rights. How can we live free? From my point of view, we can live free by respecting other’s rights to live free too. We cannot ignore the rights of people with whom we live in the society. We cannot simply do what we want and ignore others. We must take other people rights into consideration. The idea behind freedom is to be respectful and useful to our society. Freedom is important to everyone. If someone is derived from this innate right, he will definitely feel as if he is not a respectful human being. When freedom is guaranteed, I can think freely, go where i want, say my opinion without fear from people who would not like my opinion. Freedom of opinion is among the most important branches of freedom .In some societies where freedom of opinion is not guaranteed by the authority, the creativity of mind is killed and buried. Society is the largest and biggest loser from this lack of creativity. Someone once said, Freedom of opinion will never result in animosity among people if they...
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...technology advancements to guide them in their everyday lives. His characters live in a fast passed society where they don’t read books, watch a lot of TV and drive very fast just like the people today. Bradbury does a nice job at predicting what the world would be like. We are always demanding more advanced machinery, and from the past, we have grown into a much more technological society. Lately, more and more people not only want more technology, they want it to be faster and faster. Faster computers, faster internet connections, better and faster cell phone connections, faster phones, and faster and more powerful cars, just to name a few. People don’t want to waste time anymore waiting for things to load even though they spend hours and hours doing meaningless things on their phones and computers. We want things done quicker without as much effort. We want things to take less to do them so we can have more for other things. Although Bradbury’s technology is more advanced than ours, we too are becoming a world consumed by technology advancements. Our society is similarly addicted to television and many people aren’t choosing to read for leisure anymore. Especially when TV is easiyly accessible and super addicting. Novels and plays are being made into movies all the time so there’s not a point in reading when you can just go see it in theaters or find it somewhere on the internet. Unlike the society Bradbury created, we have yet to ban books and have firemen burn them...
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...infamous depending on how you view it) for getting pregnant. The point is that at no matter what age or ethnicity, people can still have trouble with growing up and figuring out how to spend the rest of their lives as successful people. Following one’s heart can be hard or easy, but we...
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...getting hurt physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We are not afraid to take action whenever these actions take place in different communities. People also have their own feelings about particular subjects. Race and class have a major impact in our lives because these are issues we face everyday. In Chapter 6 of The Generation of Ideas: A Thematic Reader, three questions are asked based on race and class: “Are race and class together just convenient ways for people to classify their society so that they can better understand it? Is there anything dangerous in doing so? Are there any other useful ways to classify society?” (Miller 576). Out of these questions are four issues that are taking place today involving race and class: people are judging only by race and class, letting materialism and consumerism rule their lives, neglecting or making fun of those who are less fortunate, and not looking for other ways to classify society. If we look past these issues, we can start making the world a better place to live. However, race and class are both in connection with each other, but also can be totally opposite from each other. The first question that is asked ties in with the issue that people are judging only by race and class. Sure, it is convenient to better understand society by race and class because people can see how race and class is defined in society. But we negatively judge by race and class only by people’s ethnic...
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...gender identity. It is not as bad as it was years ago but, it is still a problem in our society. I stay in Michigan and according to Michigan radio.com; Michigan’s law is to prohibit discrimination. It includes protection for religion. The Elliot-Larsen civil rights act is race, color, age, sex, height weight family status, and marital status. But if your gay your out of luck. (CBS news, 2008). Everyone should be equal. Why discriminated against one another? Why is it a problem for people of different sexual orientation do what they want? They are not committing a crime and for us to categorize them (LGBT) that is very disturbing. Leslee Fritz is from the Michigan department of civil rights, and she explained; if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, in Michigan you can be fired because of it, in fact, you can be fired because you are perceived to be, whether you are or not. You can be denied a place to live or kicked out of where you live. You can be denied public accommodation for example: turned away from a restaurant or a hotel. And forget if you have a lifetime partner you have been with, It doesn’t...
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...Shapes Our Souls” We can all agree from Michael Novak’s “Television Shapes Our Soul” that television does influence our minds just as books, school and parenting does. A reason why it affects us individually is because of today’s vast variety of different programs on primetime television. All of us want to know what is out there in the world that we are not able to experience in our own regular lives. For example, we want television to inform us and educate. We can retain this valuable information and expect it to be there every time we tune into the specific program or channel. These programs have different paces and speeds to catch the attention of the audience. For example, educational programs are slower in order to be understandable. On the other hand, action programs moves a lot faster to catch attention. Reality TV shows are in today’s primetime now because we want to know how other people interact in different situations. On the contrary in a TV sitcom, Novak sates in his essay “television is simplified and homogenized”. Writers of TV sitcoms control what a whole culture is going to watch and thereby shapes people souls. In other words, they are always keeping the same script. This creates and shapes the mind of the audience to what is socially normal. Different programs have different effects on the audience. This is why some programs are more appealing to me than others. Mystery programs that are fast paced and have serious plots where viewers have to pay close...
