...Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Mining and Engineering and Mine Surveying Western Australia School of Mines 12585 - Mine Planning 532 Research Paper 1 – Mine Planning Process and the Carbon Tax Due Date : Friday 19-8-2011 Word Count: 2470 Abstract On 15 December 2008, the Federal Government launched its 2020 target for greenhouse gas emissions and its White Paper on the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) as the start of the policy and legislation process. The mining sector in Australia has been cited as being a major contributor to greenhouse gases. The introduction of the CPRS means carbon emissions of a mining project should be considered from the initial stages of mine planning. The traditional approach to mine planning involves consideration of technical and economic data as inputs to the process. This paper considers the effect of the CPRS on various technical and economic factors related to the mine planning process. The results of this paper imply that the introduction of the CPRS makes it is imperative for mining companies to assess the impact of carbon emissions on a mining project during mine planning. Introduction Climate change has become an increasingly topical issue in recent times. Mounting scientific evidence suggests that human activities are causing a buildup of greenhouse gases and that this in turn is causing changes to the world’s climate (Gregorczu, 1999). Further complicating the issue, there are economic costs, scientific...
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...Nowadays one of the most debated issues around the world is how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to fight climate change, a carbon tax is one of the most commonly recommended proposals. According to Morris (2008) a carbon tax is a tax on energy sources which emit carbon dioxide. It is a pollution tax, which some economists favour because they tax a 'bad' rather than a 'good' (such as income). Moreover, climate change poses serious risks to both the environment and the economy. Scientists project that, depending on future greenhouse gasses(GHG) emissions, by 2100 average global temperatures will be 2°F to 11.5°F higher than now (Dasgupta, 2014). These higher temperatures create more frequent, damaging and extreme weather events, such as cyclones,...
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...CARBON TAX INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION PLAN INTRODUCTION Carbon tax has elicited a lot of controversy in the past and also now by the Australian people, politicians and indeed all across the world. Australia is not the first country in the world to undertake this and many other countries have already made huge steps towards reducing their carbon output, and that includes developing nations like China. Countries have started this transformation to take advantage of the economic opportunities stemming from the next stage of global development that will be powered by clean energy many countries have taken up carbon pricing of which carbon tax is one of these. Carbon tax is a tax is an environmental tax that is levied on the amount of carbon that is contained by a certain fuel. Carbon is present in hydrocarbon fuels such as gasoline and other crude oil products and is released as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a heat trapping gas which facilitates global warming. On the other hand other fuels such as wind and solar do not emit these heat entrapment gases thus are considered environment friendly as they do not lead to global warming. GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE The main reason for these carbon pricing methods such as carbon tax is to reduce the emission of green house gases such as carbon dioxide that cause environmental degradation through global warming. Australia has seen an increase of 0.9 ºC since 1950. We have observed changes to our...
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...complications. First, the main opposing argument against the taxing of pollutants emitted from fuel inefficient cars (carbon tax) is the idea that these taxes will reduce economic growth. From the economist’s perspective, policies that increase the price of energy, due to increased fuel consumption by large and fuel inefficient cars, makes the United States less economically competitive internationally and less efficient domestically. According to the Institute for Energy Research, a non-profit organization that conducts research on global energy markets, explains that if the United States adopts carbon tax then our country would be, “…more than $21 trillion poorer than if...
