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Career Research Project: John Holland

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Cole Schneider Beth Barnes UC1000 Mastering the University Experience September 23, 2017

Career Research Project
Have you ever heard of John Holland? John Holland was an American Psychologist during the 1900’s who created a theory that stated, “most people are one of six personality types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional.” The first one realistic meaning that you enjoy working with your hands. Realistic people can build, fix, assemble, and operate equipment. These people enjoy working outdoors, and use key skills such as: designing, repairing, maintaining, measuring, working with detail, driving, moving, caring for animals, and working with plants. Subjects that …show more content…
Being an “investigative” person means, you like to discover and research ideas. Meanwhile you also like to observe, investigate, ask questions, and experiment. Key skills include being able to think analytically and logically, communicating by writing and speaking, designing, calculating, and diagnosing. Most of these people develop these skills through subjects such as: English, Math, Science, Computing, and Technology. Career routes for these people include: medical and health occupations, Chemist, Marine Scientist, Forestry Technician, Zoologist, and Dentist. Once i figured out what “investigative” people are, I realized that there was no way that this fits me. I felt very surprised when I got these results as well, this is because none of the characteristics of an “investigative” person even come close to being what I enjoy or am intrigued …show more content…
“Enterprising” people show interest in meeting people, leading, talking to influence,and encouraging others. They contain attributes such as: selling, promoting, persuading, developing ideas, public speaking,and leading and captaining. When it comes to an “enterprisers” education they take courses in English, Math, Business Studies, Accounting, Economics, and Social Studies. These people will then further those skills in work forces such as: Being a Salesperson, Lawyer, Politician, Accountant, Business Owner, Executive or Manager, and or a music or sports promoter. In my SDS the “enterprising” personality type ranked second to last. Although it ranked second to last, I personally believe that this personality type would rank second to first due to the fact that I like being a leader. These results surprised me because I have always wanted to be a Computer Engineer, and to do that you have to take lead roles to help

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