Words: 1115 - Pages: 5
...Should terminal illness patients choose to prolong their lives? Terminal illness patient is a disease that patient will die soon regardless any treatment intervention. End-of-life care in the ICU concerns both ‘normal’ dying process with aggressive pain management and the decision to end life with an “A good death”. “A good death” is a person dies on his own terms, relatively free from pain, in a supported medical setting. The medical team plays big roles in both processes. Koesel and Link state that, “At times, ongoing aggressive life-prolonging interventions for a terminally ill patient can create ethical conflicts and moral distress for nurses” (1). Nurses have an ethical obligation to the patients which conflict with the patient’s choice...
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...Dad we just wanna enter into your courts with Thanks and Praise, Dad you are worthy, we are so thankful for everything you have done for us on this day, in our past, and what you will do for us concerning our future. We lift you up and exalt your Holy Name. We magnify your Holy Name. To God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, all the Glory be given unto you. We thank you for our lives, our children, our jobs, our homes, the material things you have created and given us. We thank you for your love and we thank you that we are Your friends if we do what you command us to do. Hallejuah, You no longer call us servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, You have called us your friends, for everything that you have learned from your Father, you have made known to us. We thank you Jesus. We thank you for always making sure our needs are taking care of. It always look like we are not going to make it but your Word says, you know what we need before we ask for it, your Word says, don’t worry about our life, what we will eat, what we will drink, don’t worry about our bodies and what we will wear. Dad your word says, for you know the amount of hairs on our head, if you know that surely you know all of our needs and desires. I thank You Dad, that you have provided these things. As a father it is your obligation to make sure we have the basic needs of life just like a natural parent so I thank you that just like a natural child doesn’t have to go to their parents for basic...
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...People “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” This quote belonging to none other than Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher really summarizes in a nutshell what the author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People wanted to convey to its readers. Dr, Stephen R. Covey, the author of this book tries to illustrate that our character is fundamentally a combination of our habits; either good ones or bad ones. Habits become consistent and because of such consistency, they often become an unconscious pattern, which causes our character to be manifested and creates our effectiveness or ineffectiveness. Since no one is born effective, it is great to know these habits can be learned. They obviously are not quick fixes, because anything that comes easy goes away just as easy. These habits take time and are a journey of constant self-analysis and tweaking those things that we know shouldn’t be a part of the process. The good thing is we don’t have to figure it out all alone. This book gives us awesome guidelines and steps to create an effective life that has been proven successful in a personal and professional sense. One thing we should keep in mind though is that integrity and fundamental goodness are key qualities behind anything we do. If these aren’t genuine in our lives, our true motives will creep out when life challenges come our way, and our short-term success will be substituted by human relationship failure. Change can be painful...
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...Petersen1 Natalie Petersen S. Feldman English 1A T/TH 5:00PM December 6, 2012 The Art of Being Educated In life we all tend to be confined by our own beliefs and the beliefs of others. Our personal development depends so urgently on our sense of self. To be educated means living with an open mind and having a strong sense of self, for when we live with an open mind we are no longer confined by our beliefs nor are we confined by the beliefs of others. There are numerous opportunities available to us everyday and if we don’t expose ourselves to possible changes then we can never truly grasp true education. “In fact, a green banana is waiting for all of you who leave your own centers of the world in order to experience other places”(Batchelder). Batchelder wants us to understand when we are finally in a position to open ourselves up to change we are susceptible to successes we may never of imagined. Furthermore, letting go of old habits can be a necessary change, because by doing so we open ourselves up to life supporting us more fully in ways it can best do so. If only we all could decipher Lopez’s true message in his excerpt “ I could see the sheen where I’d sat for years,” and relate to the epiphany he had when he realized “there was no reason to sit where I was”(Lopez). We would grasp being truly educated means being able to make the choice in life to move in a different direction even if it means jumping out of our comfort zones. Now and again our comfort zones are...
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... and aging. The book is in the Utopia setting where everyone is the same, and robot-like, they take soma to stay happy and emotionally incapable. People do not age, they do not have emotions or feelings either, they are all the same. Comparing to the real world, we do age, we do have emotions, and we do care about others. In Brave New World everyone lives forever because of the medications they take. The question for today is, how long are we going to live in the future? It all depends on medical advances, and technological advances. Some people believe we are going to live longer as the years go on. Some believe that medicines or life styles may decrease our life expectancy. I believe that in the very far future we may end up like Brave New World, taking medications or other modifications to help our bodies live longer. I believe that we will advance medically in the near future, but we will not be advancing rapidly enough to be able to find a medication that everyone in society is going to take. It is far-fetched...
