Free Essay



Submitted By 1311kiesel
Words 286
Pages 2
tab A

education documentation

cover sheet

transcripts & diplomas

Certificates, awards etc.

tab b

family questionnaires

cover sheet

family questionnaires

tab c

competency standard i

to establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment Safe


learning environment

tab d competency standard ii

intellectual competence

physical development

cognitive development


Creative development

tab e competency standard iii to support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance development of self social development guidance tab f

competency standard iv to establish positive and productive relationships with families

tab g

competency standard v

to ensure a well-run, purposeful program that is responsive to participant needs tab g

competency standard vi

to maintain a commitment to professionalism tab i

prefessional philosophy statement tab c rc i-1 My valid and current certificates of completion from a first aid course & an infant/child CPR course offered by a nationally recognized organization.

RC I-2 A copy on one weekly menu that I have designed and served to children birth to 3.

RC I-3 A sample of my weekly plan for children ages birth to 3 including goals for children’s learning and development. Brief descriptions of planned learning experience s and accommodation for children with special needs



RC II Nine learning experiences (activities) for children ages birth to 3 from the following areas.

RC II-1 Science/Sensory
RC II-2 Language & Literacy
RC 11-3 Creative Arts
RC 11-4 Fine motor and indoor activity
RC 11-5 Gross Motor outdoor activity
RC II-6 Self Concept
RC 11-7 Emotional Skills/Regulation
RC II -8 Social Skills
RC II- 9 Mathematics


RC III Bibliography

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Social Care Intervention

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