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...美国、英国与中国中学生写作案例举隅 西北师大附中 李 静 1.美国:美国重视对学生的写作指导,例如2001年6月通过的美国麻萨诸塞州《英语语言艺术课程标准纲要》提出了语言学习的十条原则,其中第六条原则是:有效的英语语言艺术课程给学生提供针对阅读和写作的非常明确的技术指导。从这一原则可以看出美国写作教学的指导原则:提前给学生提供一些明确的技术指导是非常有效的,明确的指令特别有助于学生解决那些他们在作业中碰到的难题。该课程标准在写作说明部分明确指出:“为了把学生培育成写作的多面手,教师应当强调三方面的任务:首先要有拓展性写作练习;其次,多写命题的简短作文;再次,多进行随笔练习。” [i] 这种循序渐进的能力训练序列也是科学主义的表现。 比如“写一件有趣的往事”这样一篇作文,教材的指导如下: 内容要求:你在电话上和朋友说话时,感觉到你妈妈,或者弟弟、妹妹可能在偷听,你有过这样的经历吗?这种在电话里和朋友谈事情时不舒服的感觉,在通过写信和朋友的交流中就不会存在了。写信时你有时间慢慢讨论属于你和朋友的私事。假如你最好的朋友刚搬到另一个城市,感到很孤独,而且想家,那么写封信给他/她,讲讲你的有趣经历,难道还有比这更好的办法吗?在信中,生动地描绘一件好笑的经历,就像这个单元中的作家描写小说中人物有趣的恶作剧一样。 任务:写一段有趣的往事。 目的:娱乐。 读者:生活在另一个城市的朋友。 写作前 ⑴哪些事真的很滑稽可笑?再看一下本单元的故事,仔细阅读写有一系列幽默事件的一篇故事。例如,你有可能会选择伊萨克·巴士韦斯·辛格的《我迷路的那天》,仔细阅读,然后想一想,作者是如何描写这些事情的?为什么很有趣? ⑵勾画情景。记住,你朋友也许并不指望你回答事情是如何发生的这类问题,他也可能只要你简单地按时间顺序描述当时的情景。划一条表示时间的长线,将发生的事情按先后顺序排列。 学生示例: 晚饭妈妈让我吃肉糕→我用叉子叉起肉糕→妈妈起身去接电话→我把肉糕胡乱塞进袜子后装在我抽屉里→妈妈两个星期找到袜子 初稿 ⑴以意想不到的话开头。吸引你朋友注意力的最好的方法之一,就是用有趣的或者令人深思的一句话或一个问题开始。 学生示范:有些东西你不想吃,你家又没有养狗,那么最好的处理方法是什么呢?听着,让我来教你一个非常简单的方法,最起码我认为那是最简单的! ⑵补漏洞。在信中加上幽默的对话,富有色彩的描述、富有想像力的语言。想一想如何尽可能生动地描写细节。不要在一个词或一个句子上花太多精力,而要将整个事情流利地描述出来。记住这是一篇非正式的往事描写,而不是正式的报告。 ⑶制造悬念。与幽默故事相关的一个重要因素是意外。你写信的目的是让你朋友开心,所以不要在一开始就说出结果而扫了兴致,而是将你的朋友一点点引入高潮,引起悬念,使他急于知道下文。 ⑷信的结束内容。讲完故事后,问几个问题,例如他/她对这件事有什么看法?他/她在类似的情况下会怎么办?通过提问,你表现出很在意朋友的意见和反应,及经常联络的愿望。 修改和校对 ⑴读一读自己的文章。但是不要在写完后马上就读,而是将写好的文章放一两天,然后假设你刚收到这封信,思考下列问题:开头的句子吸引你的注意力吗?事情的过程有没有按逻辑安排?这件事有趣、幽默吗? ⑵校阅。和正式的文章不一样,私人信件的句子可以用断句、缩约式及不规范的标点符号。...
Words: 673 - Pages: 3
...might be as simple as advocating a tax. The atmosphere contains various gases like carbon dioxide that warms our atmosphere by trapping the heat the sun emits. Consequently, the trapping of the heat from the sun called the greenhouse effect hurts our atmosphere if overproduced. Earth's worldwide temperature is inevitably rising to an all time high every year. As a result, global warming becomes more and more ominous. This global warming has in fact been an issue ever since the industrial revolution era. Humans are mostly to blame...
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...importance of treaties and regulation; the central role of politicians, advocacy groups and non-governmental organisations such as Greenpeace; the pervasive moral certainty; and, though this was only in the background, the commitment to renewable energy, especially wind and solar power, as the primary means of cutting carbon emissions. For many people, the great problem of climate change has been a failure of regulation and political will. If only, they say, the obligations of the Kyoto accord had been more comprehensive, the regulations stricter, or if more money had gone into renewables. Then the world might have reined in the temperature rise and the public would not have become so sceptical about climate change. Not so, says Dieter Helm of Oxford University. It is not the failure of the regulations that is the problem but their basic design. They have caused people to focus on the most expensive ways of mitigating climate change, rather than the cheapest, imposing high costs for little gain. Moreover, by concentrating on their own carbon production, and how to reduce it, Europeans have ignored the impact of their continued demand for goods made using carbon- intensive processes. Since Chinese and Indian manufacturing is usually dirtier than Europe’s, the real upshot of Europe’s choices has been an increase in global emissions. The regulatory approach, argues Mr Helm, has got the worst of all worlds. It is expensive, it has not cut emissions and its treaties are unworkable...
