Premium Essay

Carl Stooffers Hidden Ad-Kendas Analysis

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Words 231
Pages 1
In Carl Stoffers Hidden Ad-Gendas, Carl explains how reputable companies are

collaborating with well known celebrities, “Last June, Selena Gomez posted a photo of herself

drinking a bottle of Coke through a red and white straw on Instagram.” (Stoffers 14). This

marketing tactic utilizes the following of the celebrity to their advantage in trying to bring in

revenue. The tactic is frequently not tagged as an Ad, but hidden product placement is not

wrong in any way, shape, or form due to the fact that the tactic is not harming anyone in the


Bonnie Patten of T.I.N.A. has stated, “If an individual has a material connection with the

Company, they are required to disclose that” (Stoffers 14). However Most celebrities who

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