...There are many traditions in the Hispanic culture, and I believe the one that is more commonly celebrated than any other tradition is a young girl’s quinceañera. A quinceañera is when a girl is about to turn 15 years old, and it stands for a girls transition to womanhood. It can be compared to the sweet sixteen celebration that is done for a teenage girl on her sixteenth birthday in the American culture. The quinceñeara tradition has been around for hundreds of years and it’s celebrated just as much today than it was before, though through the generations the ceremony part of it has had its changes. What is the origin of the quinceñeara? It is believed that this tradition dates back to the ancient Mayan and Aztec times. Though the significance has changed slightly since then. the significance that has stayed the same today is of the a girl coming to womanhood, but back then it also meant that a girl was ready for marriage, which isn’t the case in this day in age because at that age a girl is still considered to be too young for marriage. In ancient times, this tradition also meant that a girl was ready for more work related responsibilities. Now, it means that a girl is granted more privileges, freedom and is ready to be given more “grown up” responsibilities. For the big day, the girl is required to wear a dress of her choosing, usually it’s a ball gown type. The quinceñeara also chooses 14 girls to be her damas and 14 boys to be her chambalanes, a total of 14 couples which...
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...Assess the situational aspects affecting consumer behavior in this cultural context. Include analysis of the time, place, impulse shopping, and antecedent conditions. As mentioned before, this holiday represents a Mexican holiday that is celebrated in some parts of Mexico; it is a much bigger holiday in the United States than in Mexico especially in the western and southwestern states. Businesses prepare for this day and use all their marketing techniques to reach as far as possible and correlate the American and the Mexican culture together. Almost any type of business can increase sales or get benefits from this holiday; most businesses adopt the Mexican pride and show empathy by decorating and having Mexican themed stores that stimulates potential buyers to be even more flexible when swiping the credit cards. Mailing is one of the main resources marketers and small businesses often use, they spend time living their customers lives by compiling data which then helps them identify their needs, problems, desires and motivations to finally create a great offer. Events held every May 5th are called fiestas (parties in Spanish), world-record-breaking attempts and other fun-filled activities can increase sales and enhance branding efforts and generate publicity for the company, specially, if your business is related to alcohol distribution or bar environment since the holiday concept is nothing but celebrate like in other part of the world which is drinking. Although the...
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...The History of Cinco de Mayo | | [pic][pic][pic][pic] Come Visit Michoacán...the Soul of Mexico [pic] [pic] Story of Benito Juárez - Short History of Porfirio Díaz Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico & The French Intervention |[pic][pic][pic] | | | |Introduction | |The holiday of Cinco De Mayo, The 5th Of May, commemorates the victory of the Mexican militia over the French army at The Battle Of| |Puebla in 1862. It is primarily a regional holiday celebrated in the Mexican state capital city of Puebla and throughout the state | |of Puebla, with some limited recognition in other parts of Mexico, and especially in U.S. cities with a significant Mexican | |population. It is not, as many people think, Mexico's Independence Day, which is actually September 16. | | | | | |Setting The Stage ...
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...ENGL 1301 April 29, 2014 American and Mexican Culture Thesis: It is very important to know how México’s and United States’ culture make their principles valued and how they have been influenced through time. ENGL 1301 April 29, 2014 American and Mexican Culture History through the years has changed the development of cultures around the world. Culture is the distinguishing aspects of a specific group of people, defined by everything within it. México and United States share some characteristics and the following are examples: arts, foods, holidays, and religions. It is very important to know how México’s and United States’ culture make their principles valued and how they have been influenced through time. México is a distinctive country that is differentiated by its porcelain, cotton fabrics clothes, and wool scarfs. Their traditional creations of art produced a sense of pride. Artistic legacy has played an important role in Mexican patrimony. “Current research on hybridity in the visual arts helps to tease out Euro-Christian and Mesoamerican forms and meanings in the ritual objects that nuns wore on their bodies” (Cordova 449). Traditional origins with colonial inspirations have continued to influence Mexico’s music. In the United States art involves the history of painting and visual drawings. “German painter Otto Dix reproduced the nightmare of World War I in works so disturbing they were banned from exhibition and destroyed by the Nazis” (Lifson 9). Artists painted...
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... Dia de los Muertos is celebrated each year from Oct. 31 through Nov. 2 it’s a Mexican tradition in which families and friends come together to remember those who have passed away, because Dia De los muertos, has become such a growing tradition here in the states, mainly in areas with high number of Latinos I decide to focus my study on how Dia de de los Muertos is celebrated here, in Los Angeles. Olvera street, located in N. Alameda st, one of the oldest parts of downtown Los Angeles, is home to many Mexican holiday celebration, for that reason I decide to practice my ethnography there. Olvera Street is a Mexican cultural shopping destination for locals and tourist and for many years it’s also become a center destination for many Mexican holiday celebrations like the Dia de Los muertos. The Dia de Los muertos celebrations at Olvera Street began from October 25 though Nov 2. I visit the event on four different occasions; I specifically chose days in which different activities/events were taking place. Each day I attend I participated and spoke with several different people, among them were: event coordinators, ritual practices, merchants, and families. One woman, a local olvera street vendor, whom I had most of my conversations with, became my key research assistant. NOTE: for the sake of privacy all names have been changed and or given pseudonyms. I would like to disclaim that prior to choosing my research I had been at Olvera Street, or how I best know it “la Placita...
