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Car Collisions

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Car Collisions
Thayne Costa-Spencer
Partners: Wilhelm, Kahea, Kaiana
November 23, 2015
Pd. 4
Kumu Keiki

This lab shows the relation between elastic and inelastic collisions and to help understand momentum in one dimension. With weights our group was able to apply them to the plastic carts to understand momentum with different force. Our group used our data to check if it was compatible with the law of conservation with momentum. Our group measured before and after the carts were adjusted with the weights and our group calculated if they were compatible with the law of conservation with momentum.

1. 1– Track
2. 2– 250g Cart/PasCar (Frictionless)
3. 2– Bar masses (each bar has the same mass as a …show more content…
Press “collect” on your computer screen. Press the trigger on one of the cars so the cars are pushed in opposite directions of each other.
HINT: You must not slow the car down by contacting the trigger for a long period of time. The gentler and briefer you touch the trigger, the better your results will be.
5. The momentum of the system of both cars before the explosion was equal to zero kg•m/s. Calculate the momentum of both cars after the explosion and subtract their magnitudes as they are moving in opposite directions. Show your work in the DATA PART of your lab report and answer the question: Did the data more or less agree with the law of conservation of momentum? (You may repeat the experiment by trying to be gentler and quicker at releasing the trigger and use your best data in another calculation.)
6. Place a 250g bar mass in one of the cars. Now one of the cars has half of the mass of the other. Repeat the experiment and the calculation in your lab report and answer the question: Did the data more or less agree with the law of conservation of momentum? Why?
7. Add one more mass to the car that already has a bar in it. Now one car should have three times the mass of the other. Repeat the experiment and the calculation in your lab report and answer the question: Did the data more or less agree with the law of conservation of momentum? …show more content…
The other car should be on the far right end of the track. Face its spring trigger toward the barrier on the right. This car should touch the barrier. Both cars should have their magnets facing each other.
3. Be sure that the first car on the right will pass through the first photogate completely before it collides with the car on the left. Give the first car a push or release the first car’s trigger if you wish. A nearly perfect elastic collision should take place as the first moving car comes to a stop as all of its momentum is transferred to the second car.
4. Calculate the momentum of the first car before the collision in the DATA PART of your lab report and answer the questions: How does it compare to the momentum of the second car after the collision? (Calculate the momentum of the second car after the collision in your lab report.) and Is the law of conservation of momentum illustrated well in this experiment? Why?
5. Place two bars in the car that initially has all the momentum. Repeat the experiment. Does the first car really come to a stop? (Use the conservation of momentum equation to find the total momentum before and after the collision in your lab

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