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...MRKT 19030 Promtions Management Topic Carbon Tax: the Australian Government is introducing a carbon tax and your advertising company has been contacted to develop an IMC campaign Develop an IMC plan for the federal government of Australia to promote its new Carbon Tax. The government aims to reduce the amount of misinformation surrounding the implementation of the new tax and therefore has asked your firm to create an awareness campaign aimed at increasing awareness of t actual costs and benefits of the tax Assessment Task As the IMC Director of your fictitious advertising firm, your task is to develop an IMC plan to present to the federal government. It will be important you understand the political environment, and history surrounding the implementation of the new carbon tax. Your introduction should provide background information to the new tax and should be somewhat brief. You must then undertake a review of the literature related to global warming, climate change and other factors that have lead to the introduction of the new tax. You then are required to identify which market segments your campaign will target. Next you must identify at least 3-5 communication objectives such as developing brand awareness; or promoting product and company knowledge; influencing interest or consumer attitudes; developing the product’s image; or influencing the purchase intention etc. (Chapter 4& 7 of Belch, Belch, Kerr & Powell). Once you have identified your communication...
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...Running Head: AUSTRALIA’S CARBON TAX POLICY AND ITS AFFECT ON BUSINESS Australia’s Carbon Tax Policy and its affect on business [Name of Writer] [Name of Institution] Australia’s Carbon Tax Policy and its affect on business Introduction The presentation of the Australian Government’s proposed environmental change arrangement guarantees noteworthy change in the way numerous Australian undertakings continue on ahead. The arrangement looks to move Australia to a ‘clean energy’ economy through a blend of putting a cost on carbon, expanded renewable vitality, enhanced vitality proficiency and area administration. About whether it guarantees to convert Australia’s financial scene, the arrangement’s centre piece is the valuing of carbon dioxide and other ‘greenhouse gas’ discharges. As we are all mindful, the arrangement is politically argumentative and has been presented and passed by both Houses of the Australian Parliament. However, the potential timetable was aspiring with a proposed implementation date of 1 July 2012. (King A., 2014). Discussion There is little agreement around Australian executives about how to go about cutting carbon discharges. Approximately 40% of respondents accept that the effect of carbon emissions on an unnatural weather change hasn’t been sufficiently settled to warrant wholesale changes in corporate methodology or behaviour. More than one-third of respondents, in the interim, don’t surmise that carbon ought to be estimated, accepting rather...
Words: 2038 - Pages: 9
...American life after 10 years `` Can you give me `O ' positive group blood , made by Procter Gamble ' `` Please book four tickets for this Christmas , on space station ``Voyager V , for five days . `` The government proposes to charge 2 percent tax on those who are enjoying the benefit of breathing fresh air . `` The production set up is located in Sydney , with each machine controlled by a program , which can be accessed through internet by the production supervisor sitting in New Jersey ' `` There used to be many small islands in the equatorial belt of the Atlantic Ocean , which are now submerged due to rise in the water level . Global warming was responsible for this , and America , contributed the maximum to this phenomenon , by emitting the maximum carbon dioxide , than any other single country , for many years together . Within a decade , statements like above , will be a true reflection of the latest happenings in the life style of human beings . While Biotechnology , space research , information technology and the internet are changing the human lives to an unprecedented extent , human greed is also causing devastation to the biggest natural gift to us , our well balanced environment . Like never before in the history of mankind , is the human race facing rapid changes , especially the American society . The changes are occurring very fast in the American society as compared to other societies , because it is a society of a highly developed...
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...Compare carbon taxes with emission trading schemes as government policy tools. Introduction Why do we need environmental control Over the last century and a bit the world have added 40% more CO2 to the Earth’s atmosphere. Every year the World collectively add more again than we did the year before. The Earth is on an accelerating drive to change our planet’s atmosphere. The main source of this additional CO2 is the burning of fossil fuels. There is a common consensus that global warming is an effect of increased carbon emission and only a few groups still hold on to the belief that there is no connection between emissions of greenhouse gases (Carbon) with the effect of global warming. The leading scientist have predicted Australia has 5 years to reduce its carbon emission to prevent dangerous climate change which may cause average temperate to increase on average by 2 degrees. For the benefit of Australian farmers, grazers and fisherman to enable them to have the best chance to feed the world, and Australian’s primary industry to have the best opportunities for sustainable growth, measures must be undertaken to reduce carbon emission. Government initiatives is required to correct because environmental control, air quality and climate change are all public goods. Public goods are those that everyone can enjoy and no one can be excluded from enjoying the goods. Since it is a public good, everyone can enjoy but no one actually pay for anything to enjoy the good. Public...
