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Canadian Geography

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Geography is one of the many disciplines included in the interdisciplinary subject of social studies. It is a vital component of social studies as it helps students develop a mental map of their community, province and country. Developing a personal mental map allows students to imagine and bring together the concepts and information they receive about the spatial organization of society and it relationships with natural resources, disasters, weather patterns and climate.
This unit will focus on three major components of Canadian geography each of which will be scaffolded upon the next. The unit will be concerned with the regional and physical geography of Canada and the natural resources found within each region. I chose to introduce regional …show more content…
Lesson 1 focuses on Canada’s regional geography; I think this is important as it will lay the foundation for lessons to come that will introduce Canada’s physical geography and its historical role on culture.
In order to be affective and accomplish the overall goal when it comes to geography as discipline within social studies these lessons would have to be scaffolded effectively, meaning students would need to review fourth grade material, begin with regional geography and lead into physical. By executing these lessons this way the students would be able to experience scaffolding between grade levels as well as between lessons, it is important to build on learned understandings while introducing new concepts and …show more content…
In addition, it will help them to better comprehend current events and why natural resources and economics are so interconnected. For example I could potentially open one of my social studies lessons after this unit with new about how our new Prime Minister is less likely to push forward the keystone pipeline. I could open one of my lessons with a new clip such as this, which explains that Prime Minister Trudeau has made it pretty clear his priority is not the keystone pipeline. This would be appropriate to use as an attention getter for the next lesson after my Natural Resources lesson (#3). After they understand what oil is, where it’s found and what we use it for (content covered in lesson 3) it would be acceptable way to make connections with current events that will affect their

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