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Carol And Pharma Analysis

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Since the time era in Carol is still in the past war period, Haynes and cinematographer Edward Lachman decided to shoot in Super 16mm producing a dirty and depressed feeling. The grain on surface of images adding a layer of emotion on the characters that gives the film a tone of melancholy. Also, Haynes referenced several female street photographers such as Ruth Orkin, Helen Levitt, Esther Bubley, and Vivian Maier. Accessing to their styles and filming angles, Carol is full of nostalgia and periodic atmosphere. Because the romance between women is not allowed by the society in 1950s, Haynes and Lachman used a framing method that shoots through windows creating a perspective that the audiences are peeping in this irresistible love story. Therese …show more content…
Also, shooting through windows creates isolation of the heroines. This method adds another emotional level that the protagonists are seen uncovered but there is something hidden under their skin. Besides, Haynes and Lachman retained the dusty and muddy condition on the windows that viewers will feel like they were standing right in the scene and seeing these stories happened. On top of that, Haynes also used the walls to show the distances among characters. For example, conflict scene Richard and Therese debate about her decision to go on a road trip with Carol. The blocking is very interesting and meaningful. Although these two people are in the same space, they never step in the same room. This arrangement truly produces the discordant perspectives between this couple. Another scene using wall successfully is Harge visits Carol’s house while Therese is there. When Harge is repairing the sink with Carol, Therese peeks through them. The portion of the wall represents the distance of Therese and Carol. The difficulty that Therese realizes being with Carol. Another way of framing strategy is placing characters off-center to create a force from the public

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