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...The history behind Cinco De Mayo is a Mexican celebration that is celebrated on the fifth of May. The celebration came about when the Battle of the Puebla happened. Puebla is a small town in east-central Mexico. The Battle of the Puebla was on May 5, 1862. The war was between France and Mexico. The Mexican leader Juarez drew his army before the city of Puebla and led an assault from the north. The battle was between about 2000 Mexican soldiers and 6000 French. The battle lasted from daybreak to early evening, and when the French finally retreated they had lost nearly 500 of their soldiers. Fewer than 100 Mexicans had been killed in the battle. This became a holiday because it represented a moral victory for the Mexican government. This...
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...Cinco de Mayo, 5th of May, celebrates the Mexican army’s victory against France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. It’s surprisingly not a major holiday in Mexico, but in the United States Cinco de Mayo has turned into a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage, especially in in areas highly populated with Mexican-American citizens. Cinco de Mayo celebration includes parades, mariachi music performances and street festivals in towns and cities in Mexico and the United States alike. In 1861, the liberal Mexican Benito Juarez became the president of Mexico in a time of financial desperation, and was forced to put off his debt to European governments. In response to the president’s actions, France, Britain, and Spain sent...
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...Matthew C. Tucker May, 2016 Matthew, I am sending Oliver K. Woodman back to you, as our journey together has come to an end. Oliver had very many adventures here with us, and went to so many cool places and saw so many things. I hope Mr. Woodman enjoyed his stay with us, as we enjoyed having him, even though he doesn’t say much. One of the first adventures we shared with Mr. Woodman was Cinco de Mayo (May 5th). On this day, long ago the Mexican government defeated the French armies in the Battle of Puebla in the year 1862. Over the years, this victory has become a celebration of Mexican culture. This year, Oliver joined the whole Tucker family as we dined at a local Mexican restaurant. It was pretty evident that Oliver was a big fan of the chips and salsa, because he almost ate the whole bowl! On his next big adventure, Rachel took Oliver with her to work at the Veterinarian clinic. It was there that Oliver got to use a stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat and lungs of several different animals, including dogs and cats to help make sure they are healthy. Oliver learned that it takes a lot of work to keep our pets healthy. He said he really enjoyed the visit, but if he gets to visit again, he will be sure to have lots of doggie mints! Rachel also took Oliver to the square of Covington, Georgia. It’s the small town where we live, and the square is very old. Covington has been around for a long time, and many of the houses around the square are historical...
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...The reason why Cinco De Mayo is significant in World History is because it celebrates the day of Mexican heritage. Although many people view Cinco de Mayo as a way to get drunk and party. It’s historical roots actually started way back in a small city called Puebla in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexican victory, when Mexico won to France. France had suffered a major defeat something that they weren’t familiar with considering that they had won all previous wars before. Benito Juarez declared the name Cinco de Mayo simply by the date. Mexico was on the brink of bankruptcy, their debt was greatly increasing and had to rely on foreign loans. Benito Juarez was later elected president of Mexico and inherited 81 million dollars. A rampant disease known as yellow fever was spreading causing the French to loose 50 percent of their men. Napoleon delivered an ultimatum to Mexico “pay now or expect war.” Before the French could take over Mexico, there was one thing standing in their way- Puebla. On May 5th 1862 a man by the name Laurantz did not wait and decided to attack Puebla. The defender of Puebla was way more than ready, and took the French by surprise. Throughout the attacks the Mexicans kept on surprising the French, they did not expect hand to hand combat or guerilla warfare. A rainstorm hit and the French troops retreated in defeat. However, they vowed to return to Puebla and avenge their loss...
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...May is here and with it margaritas, guacamole, tacos, mariachi and fiesta. Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for May 5th) is around the corner and America is ready to celebrate. But what is this date about? Let´s start by saying that Cinco de Mayo is not, contrary to popular belief, México´s Independence Day. In fact, it is not a statutory holiday nor a big celebration in our country unless you live in Puebla and its surroundings. It is however, one of our most significant dates in the Mexican history and as a consequence the civic calendar. Children at school spend a whole day to recreate the great victory over France on May 5th 1862, better known as The Battle of Puebla (City and State in México). During our civil war (1858-1861) The Mexican treasury went almost bankrupt. President Benito Juarez issued a moratorium in which all foreign debt payments would be suspended for two years. Spain, France and Britain formed a Tripartite Alliance to invade Mexico and force it to pay. This alliance fell apart when Spain and Britain withdrew, but France, under the leadership of Napoleon III, sought the opportunity to establish a dependant empire out of Mexico. On May 5th, 1862 the French army with 6,000 soldiers attacked the 2,000 poorly equipped soldiers of the Mexican army in the City of Puebla. The outnumbered Mexican army managed to win the battle. This unlikely and temporary victory over the French army (considered “The premier army in the world”...
