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Catt Hall: The Women's Suffrage Movement

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Do you have a curiosity to learn about a very unique building or a building that has long and interesting history behind it? If you say yes to the antecedent question, then Catt hall is the building you’re looking for. Catt hall is one of the oldest buildings in all of Iowa State University. What certainly makes this building vary intriguing is how the name of the building came to be and the history behind it and who it certainly honors. There is no other building, in my opinion, that represents freedom to the extent that Catt Hall does. This is my central idea. So who is Carrie Chapman Catt? She’s an Iowa State Alumni who was very influential in the women's suffrage movement. Catt served as president of the National American Woman Suffrage …show more content…
The building was completed in eighteen ninety three, and housed the Agriculture, Horticulture, and Veterinary Science department. The building was mostly as the Agriculture Engineering building, thus called Agriculture Hall, and was built with four stories with a basement. In the early nineteen hundreds, the building housed the Chemistry department as well as the Agricultural department. Catt Hall, in the nineteen twenty eight, was named Botany Hall and then Old Botany in nineteen sixty eight but later renamed Catt Hall after Carrie Chapman Catt because of pressure by the student body in nineteen ninety five. The students strongly believed that the building should be named after an alumni of distinct honor who played a big role in the women's suffrage movement in the early twentieth century. After many demonstrations and petitioning, the campus administration was then virtually forced to acquiesce to the wants of the student body of Iowa State University. Since then, Catt Hall has been the home of the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics, whose manys programs are supported by private giving. The building is also now recognized as the home of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences; Philosophy and Religious …show more content…
You feel the uniqueness of a building that is uncommon to sense in front any other building at Iowa State University because of the not only the gigantic size of the building, but because of the vibrant trees in the background that coalesces with the design. The long stairs of the building certainly reveals that this building is ancient. The wide lengthy stone stairs makes the building inviting and feels alluring. There is a great foundation that comes with this building, it is called The Plaza of Heroines. The Plaza of Heroines is the name of the thousands of bricks that lay in front of the building. This part of the building represents freedom through the names engraved on there. Names like Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt and Harriet Tubman are a clear example. What all three women have in common is that they stood for something for the betterment of society. The bricks out in front of the building that you can see by walking while simultaneously looking down honor more than thirty seven hundred women by the engravement of their names. This part of the building represents freedom through the names engraved on there. Names like Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt and Harriet Tubman are a clear example. What all three women have in common is that they stood for something for the betterment of society. These women

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