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...Snipes ~ Very often we go into relationships with the idea that we can make somebody better. We set their flaws or shortcomings and take it upon ourselves to help them fix what is wrong. Our task in our relationship is not to fix one another. Our job is to love what we see and support one another in doing better. Fixing is telling what is wrong, why and how to fix it. Supporting is allowing us to make our own choices, being there if things go wrong and supporting us in doing better next time. Fixing is forcing us to do it their way when our way doesn’t work. Supporting is nurturing. Fixing is anger when things get rough. Supporting is knowing things will get better. Supporting is seeing us exactly as we are. Fixing is seeing in them what we refuse to see in ourselves. I love and support you exactly as you are. Let go! When we believe we are losing control, we grab on tight. If we want to avoid pain, we hold on for dear life. When we are in fear of losing, looking bad or being abandoned, we tighten our grip. When our greatest fears come upon us, we clench our fist and teeth, close our eyes and hold on. We must learn how to let go. We have the capacity to live through any adversity if we let it go. We cannot stop time or destiny. Whatever is going to happen has already happened; we must learn how to see it through to the end. When we hold on, we prolong the pain. When we dig our feet in, we must be uprooted. When the time comes for growth and change, we must have the courage...
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...think that we live in an age when our lives are regularly punctuated by career crises” Botton proclaims. The things we thought that we knew about ourselves suddenly in an imaginable was become a sort of reality to us. By reflecting over some thoughts he can conclude that we are surrounded by snobs. This is maybe why we have this so-called career crises and career anxiety. The “snob phenomenon” doesn’t depend on where on the country you come from, but it is more like a global disease so to say. Here Mr. Botton again come with a sort of conclusion” A snob is anybody who takes a small part of you and uses that to come to a complete vision of who you are. That is snobbery”. This snobbery often appears on jobs these days. It is so important to have the right job, to earn a nice sum of money and telling about it if anybody asks so you don’t get the cold shoulder. The opposite of a snob is someone who doesn’t care about your achievements. This could be your partner or your mother - someone who respects you without putting you in the social hierarchy. The time we live in is filled with people who love material goods. But this is not the reason why we care so much about our careers. Mr. Botton thinks that it is the reward for having the material fabulous things we want. People wants acknowledgement, not someone who is talking bad about them behind their bags like “look at this guy, he is so greedy”. Another reason is that people’s expectations are high and so are our hopes. We all know...
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4
...stories that we tell are influenced by other people. That is when argument comes into play. Argument is what we are. When we feel strongly about something, whether it be positive or negative, we want to defend it. If another narrative disrupts what we feel strongly about, an argument can form. We see what we want to see and not what other people see. While in an argument, no one person wants to change. Corder is saying that we need to take time to listen and understand where the opposite person’s opinions are coming from. We don’t know what has happened to them for them to have these specific feelings. If something altered their decision, we should listen for it and try to understand. Corder says if we refrain from evaluating and instead, “listen with understanding,” we will “see the expressed idea and attitude from the other person point of view,” (20). This goes right into the barriers we have in place. We judge other narratives. It’s a natural bias that we do. When we see something new, we decide whether or not we want it in our narrative or not. We have already formed conceptions of the world. There will always be a history. Corder’s diction was the use...
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...Philosophy 220 The Life You Can Save “Acting Now to End World Poverty” I will first explain Peter Singer’s argument on how he wants us to donate to the developing countries where 1.4 billion people live in extreme poverty around the world. Peter Singer argues that people who live in developed nations like the United States should act now to end world poverty. Peter Singer’s argument is that there are 1.4 billion people in the world who live in extreme poverty and barely making it to meet their most basic human needs such as food, house, and water. Based on his research the poorest people live on $1.25 a day. He argues that our obligation to the poorest people in the world is not only to donate an amount of $200 but also to donate as much as we can; but not to the point of sacrifice our own child’s life to save a child in the developing countries. Children die in the poorest countries because of the lack of sanitation and no safe drinking water from diseases such as measles, malaria, and diarrhea. In developed nations these diseases are almost never fatal. Then, why children die from diseases that are curable? The answer is that their parents can’t afford to health care. Children are malnourished and are the most vulnerable from these diseases. Peter says we spent money on things we take for granted and we don’t even noticed if they were there or not. He adds that the life you can save of a child in a developing country by donating $200 is not just enough as you might think...
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