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...products, there could be a rise in food products, due to the shortage of corn. With all of this I would have to say I support oil subsides for companies instead of for ethanol, oil is easier to obtain than ethanol. I would only agree in increasing the gasoline tax, if the tax revenues are used to come up with a plan to stop global warming. The only problem that I see with raising the gasoline tax is for the individuals who are already struggling in this economy. If the tax rate was to rise, it would lower the consumption of gasoline, lowering the greenhouse effect, and lowering our dependence on foreign oil. Looking at the gasoline tax as economist, the government could lower the income tax rate to help offset the gasoline tax, and to help boost the economy. If I agree that the gasoline tax should rise, than the carbon tax should rise also. But the carbon tax should also have the offset of the income tax to help with low income families. Again with this tax, the consumption of the fossil fuels will go down, which in turn will lower our dependence on foreign oil. I believe that car manufactures are being forced to create more fuel efficient vehicles, and they should. The first reason is to help reduce carbon emissions which will help with the reducing of global warming. The second reason is to reduce ourselves from being dependent on...
Words: 414 - Pages: 2
... FINANCE “Review the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS) in Australia and critique its impact on financial management decisions” BY Xiao Nie Yang Song Date: 20th April 2010 Introduction In today’s society, all countries in the world will experience climate change in coming decades because of increasing carbon pollution (climate change 2007). In order to reduce the carbon pollution, ETS and CPRS will be proposed in the world wide and Australia. This essay is to focus on revising the proposed carbon pollution reduction scheme and point out its impact on financial management decision. In the first place, there is a brief summary about the CPRS scheme in detail. In the second place, there is an analysis about major and minor financial management decisions. In the final place, the impacts of CPRS on its financial management decision will be raised. All in all, the conclusion is a summary of the aim of the essay and how to achieve this aim. The CPRS scheme The emissions trading scheme (ETS) in Australia is called Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS). Australia is very vulnerable to the effects of climate change. They recognize that human activity is causing the climate change and also Australia is one of the biggest polluters on a per capita basis. The CPRS will help reduce Australia’s carbon pollution by putting a price on carbon for the first time in Australia’s history. The carbon price means that goods that are emissions...
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...2015's critical global climate talks. By leading on a strong emissions reduction target, the UK is persuading others on the need for member states to have the freedom and flexibility to develop their own energy mix to achieve these ambitious reductions. Rigid technology specific targets set for each country would not be cost effective – and EU members should be free to decarbonise in a way that is right for them, including renewables, nuclear, carbon capture and storage and energy efficiency. Energy policy's central conundrum today is how to go green at the lowest possible cost. The commission's analysis confirms that British households pay some of the lowest prices for gas and electricity in Europe, but that is little comfort to people struggling to pay rising energy bills. So we have to achieve a fine balance. We need to invest in home-grown clean energy that will bring cheaper prices in the long run, shielding consumers from volatile international fossil fuel markets. But we also need to take people with us as we transition to a low carbon economy, and that...
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...WIDERhelsinki Chapters 1, 2 and 12 of August 2003 New Sources for Development Finance edited by A B Atkinson, Nuffield College, OXFORD Contents Chapter 1 Innovative Sources for Development Finance by A B Atkinson Over-Arching Issues By A B Atkinson Global Public Economics by J A Mirrlees National Taxation, Fiscal Federalism and Global Taxation by R Boadway* Environmental Taxation and Revenue for Development by A Sandmo* Revenue Potential of the Tobin Tax for Development Finance: A Critical Appraisal by M Nissanke* A Development-Focused Allocation of the Special Drawing Rights by E Aryeetey* The International Finance Facility Proposal by G Mavrotas* Private Donations for International Development by J Micklewright and A Wright* A Global Lottery and a Global Premium Bond by T Addison and A Chowdhury* Remittances by Emigrants: Issues and Evidence by A Solimano* The Way Forward by A B Atkinson Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 * These chapters are available on the WIDER website. Chapter 1 Innovative Sources for Development Finance 1 A B Atkinson, Nuffield College, Oxford Introduction 1 Innovative Sources to Meet a Global Challenge 2 New Development Finance: Innovative Sources 3 Origins of the Proposals 4 Political Economy 5 Criteria for Evaluation 6 Guide to the Contents of the Book Box 1 The Millennium Development Goals Box 2 Innovative Sources of Development Funding Considered Here...
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