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Carrie Chapman Catt: Women's Suffrage

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Women’s suffrage did not just come about by itself; many figures played key roles in winning it. Carrie Chapman Catt played one of those key roles.
Carrie grew up on a farm, not far from Ripon, Wisconsin. Although not rich, her family was more comfortable than others. She was a bright child and started attending school at the age of five. As she grew up, moved away, attended more school, she became more intelligent and aware of her surroundings.
At the age of 13, Carrie became aware that women did not vote. Her family supported reform candidate Horace Greeley, who ran for president in 1872. She did not understand why her mother did not go to town to vote. When she received an explanation, it made no sense to her. From that time on, she became very interested in women’s suffrage.
Carrie married her husband in 1885. She resigned from her job and became his …show more content…
She still kept at her work. Her main goal was New York because it was the most important state in the country. World War 1 broke out which meant that the IWSA had to close during the war, and enabled her to spend much more time working on New York.
In 1915, the president of the NAWSA was resigning, and everyone looked towards Carrie to take over. She was reluctant at first, but realizing she was the best one to take over, she did. She believed the victory would come i9n the near future, so she selected all new members of the board to be sure they were ready for the final blow.
She went around speaking, and encouraging the different association in all the states. She realized that they needed a new approach, and that they should now fight for the amendment, not just for the states to pass it. Although it would be difficult because a constitutional amendment had to be passed by two-thirds of Congress in both houses, Carrie believed they could

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