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Caregivers Research Paper

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The Gift of Giving: 4 Great Degrees for Caregivers
According to the Center for Disease Controls (CDC), about 20 percent of U.S. households are impacted by caregiving responsibilities. However, millions of elderly American adults rely on professional caregivers for their health and wellbeing. Caregivers play a critical role in helping the sick, injured and elderly. While most caregivers are nurses, there are many other degree options for aspiring caregivers. Below introduces four excellent degrees for dedicated caregivers.
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
CNAs typically spend the most time with patients. This is because their primary job function is to care for patients through helping them with grooming, meals and housekeeping. CNAs also assist with select medical procedures and regularly take patient vital signs. CNAs play a central role in coordinating patient care between healthcare staff and …show more content…
They perform a critical role in helping with personal care, operating equipment and performing medical procedures. LPNs work different schedules that fluctuate between regular hours, nights and weekends. LPNs must have a degree and pass the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCLEX-PN) exam. A practical nursing associate degree is an excellent way to start your career as an LPN.
Physical Therapist (PT)
These healthcare professionals help sick or injured patients regain mobility and physical functionality. Physical therapists typically work in clinics, hospitals and assist living facilities. Physical therapists must obtain a bachelor’s degree, pass a state exam and successfully complete a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program. Residency requirements for physical therapists depend on the specialty area of care, such as orthopedics and geriatrics, but normally last for one year. Physical therapists create customized plans for each patient to regain mobility and manage pain.

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