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...Informative Speech: Cinco de Mayo gives most Americans a reason to drink tequila, eat tacos, and party hard. Today I will explain the history behind this holiday, common misconceptions, and why it is celebrated. According to History.com, Cinco De Mayo took place on May 5th 1862. It commemorates the Mexican army's victory over France at the Battle of Puebla. What was the reason behind the Battle of Puebla? Simply put, Mexico had trouble paying back war debts to European countries, and France had come to collect on this debt. To understand the significance of this victory, consider at the time of this battle, the French army was considered the premier army of the world. 6500 well armed French Troops went head to head against 4700 under equipped Mexican Soldiers. They battled fiercely for 2 hours, until the French were forced to retreat. The Mexican Soldiers thru sheer will and determination had defeated the most powerful army in the entire world. The reason Americans celebrate this holiday is that we appreciate the cultural signifigance of what this battle represents. (Victory in the face of great odds and the Patriotism it generated). A common misconception made with Cinco De Mayo is that it celebrates Mexicos Independence. According to Wikipedia,. Mexico celebrates its independence on September 16, because it was on that day in 1810 that Father Miguel Hidalgo[->0] took to his pulpit in the village church of the town of Dolores and invited his flock to take up arms and join him[->1]...
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...there are two main arguments presented in the articles to ban saggy pants: 1) wearing this style of clothing causes a person to have an unprofessional attitude, which results in the lack of interest to become educated, and 2) wearing saggy pants might cause health problems. In my mind, the arguments lacked evidence such as studies, statistics, or concrete proof that wearing saggy pants is behind either issue; these accusations need more credibility before I could be convinced that saggy pants should be banned. From time to time we read about court cases where activists argue to legalize public nudity, so I think a person could certainly make a case that nudity is a form of free speech. Most often the nude activists argue that their first amendment rights are being violated, and that public nudity is a form of expression. Courts generally agree that public nudity does not violate first amendment rights, which was illustrated in San Francisco in 2013 when a lawsuit was against the city was dismissed (Dotinga, 2013). How “expression” is defined seems to be the point of debate. It could be argued that laws which prohibit people from wearing only underwear in public would be unconstitutional, but a form of regulation should be in place which defines proper dress codes. If I owned an indoor play gym for children, I would not want adults wearing underwear and walking around in the facility. However, if I was at a public swimming pool and someone was wearing a speedo or bikini...
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...Assimilation and Multiculturalism Midterm Reena S. Glover SS 310 Herzing University Dr. I. Hunt August 1, 2013 An assimilation and multicultural society that we are living in is taking on new meaning of what was, is, and will be to be an American. At one time, North America was the land of Native Americans who had their own customs that eventually was invaded by the Europeans. A set of people that when they came over to North America, had to be led by the Native Americans and the ways of their land to survive. Once the Europeans began to master the land, they took the land little by little from the Native Americans and changed it to their own way of living. They then incorporated their way of living on the new land, even with slavery. Taking from others what didn’t belong to them, making change and calling it their own. The Europeans are what we call modern day bullies. One particular culture, African was a group that was assimilated by the Europeans. They were stripped of their customs and forced to live the way that Europeans wanted them to live. Africans lost the rich heritage of their color and culture. Their color was assimilated, and the range of the melanin of their skin went from a heavy dark color to have very faint light color and many shades in between. This happened because the slave’s master raped and bedded the African women. This wasn’t an instant change in color, but over time, the color changed. What was meant for bad and pleasure for “the man”...
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...Chili’s Cinco de Drinko Cinco de Mayo is a celebration that is held on May 5th of every year and is often confused with the Mexican Independence Day, which is held on September 16th. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated to commemorate the Mexican Army’s unlikely victory over the French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Although France went on to establish a monarchy in Mexico after the Battle of Puebla, the day was remembered as a symbol of national hope and resilience. The holiday was often a rallying point for Mexican-Americans in community organizing and civil rights struggles throughout the 20th century. Eventually the significance of the holiday began to diminish when Americans adopted the holiday and soon, corporations jumped on the opportunity to market the day as a drinking event, loosely tied to Mexican culture....
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...The purpose of Cinco De Mayo is to celebrate the war being won in Mexico, it is not really celebrated to them it is just any normal day it’s not a federal holiday for them so they do not get the day off the bank and stores are still open, people in America however celebrate it a lot they have big parades and get very drunk, a lot of people though get Cinco De Mayo confused with Mexico’s Independence Day which took place about 50 years before this. It was kind of a surprise that Mexico won the war against France, because they had a much smaller military than France did. The main reason the war even happened was because Mexico borrowed money from some countries like Spain, England, and France, and of course they wanted their money back Spain,...
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